Another TDEE post

jmtretterjb Posts: 4 Member
A little background on myself.

Im 32 year old female
CW is 197
Waist at naval - 39.5
Hips - 42.5
BF - 43.2 (fat2fit military calculator)

I have been basically pregnant or nursing for the past 3 years or so. During this time I did not track what I ate. I pretty much at what I wanted when I wanted. I gained 30 lbs with each pregnancy and lost all weight by 6 weeks pp (most was swelling weight put on during my last 2 or 3 weeks pregnant).

I have been trying to find my TDEE for about 6 weeks. I keep upping my calories every week by quite a bit. Basically I have no patience to do it 100 cal at a time. I didn't track my calories during the first 2 weeks because I was sick of eating so little and not losing that I took a break from it all. I weighed 193 at this time.

My progress is

Week 1 -193
Week 2 - 198
Week 3 - 201 (TOM) (2435 average daily calories)
Week 4 - 198 (2266 average daily calories - I was sick 2 days this week and could not really eat much)
Week 5 - 197.8 (2776 average daily calories)
Week 6 - 197 (3175 average daily calories)

I do resistance bands 3 days a week for 30-40 minutes each session. I am a stay at home mom to two 2 year olds and a 5 month old. Most calculators put my TDEE between 2100-2500 calories when put on moderate activity level. In order to get a TDEE of 3000+ I have to put activity at 'training for olympic event' - which I most certainly am not.

Is this normal for stay at home moms to have a TDEE this high? Am I on the right track?


  • jmtretterjb
    jmtretterjb Posts: 4 Member
    Forgot to add that I'm not nursing.
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Yes it is quite normal. My tdee is about 2400, i'm a sahm of 3. I found the em2wl calc accurate. You'll want to get to that estimated level and eat there for a few weeks. Then you want to push it a little higher. You want to find your true numbers. And the higher you reset at, the higher you can cut at.
  • jmtretterjb
    jmtretterjb Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks. I keep reading other posts of women with similar stats who are eating far less than me.

    I'll keep upping until I'm no longer on a downward trend.

  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    That can be based on activity level or they are on a cut... Or if not EM2WL ladies, they are simply cutting calories to lose weight.

  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    Also SAHM here of two. My tdee is about 2400 :-)