Healthy Foods Nutritional challenge



  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    Favorite food...... anything sweet especially cake and cookies. Since doing this challenge I allow myself something once a week so I do not feel like I am missing out. I always include the calories in my journalling. I however prefer that the cake or cookies is something I made myself. I make a low fat toll house cookie recipe that my entire family loves.

    Favorite Healthy food: Grilled veggies - bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, asparagus mmmmm with some grilled shrimp and a salad my mouth is watering now. :)

    Also I too love tacos however grilled fish tacos are my all time favorite right now. I try to get them at different resturants to determine who's I like the best.
  • khalley888
    khalley888 Posts: 42 Member
    Asparagus - with a little salt/pepper, feels more "gourmet" than my usual broccoli or mixed steam veggies

    Seltzer - stopped drinking diet soda when I realized that I just really like the carbonation and not the fake sugars/caffeine

    Pickles - love salty food and these are a low cal option

    Popcorn - again salt, crunch, and larger quantity snack for less calories

    Salmon - love this dense fish esp with sweet marinade like brown sugar or teriyaki

    And now I'm hungry ...
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member

    hawkins410 wrote: »
    @ka97 This combo of yogurt, peanut butter, and protein powder sounds good, especially as a filling breakfast:
    I make a chocolate peanut butter yogurt with greek yogurt, peanut butter (all natural) and chocolate protein powder. It's rich and creamy and slightly sweet but also slightly tangy. I eat it for breakfast almost daily. It's about 300 calories and keeps me feeling full for hours. Sometimes as a snack I will do greek yogurt with chocolate PB2, for a slightly lower calorie count.

    Would you mind giving me the proportions so I can give it a try? Either here or on our team thread would be awesome! Thanks! :)

    1 cup (227 grams) nonfat greek yogurt
    1tbsp (16grams) peanut butter
    1/2 scoop (14 grams) chocolate protein powder
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    ka97 wrote: »
    hawkins410 wrote: »
    @ka97 This combo of yogurt, peanut butter, and protein powder sounds good, especially as a filling breakfast:
    I make a chocolate peanut butter yogurt with greek yogurt, peanut butter (all natural) and chocolate protein powder. It's rich and creamy and slightly sweet but also slightly tangy. I eat it for breakfast almost daily. It's about 300 calories and keeps me feeling full for hours. Sometimes as a snack I will do greek yogurt with chocolate PB2, for a slightly lower calorie count.

    Would you mind giving me the proportions so I can give it a try? Either here or on our team thread would be awesome! Thanks! :)

    1 cup (227 grams) nonfat greek yogurt
    1tbsp (16grams) peanut butter
    1/2 scoop (14 grams) chocolate protein powder

    Thank you!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    The other day I started free-thinking "things I want to eat" on my home page ... just made a really long list without any editing of it, a run on of foods that at one time or another I love to eat ... and some of them were definitely of the 'healthy food' sort while many others were the kinds we try to avoid/limit especially when going for weight loss. The list grew to 57 items.

    There was a thread running through the foods ... If my list is representative of what I generally like to eat, then it seems that I like complex flavors; foods with a variety of spices and seasonings in them; ones with a lush feel in the mouth and an after-taste that lingers. A lot of the foods listed tend toward high fat content, a combination of smooth and crunchy, strong flavors whether of the savory, sweet or sour sort.

    No wonder I don't like porridge with brown sugar on it but do like it with blue berries stirred in and cinnamon sprinkled on top ... a sour/bitter note from the blueberries and a strong spiceness from the cinnamon coupled with the smooth creaminess of the kasha (grain meal, like oatmeal, cornmeal, cream of wheat, etc) ... almost like a hot ice cream.

    Or, that I don't like plain mayo dressed shrimp/macaroni salad but do like macaroni/tuna salad with minced radishes, onion, and celery in it. Or, that I find steamed cauliflower a bore but do like it after it has been oven roasted along with garlic, shallots, brussels sprouts, and carrots. Or that I dislike chicken breast but love the thighs.

    The hardest part of finding more nutritous ways to eat the foods I love is when those foods are on my 'eat rarely, if ever' list. About half the list were of that sort ... loaded with sugar as well as fat, dessert type foods. I don't consider them to be 'bad' foods ... as except for sugar, they are made of of healthful ingredients. It ust that I have a difficult time moderating how much of them I eat when I have them. Heck, If they were alcohol, I wouldn't have any problem because I never crave either beer, wine or hard liquor of any sort, and when I do have a serving of such, that's were it stops. But not with dessert type foods ... those, once I have a serving the brakes seem to spring a leak and I can roll through the whole recipe by going back for seconds, and thirds, and so on until they are all gone.

