Did you keep this process, and surgery a secret?

nakeddog Posts: 79 Member
I'm new to this whole thing, and I don't have anyone to talk to that has gone thru it. I know 2 people, but they are not what I consider to be friends.

I've told a couple very close people to me, that I made the decision, was on the waiting list (Jan 2015), taking classes and now I got the call, and the process is beginning, in May. But as for the rest of my friends, family, I am keeping it to myself. I don't have a surgery date yet.

I know people will notice, and I hope like that I will look better, but I think it's something they don't need to know about me. No doubt they will ask, and word will get out...and I will have to face the judgeyness (if that can be a word), lol., will I be judged? Anyone else have issues telling/not telling? I'm just not ready to be open about it...I guess cause I don't know what to expect.


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I was open about it. I told my family, friends, and coworkers. I only had one person respond with judgment, but he wasn't someone I was close to and his opinion had no influence on me. I am glad I told people because everyone was so supportive and excited for me, and that meant so much to me. People might surprise you and not be judgmental at all. I also feel that the more open we are about surgery, the more informed people will be and maybe that will help do away with the stigma that's attached to surgery. All that said, you should do whatever makes you comfortable. This process brings on a whirlwind of changes and emotions, and maybe for you, telling people about your surgery will add additional stress, which you don't need. There is no right or wrong here, go with what you feel :-)
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I was open about it as well. My sister was sleeved about 18 months (or maybe 2 years, I can't remember now) before me, so my family was all familiar with it. She had a harder time with it, so they were more apprehensive when I did it though. She ended up with "dumping" from a bunch of foods even with the sleeve & also had to have her gall bladder removed. I can't remember meeting anyone in person that was judgmental. I see a lot of it here on MFP, so it could be that people are just keeping their thoughts to themselves in real life =). If so, I'm OK with that.
  • nakeddog
    nakeddog Posts: 79 Member
    I have a complicated family story, and sadly it is also hubby side too. Both sides, are not the best example of love and support. It is a long story...and it sucks. Likely word will travel, so it's not something I expect to control. I will become more comfortable I think, after I go thru each step.
  • krissymae88
    krissymae88 Posts: 83 Member
    I kept it within close friends and family mostly when going through the pre-surgery stuff. Once I had a surgery date I was more open about it (I guess I was waiting until it was really happening). So far I haven't met anyone who responded with judgement. Mostly when I've told others about it I've heard that they know someone else who's had it (I haven't gotten any of the "oh my aunt had it and gained it all back, that surgery doesn't really work" stuff, only positives) or people just don't know much about it and they ask questions.

    I don't mind answering questions about it cause I feel like any chance I have to spread truth about WLS will help fight those judgemental social stereotypes. But I know that's not for everyone. If you're more of a private person maybe it's better to keep it to yourself and close loved ones because people will be curious.

    I'm sure I will come across some ignorant hurtful comments one day and I need to make sure I'm mentally and emotionally prepared for that. I know my reasons for having surgery were the right ones and this is all about me having a longer, happier, more active life...so haters can think whatever they want to think. I know I'm a better person for what I have done.
  • cmchandler74
    cmchandler74 Posts: 510 Member
    I take the approach that I don't broadcast it, but I don't lie if anyone asks how I lost the weight. I tell them I had gastric sleeve surgery which helped me kickstart a lifestyle change that involves healthy eating and an active lifestyle. Facebook friends are not terribly judgmental if they find out because I've actively logged all of my exercise with apps that autopost there (MapMyFitness, C25K, C210K, gym check-ins, etc.) so that minimizes the chances of anyone who finds out accusing me of taking the easy way out. (Seriously. Come back to me with that stuff when YOUR butt is running 5Ks regularly.) Honestly, I expected the people at the gym to be the ones to give me blowback and/or judgment and I'm happy to say it was ME who was wrong/judgmental. They are all so supportive and happy I found a way to become a healthier person.

    I've only had two people in over a year with an openly negative response. One person snottily told me that it's OK for SOME people, but it just wasn't right for her. I didn't have a problem with the message; just the way she delivered it. Apparently, what's right for her is to continue hitting her head against a brick wall and weigh more than she did when she told me that a year ago. The other person made a comment about another coworker who lost a lot of weight recently saying, "And he did it the REAL way," as he cut looks toward me. Whatever, buddy. I'm down 112 lbs. and my health screens have my doc turning cartwheels. Meanwhile, he just had to have a liver transplant because of the way he treats his body. So basically, I take the mentality of, "Living well is the best revenge," with anyone who tries to throw that stuff up in my face.
  • anbrdr
    anbrdr Posts: 621 Member
    I'm happy with my decision, and I stick by it wholeheartedly. If someone has a negative opinion about it, that is not my problem, it's theirs.
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    Meh. Before, I only told about 20 people what I was doing. I didn't want to listen to other people's judgment...good, bad, indifferent. I wanted to make sure I was doing this for me, and didn't want anyone's influence. I didn't even tell those 20 people until I had the insurance approval.

    Now. It depends. I have told many more people, but there are still some I don't say anything to. It's not everyone's business. Depending on my mood or their mood I may or may not tell about the surgery. There are several people that get, "I'm on a medically managed program." It's not a lie, and I don't feel bad.

    I have a few cousins that or overly judgmental, and don't want to hear their opinions, so they all got that.

    Most of the people at the gym know. Which is weird, but eh. I was talking to my trainer recently about aligning my macros and not doing too much cardio when an instructor butt in. And so it began...my trainer made the mistake of saying I understood nutrition and the importance of protein. B*tch had the nerve to respond with, "If you eat hot dogs all day you'll get protein." I responded honestly, "I haven't had a hot dog in years." Needless to say, she didn't get an explanation of surgery nor medically managed, nor squat.

