Team 8 - Amazing Race



  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Okay team - first - anyone else prefer to wear shorts over their "running leggings"? I always do - makes me feel better.. but for some reason this week, I keep forgetting them. Then after I get out on the road, I think Oh man, I forgot my shorts. I keep going - possibly hurting the eyes of the squirrels and turkey I run across as I run - but thankfully not too many humans. Just thought it would be really silly to say I went running and forgot my shorts.. but that's what it feels like! ;)

    Second - not sure what kind of sign I got today - but I am doing the c25k and since I totally ditched the plan yesterday and logged 6 miles in various forms, my unforgiving legs were not wanting to go this morning. I pushed through and started my warm up. When my run signal came on to start my first run, I was just rounding a bend and their was an ambulance sitting running with the stretcher out in back... kind of like it was waiting for me. Made me determined to do the run so I didn't end up in there for sure.. but wasn't sure what that sign was supposed to mean.

    Now - to push on as I am bound and determined to not let Easter week/spring break mess with my goal of next weeks weigh in of hitting ONEderland... I am way too close! Anyone else have small goals that they are close too that we can celebrate as a team as we hit them?

    Would write more - but after getting in my morning run and water - you know where I have to go right? We've got this!!!
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    @303lissy you've been doing great! Before The Race, how often did you accurately log your food, check in with friends, and do an extra work out that you just didn't feel like doing? Apparently MFP is messed up right now because I was trying to look and see how many days in a row you've logged and encourage that, but it won't show me any info on my friends! Just know, that's the kind of support you've got with us. None of us is perfect and I love that you guys are so open about shortcomings and not just constantly posting the good stuff. I feel like the latter always makes me feel so inadequate but here I know you guys are just like me! We are all in this together and you can do it!

    I went to the doctor today and he wants me in PT 2x a week for six weeks to hopefully fix my knee problem. I'm really praying it works because I have so much pain when I work out and it makes me afraid to run or get tough workouts in.
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    Thanks guys <3 Your support means so much! I'm 44 days strong and 11 pounds down, which I know is good! But between work stress and maybe more injuries I made some bad food choices the past few days and decided to not listen to my body, and surprise! The scale went up. I'm so close to breaking 200lbs and I want to so bad, so to start going in the opposite direction sucked. Last night was the first time since I started back up that I really just thought "screw it!" to finishing logging my meals. But I did it anyway and now I'm so thankful I found such an amazing support system, because I would have quit this morning had it not been for the groups I've joined and the people I've met.

    So thanks guys :) For real this time!
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    edited March 2016
    @303lissy - I am close to breaking the 200's as well. I lost a pound this week and was disappointed - for like a second. My family doesn't give me a chance to be disappointed. My daughter's exact words are this " when was the last time you consistently lost weight? on your own? did you lose a pound a week before? NO!!" She's right! However slow we are going, it's working. Stick to it. I have to look at the big picture. The positive changes I have been making out number the bad ones these days.
    Do what you can each day to be better than yesterday. We are all in this together - have the same struggles!! We can do this!!
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    Are there any gentlemen in our group? If so, sorry! But I was just reminded this morning that its my TOTM, so that would also explain 1) why I want to eat like crap and 2) why I feel bloated and 3) why I'm cranky. I think I'll wait til next week to weigh myself again :/
  • jermari284
    jermari284 Posts: 31 Member
    At 216 .. I said the same last week but I really need to get it together lol. You would think my vaca in May would motivate me.. Blah lol. So looking at old pics of myself. I need to shake it off and keep pushing
  • bex_2016
    bex_2016 Posts: 32 Member
    Whats everyone's plans for the easter weekend? Staying on plan? Breaking and having a little chocolate Sunday?
    We have lots of walking planned over the weekend and a roast dinner on Sunday and I will be having a small amount of chocolate - hopefully the walking will counteract the chocolate! X
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    I'm gonna try something new on Saturday - going hiking by myself. I plan on doing an easy path on a local large hill - one, because I've never been hiking by myself before and I don't have the greatest sense of direction, and two, I have to take it somewhat easy on my leg. But I'm excited, I'm usually too afraid to do things by myself and I need some me time.

