How many calories do you eat per day?

UMDavies Posts: 87 Member
I've been eating between 1200-1600 on average but I'm wondering if I should increase? I eat a keto/lchf diet and I exercise quite a lot normally - lifting weights 3/4 times per week, walking every day and doing spinning/yoga classes.

I'm on metformin and I've always assumed that with PCOS we need to eat fewer calories than other people in order to lose weight, so I was wondering what everyone's goals are set to, and how is it working for you?


  • aSearch4Me
    aSearch4Me Posts: 397 Member
    For weightloss I was eating around 1530 calories/day, flexing +/-200 depending on the day, at my doctor's suggestion (so I would eat a variable range of 1400-1750/day). She did not want me eating the exact same calorie target each day. She did not want me going below 1500 calories a day very often (Of note, I'm 5'9" with a large frame...not sure how much that played into her recommendations). I was also on a LCHF-approaching-keto diet. I know from prior weight-loss endeavors, I DO NOT LOSE WEIGHT when my calorie intake is in the 1200-1300 range, regardless of how often/little I work out. It's like my body goes into a stasis mode. I lost nearly 70 pounds on this plan (along with Metformin 1000mg ER bid, 2.0 g Insositol b.i.d, multi-vitamin, complex b-vitamin, etc).

    I'm currently pregnant & in my first trimester, so she wants that back up to around 1800 calories. My carb levels are MUCH higher right now, but I'm planning on stepping those back down to 80-100 g total/day once the 1st trimester stomach issues chill out. Because of the pregnancy, she doesn't want my total carbs to go below 80 unless I develop GD. So my keto days are behind me for a bit. :smile:
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I'm 5'4" tall, 39 years old, and around 255 right now. My number is set at 1780 for weight loss with sedentary as my activity level, so any activity frequently pushes me over 2000 calories daily, and I'm losing slowly, but steadily. It's all so different. Here's a calculator that might help.
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    I eat between 1400-1600. I agree with switching it up as mentioned above. I'm going to start a slight carb-calorie cycle again as I had more success on that previously than eating the same consecutively. Currently at a stall so I'm hoping that helps kick my weight loss going again. Currently 5'7" 163lbs so it is super slow going especially adding more strength
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    I am 5' 7.5" and about 170 (likes to bounce between 170-172 lately). My calories are set to 1660/day, but I seem to regularly go above that threshold and occasionally I'm under. I work out 5x a week (3 lifting, 2 cardio) and I don't factor in any exercise calories to my intake. I'm losing really slowly...maybe .5/week average per month. I may not lose anything for 3 weeks and then lose 2 lbs, or I just inch down or bounce around. I have no idea if this a good spot for me, but the calculators seem to think it is. So I'm gonna roll with it for a while and see what happens. Maybe I'd see more if I was more consistently at the 1660 mark. I try to stay under 100 carbs, closer to 50...been a struggle lately, but I've managed to stay under the 100 (not as close to 50 I'd prefer).
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    I'm 5'4" tall, 39 years old, and around 255 right now. My number is set at 1780 for weight loss with sedentary as my activity level, so any activity frequently pushes me over 2000 calories daily, and I'm losing slowly, but steadily. It's all so different. Here's a calculator that might help.

    This is pretty much me, except I'm 5'9.5", 28 years old, and at 1800 calories on sedentary. :) Exercise frequently and easily puts me up over 2000 while retaining the deficit. Sometimes, I'll even go as high as nearly 3000. I generally follow my appetite, and while it doesn't always meet up with my caloric expenditure, it usually does (so it's not like I have a 2000 calorie allotment and only eat 1000 or something like that).

    I've found for me, what I eat is at least as important as how much I eat. I've found through years of trial and error that I have to be very low carb (very low, like trace carbs from animal products, low) in order to lose weight reliably. That success and reliability drops off very quickly once carbs from any source are returned with any regularity. When I consume just about any carbs, I've yet to find a level of calories in which I can lose weight while maintaining my activity level and not crashing and burning by the end of the week. So, for me, the easier way is to simply remove carbohydrates from the equation.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I'm 5'7", 39 years old and I started LCHF a few months ago at 151 lbs. (I always feel a little funny listing my stats b/c I know that's a great weight for a lot of people my height. I was "skinny fat" though; small bone structure, not much muscle, fat rolls on my torso and a big belly.) For weight loss once I started LCHF I was able to lose weight eating 1350 calories per day, plus I ate back up to 75% of my exercise calories (sometimes none; sometimes half ... a range depending on how hungry I was that day). With a higher carb level I struggled to lose even at 1200 calories per day so going LCHF/keto does help me.

    I'm now at 130 lbs and just moved to maintenance mode. I'm gradually increasing my calories. Right now I'm at 1450. I plan to go up by 100 every 1-2 weeks until I hit maintenance. I'll also gradually increase carbs until I figure out my sweet spot for maintenance (mostly adding veggies and a little fruit); thinking it might be in the 50-80 gm range.
  • UMDavies
    UMDavies Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks for all the replies! I guess I should have put a few more details in - I'm 5'8", 23, and I started at 191lbs. I'm now (almost 2 years later!) just pushing 170lbs and hoping to drop another 15-20lbs by September.

    I'm thinking I'll take my intake down to 1400 as that seems to be the lowest I can reasonably manage. I haven't been eating back any of my exercise/step calories at the moment so I might start having half of them as well - this should switch my intake up on a day-to-day level I hope! I also have a foot operation planned for a couple of weeks' time which will have me immobile for two weeks, so I really don't want to be eating more than I need when I won't be burning very many calories. On the plus side, at least I won't be able to get to the shops to buy cheat foods! :lol:
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    I'd say average is around 2200. It varies from 2000 to 2400 depending on activity (I wear a Fitbit Charge HR).

    I'm 5'1 and 107lbs....and I'm in maintenance, so not actively losing.

    I thought because my PCOS and hypothyroidism my BMR would be lower than a normal woman my size and age....but if it is its not by much because I'm still losing very slowly....I need to eat a little more actually. Maybe like 2350....
  • xtina315
    xtina315 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm 5'5'' and 215 lbs. Ive been eating 1200-1350, and just upped my calories to 1400-1500.
  • steelridgekennel
    steelridgekennel Posts: 20 Member
    Currently, I am 330. I am 5'8 and trying to get down to a better size. I am eating between 1500 and 1700 a day. MFP says I need 1900 a day to keep losing 2 lbs per week.
  • Roots33
    Roots33 Posts: 4 Member
    I try to eat about 1500/day, 5 days a week, and the other two days i just don't track. That way i don't feel guilty if i want to go out to eat or have a dessert with supper. I don't usually eat back the calories i lose working out, unless i feel hungry, in which case i will have a protein smoothie. I typically follow a low glycemic diet and eat 4 to 5 smaller meals per day. It's been working so far, i've been able to lose about 19 lbs in 3 months.
  • artsyfarts700
    artsyfarts700 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 45 years old 5'4" and 123lbs I eat no more than 1400 calories a day and am vegan. I stay very active and have been able to maintain my weight. I was diagnosed at 17 years of age and started taking spironolactone daily to control my PCOS. Recently I've added birth control to my meds as I'm peri-menopausal. So far so good. Drink lots of water!!