    So yeah, I feel people out and depending on my mood...I really don't want to be arrested. *wink*
  • jennyb319
    jennyb319 Posts: 36 Member
    edited March 2016
    Great question! I am just at the beginning stages and have only told a very select few, but all the responses were so positive. I'm still keeping it under wraps until I actually have the surgery. Then, I'm coming out, so to speak lol. ..

    Always looking for supportive friends.. feel free to add me! :smile:
  • BStruble2
    BStruble2 Posts: 62 Member
    I told close friends and family when I started my 6 month prep. I outed myself on fb when I started my 2 week prep and the support was completely overwhelming! I have people checking in on me al the time which makes me feel good and helps with accountability:)
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I did not keep a secret, but I have a very close family so they all knew. BUT, I did not announce on Facebook at all. People are not as judgemental when they do find out as I had thought they would be, but also agree when others say what is right for one, not always the same for another.
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    I was backwards. I was totally open at work, but VERY secretive with my family. I really struggle with openness in general. I'm typically a pretty guarded person. Through my journey, I'm really pushing myself to open up and accept others' praise and excitement. Oddly, I'm finding that a lot of people that I talk to have someone in their lives that have also had the surgery. I think seeing me go through each step and stumble along the way helps them to understand what their loved ones went through as well.

    I also started a blog where I write very honest emotions and challenges every week. This is helping with my vulnerability and I ended up with a giant and amazing support group through this process!!! I'm a manager at work, and I was scared when some of the employees started reading my blog...I'm sooooo honest in there! Now, over 50 of them read it and I get hugs and high fives ob the production floor! You are more than welcome to read it...maybe it'll help. My entry before surgery details who and how I told people.

  • nakeddog
    nakeddog Posts: 79 Member
    edited March 2016
    Awww thanks everyone, this has helped so much.

    Today I received an information pkg, and a questionnaire that had to be filled out. After a year and half of waiting, by the time I get approved (if), I will be more open., likely shouting for joy...lol.


    *came back to say, Angie...I love your blog, just started, but so good...I will be taking more time to read thru. Thank you for sharing your story.

  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    I was completely open about it. I even blog about my progress and post it as a public post on FB. This entire process is stigmatized and I wanted to help people learn about it and hopefully patients will then feel like they can talk about their struggles and journey. That support is so important after surgery.
  • Autum1031
    Autum1031 Posts: 83 Member
    I've told very few people about it. During "the process" leading up to surgery, I told only my husband and my best friend. My mom ended up having to come and help out a few months before surgery (unrelated medical issues) so I eventually told her, because I had to ask her to stay longer. I didn't tell my dad or siblings until a few weeks after the surgery, and I asked that they tell no one.
    I find that I am surrounded by very judgemental people in life (family, coworkers, etc) and since I find weight loss to be such a struggle I don't need the added negativity and stress. My extended family in particular would be quite horrible.
    I will say that the few people who know have been quite supportive, or have said nothing.
  • nakeddog
    nakeddog Posts: 79 Member
    Same Autum, mine is very judgmental, they think they are being loving, but really not so much. But there is a few, that I know, and I will likely share it privately to them...just so I can talk about it. I like that we have a community such as this for help. I agree the stigma around surgery is both negative, but also positive too...as long as no one thinks this is an easy way out., that will upset me.

  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    I don't normally openly share private medical information and I didn't feel the need to treat this any differently.

    I spoke about it to those that are closest to me and headed off "busybodies" asking about my weight loss with a response of "eating less and moving more"; which is the truth.

    A few months out from surgery I found my comfort zone with people and shared more openly with a wider circle. I've had nothing but support from those that matter.
  • Tristaan
    Tristaan Posts: 126 Member
    I don't normally openly share private medical information and I didn't feel the need to treat this any differently.

    I spoke about it to those that are closest to me and headed off "busybodies" asking about my weight loss with a response of "eating less and moving more"; which is the truth.

    A few months out from surgery I found my comfort zone with people and shared more openly with a wider circle. I've had nothing but support from those that matter.

  • Cheryl188
    Cheryl188 Posts: 114 Member
    I start the process April 26 (orientation). I plan to shout it loud and proud to whoever wants to listen! I know there are uneducated people out there who make judgemental comments to those who choose bariatric surgery. The more minds I can change the easier it might be for the next person.
    And just between you and me (and everyone else), I hope I get some negative feedback...lol. I kinda like a good debate!
  • bpsgrl89
    bpsgrl89 Posts: 2 Member
    Have kept it fairly quiet myself - telling a few close friends and our grown daughters because of so many judging and calling it the "easy way out". Little do they not that this is NOT easy and takes work!!

    Unbeknownst to me, my husband was telling all of his coworkers (in particularly a couple who he dislikes because they are busybodies and started coming home with advise from them. I was appalled since he is so private and I let him know that I am not comfortable being around them because they knew more about me than my own mom!

    Finally told my mom and she has been supportive. I've lost 30 lbs since January (lapband was 1/7) and those who know tell me how "skinny" I am and I just have to laugh because I have another 75 lbs to go but my close friends are very supportive.
  • Naomi_the_Great
    Naomi_the_Great Posts: 20 Member
    I've kept it pretty private. I've only told those most dear to me. I work in a fairly large company and folks like to talk/judge. That kinda thing doesn't bother me but it's honestly none of their business.

    Now the boyfriend has taken it upon himself to tell a few folks.

    I'm not ashamed, I'm just a private person.

    But I applaud those who shout it from the rooftop! =)