Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • kwadd87
    kwadd87 Posts: 1 Member
    Just joined the group!
    Age: 28
    Hight: 5'6"
    Heaviest weight: not sure, but probably somewhere in the 160 range, either while pregnant or after. It's been 2 years since my last pregnancy...(I've had 3 kids)
    Current Weight: 138ish
    Goal Weight: 130-135
    Would like to lose a little jiggle - mostly belly fat, and tone up a bit (legs, butt, belly...)
  • AdelitaCampbell
    AdelitaCampbell Posts: 23 Member
    Just joined!

    Age: 34
    Height: 5'6"
    Heaviest: pregnant with my 2nd 170 lbs
    Currentt: 144 lbs
    Goal: 130-135 lbs

  • raspberriliana
    raspberriliana Posts: 61 Member
    tej220 wrote: »
    Here's all my info
    30 Years old
    2 kids
    Heaviest 155
    Lowest 125
    CW- 144
    GW-125 (or 130 if I put on muscle)

    Eating 1200 calories a day
    Started MFP at 152 on 2/29/16
    Just starting a workout routine which will include hand weights and body weight lifting

    Heey, our stats are pretty similar. (:
    SW: ~152 (mid-February)
    CW: 140
    GW: 125
  • IamEleni
    IamEleni Posts: 27 Member

    Yeah I think so too lol :smile: . Really? You have the same hair color? That's awesome, you are the first person I met with the same hair as me so far in my life lol ( I don't know if picture captured my color exactly though, it's copper colored hair. Sometimes it gets a more red look to it and sometimes it can look more strawberry blonde).
  • futureenp
    futureenp Posts: 8 Member
    BluthLover wrote: »
    Sounds Great!

    Here's all my info
    32 Years old
    2 kids
    Heaviest 170
    CW- 135
    GW-120 or 125
    BF% 24
    Eating 1800 calories a day
    Working out 6 times a week.

    We are close, but you're a little farther in your journey than I am.

    My info:
    33 yrs old
    Mom of 1 boy
    Nurse Practitioner
    Heaviest: 160
    CW: 153
    GW: 135-140

  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    kelsgrif84 wrote: »
    Looking for my twin!
    Age: 32
    Height: 5' 9"
    Heaviest: 160 (after having my daughter)
    Current: 142
    Goal weight: 130-135
    Current body fat %: approx. 18

    Hi kelsgrif84, we are very close.

    I'm 48
    Height: 5'9"
    Heaviest not pregnant: 150 after #4
    Lowest not disordered: 125 at 45years
    Current: 136
    Goal: 130-135
    Bodyfat % 20-21

    If you are at 18% bodyfat, how are you planning to lose weight? You'd have to lose muscle...18% is about as low as you can get it and be healthy, right?
  • Shalynlink
    Shalynlink Posts: 45 Member
    Age 23
    5'0 :(
    Heaviest weight: 126
    Current: 114
    GOAL!!!!: 106

    Please, please add me! I could do with some support as well as supporting others! :)

    Hi! We're pretty similar. I'm 22, 5' and 113lbs, with a goal of 100lbs or so. Add me if you want! <3

    oh I am a triplet!

    Ht - 5 ft
    Heaviest - 136
    Current - 115
    GOAL!!! - 103
    ...except I am old. But so young at heart.
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    Hi I'm new.. happy to find you ladies! I'm up for a twin to work together toward our goals. Feel free to add me!
    Age 39
    Height 5'5"
    HW: 173
    CW: 154
    GW: 129
    BF: 27%
    Goal BF: 22%
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    Just joined!

    Age: 34
    Height: 5'6"
    Heaviest: pregnant with my 2nd 170 lbs
    Currentt: 144 lbs
    Goal: 130-135 lbs

    We sound similar! Same age, I'm half an inch taller and maybe 2 lbs heavier (highest was 180-185). I'm aiming for low 130s/high 120s.
  • aniucha83
    aniucha83 Posts: 8 Member
    I want to find my "twin"
    Age 32
    Height 5'7''
    CW 147lbs
    GW 135lbs
  • IamEleni
    IamEleni Posts: 27 Member
    @aniucha83 Hey I think we are kinda twins, at least height and current weight :smile: .
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    Hello all!! I need a twin!

    Age - 35 (but I feel 26!)
    Height - 5'7"
    Highest weight - 180 (pregnancy)
    Current weight - 164
    Goal weight - 125

    I just started working out and dieting this week, as I've just finished nursing my 2nd baby. After baby #1 I lost 40 pounds using this app and I'm looking to do it again! I have a gym at work and have been using it 4-5 times a week and eating pretty healthy. My problem is sticking to it on the weekends! Let's be twins!

    I think we are pretty close.. you're a little taller than me and my "baby" is 9.. lol. I've had success on MFP before and am just getting started with working out again. I'll send you a friend request :)
  • tinywonder25
    tinywonder25 Posts: 148 Member
    nksta wrote: »
    5'0", 19 years old
    HW: 115-120
    CW: 98-100
    GW: 94

    Anyone else especially short? :blush:


    4' 11" 34 yrs
    HW 114
    CW 102
    GW 90 ish

  • AdelitaCampbell
    AdelitaCampbell Posts: 23 Member
    ekat120 wrote: »
    Just joined!

    Age: 34
    Height: 5'6"
    Heaviest: pregnant with my 2nd 170 lbs
    Currentt: 144 lbs
    Goal: 130-135 lbs

    We sound similar! Same age, I'm half an inch taller and maybe 2 lbs heavier (highest was 180-185). I'm aiming for low 130s/high 120s.

    Add me as a friend so we can motivate each other! I have a open food diary.
  • AdelitaCampbell
    AdelitaCampbell Posts: 23 Member
    aniucha83 wrote: »
    I want to find my "twin"
    Age 32
    Height 5'7''
    CW 147lbs
    GW 135lbs

    Let's motivate each other! I have an open food diary and workout 5 days a week
  • Ruadhgirl
    Ruadhgirl Posts: 1 Member
    Age 42
    Height 5'2"
    CW 127lbs
    GW 115lbs

    Lower belly and thighs will be the death of me! I'm whole foods plant-based vegan. I've lost 65 pounds but have been stuck where I am for MONTHS. I workout 6 days a week.
  • EVCbeth1978
    EVCbeth1978 Posts: 10 Member
    37 years old
    6 ft
    Highest: 198
    Current: 168
    Lowest weight: 157
    Goal: 150
  • aeagles
    aeagles Posts: 13 Member
    5 ft
    HW: 145 lbs
    CW: 131 lbs
    GW: 120-125 lbs

    Counting calories, doing Pilates twice a week and Pilates Boxing (basically just cardio) twice a week as well.

    We seem to be a pretty close match, except I'm 5'4" and i topped out at 183 :(
    current weight 134
    goal weight 128
  • dwyerpj1
    dwyerpj1 Posts: 6 Member
    Do I have a twin?
    Height 5'9"
    HW 167
    CW 146
    GW 140 (so close but yet, so far away! lol :) )

  • wuwu90
    wuwu90 Posts: 275 Member
    Im 26yo
    Height 169cms
    Heaviest (a year ago) @ 76.5kg
    Current weight @ 61.7kg
    Goal weight @ 60kg