    Sunday will be dinner with my folks, nothing too exciting :) I already checked out the menu's Easter menu and none of the desserts look especially thrilling to me, so it'll be easier to say no.
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Anyone else cook all the big family holiday dinners? I needed a list but went without and planned the meal on the fly at the store.... needless to say, we are having all my favorite sides (hoping they will eat alot and not many leftovers this way). Asparagus was thrown on the list so I need to consume my fair share of that!

    I so want to reach the 1's this weigh in and looks like I'm not alone in that goal... hoping we can all get through this dreaded treat week and make it. I know I need to up my walking/runs to make it. I've logged 14+ miles so far this week but this weekend is gonna be a challenge.

    And just who thought buying these jellybeans was a good idea? They are killing I repeat killing me! I am gonna break down and grab a handful really soon! (Mum yeah. I bought them... but only this time of year cause they are too addicting otherwise!)
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    I am heading to the mountains for a few days of skiing! We are in a condo, so we can prepare our own meals, and we will be active. I'm hoping to stay on track as best I can! Happy Easter, everyone!
  • kaitkolo
    kaitkolo Posts: 32 Member
    Ugh the frustrating thing about losing weight is that it took 2 1/2 months to lose 14 pounds but only 2 days of bad eating habits (I definitely have in to those Easter goodies a little early) to pack 4 of them back on! I'm going to need to buckle down and step up my will-power! Thank you all for sharing your struggles and frustrations... It's so good to know we all go through the same ups and downs! You really motivate me!

    I too am SOOOO trying to get under 200... Probably not during this challenge but hopefully within the next few months (I've still got 20 lbs to go to make it there).
  • jermari284
    jermari284 Posts: 31 Member
    Woke up feeling good's honestly been such a struggle. But idk I feel different in a good way. Good morning
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    I posted this on my feed, but I'm noticing some changes in my body despite the scale going up. I still have a lot more fat to lose before I can start blaming it on gaining muscle. Ugh. Scale is not my friend this week. That 199 is further away than I want it to be.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    I was super lazy yesterday but honestly, it was well deserved....I have a very busy home daycare and it was my only day in the entire month of March with no daycare kids. I weighed in yesterday and my lowest weight in a year but then this morning, I have suddenly gained 2 pounds, no way that I ate that much yesterday! I am also fighting a migrane which isn't helping. We are having Easter dinner at my parents house on Sunday and I will be having dessert, maybe even 2. I will have extra water and am prepared to gain a pound but that will leave me quickly. Point is....we all have bad days and rough patches but as long as we get back on track, it's great. Life is a journey and I have no intention of giving up desserts totally!
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    edited March 2016
    I've gone over every day this week but I'm home with my family so I'm trying not to stress it. When I get back home I'll get back in gear. I'm hoping not to gain more than a pound or two this weekend. My knee has really been hurting so I've not done a lot of working out other than my running, because this training is what I want to focus on. So my time spent working out has gone down but like someone else said the intensity of each run has been going up. I am trying to remember to include my warm-up and cool-down as part of my exercise minutes because those are just as important. I'm starting another gym class and physical therapy this week, so I should be able to contribute a bit more.
  • bex_2016
    bex_2016 Posts: 32 Member
    Happy Easter everyone!
    Another 1.2lbs off for me this week, happy with that!
    I will be enjoying a delicious Sunday roast with my family today followed by desert and quote possibly some chocolate eggs! But, I won't feel guilty it's one day and I will be back on track tomorrow x
  • kaitkolo
    kaitkolo Posts: 32 Member
    Happy Easter!!
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Happy Easter everyone! Not my best day and no exercise logged.... most of yesterday was kitchen duty prepping for the meal... this morning more of the same. Then family here and having/serving dinner/dessert and everyone off after family time. Then this girl slept with a headache.. which is good/bad.. bad cause I really don't like when I get them and they don't go away easily..but good cause I haven't felt like dessert. Need a heating pad and sleep... will catch the team log up tomorrow morning
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    Seems we all had a rough week last week... let's make this one better! 84 flights of stairs, huh? I live a flight and a half up so I just gotta run up and down a bunch of times (maybe that'll get me to do laundry in the basement!).
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    Also, I saved this recipe ages ago but haven't had a chance to make it yet. Break out your slow cooker if you're interested!