    And therein lies the crux of the matter ... how do I find more nutritious ways to have my cake and eat it to?
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    Foods I like- Tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, balsamic vinegar, Kalamata olives and squash
    Why- I really like the vegetables that I grow in my garden- tomatoes, cucumber and Squash. In the summer I cut up and mix balsamic vinegar and it is my salad. I like to saute the zuchinni squash with cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and onions. In the winter I eat a lot of acorn, butternut and spaghetti squash. It smells and tastes like summer and I love them.
    I cook these with spray oil or a little olive oil and keep it very healthy. I can wait to have my own veggies again.
  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    jazzypdx wrote: »
    My go to snack, Roasted Edamame! High in fiber & protein, fell in love with them when I visited my son in Japan in 2005 ( He is teacher and has lived there over a decade - miss my grandson's terribly! His wife is Japanese) I make them at home occasionally , just roast them in the oven like pumpkin seeds. But I usually just buy them, cheap and healthy on the go snack. Almonds are a close second.

    Guess I did this wrong... Do Over!
    My favorite foods generally involve chocolate, dark chocolate - creamy, sweet but a bit tart. Pizza, it can be dressed up so many ways, loaded with veggies and spicy meat, flavorful and filling, plenty of fiber if you load the right veggies on. Cookies, crunchy or soft, chocolate chips, yes please, chopped pecans or other nuts, yes please, oats - bring on the fiber, peanut butter - adds protien and...yum!
    Healthy - ANYTHING can be healthy if prepared with thought and reasonable portions are consumed. (Unless your are just sitting down with a cube of butter...)
    Healthy stuff - list
    1- Nuts n such - crunchy, salty or sweet, or raw - many trace nutrients, a real whole food (generally) you can eat alone as a snack or add to any meal - Breakfast -add them into yogurt or hot ceral, toss them into your hashbrowns, or mix them in your pancake batter. Lunch - top your salads, or chop and add to your tuna, or egg salad, or chicken salad sandwich. X + chopped celery + chopped almonds/walnuts/? + diced onions = deliciousness. Dinner add them to any dish, be creative, finely chopped and mix with breading for fish fillets or fried chicken. Hazelnuts in an Alfredo chicken lasagna, etc!
    2- Berries especially blueberries! They are hell on your teeth but heaven on your tongue. Tart and tangy, slightly sweet, full of antioxidants. Another one I use at ANY meal, I love to top salads with Berries and nuts. Try tossing a handful of blueberries on top of your plate of spaghetti with fresh Parmesan. (do not mix into the sauce - well I've never tried again after one failed attempt) Blues are a fabulous topper and tastey variation on many classic savory dishes.
    3-...can I stop now.? LOL

  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »

    And therein lies the crux of the matter ... how do I find more nutritious ways to have my cake and eat it to?

    Creative substitutions - Anything can be healthier with subs. Quinoa flour adds protein....applesauce instead of eggs ...half the sugar and fresh chopped stevia leaf...etc
  • angelious
    angelious Posts: 57 Member
    Hopefully I do this right. So my favourite healthy foods are: mushrooms, zucchini, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, spinach, beets and low fat feta cheese.

    I can easily make at least four different meals with these ingredients. I always add some kind of protein to them (e.g. salmon, chicken etc). What I love about them is that I can eat lots of them and stay well within my calorie goals. Size matters to my food brain and having a big plate full of these (aside from the feta) which make me feel full is a big positive. I also like the texture of mushrooms and the sweetness of pumpkins and sweet potatoes which help ease my sugar urges. A little feta cheese goes a long way and adds great flavour to what could otherwise be a dull dish.

    I don't think there are ways to bring out the characteristics in more nutritious ways to eat vegetables per se. I usually boil, steam or shallow fry these. I season well and use different flavours on the protein to add variety. Perhaps I could try grilling the mushrooms/zucchini?

    Favourite foods - all things related to sugar. Cookies, cake, waffles etc. I try to choose less unhealthy options with lower calories e.g. carrot and raisin muffin rather than double chocolate. Hot chocolate with skim milk rather than full fat etc. I then try to keep this within my calorie goals for the day. Always trying. :)
  • JessicaLynnDouglas
    JessicaLynnDouglas Posts: 197 Member
    I enjoy all of the healthy foods that I eat on a daily basis, so it one of the things that frustrates me when I have bad foods.

    Cherry boost berry bland - Flavor and texture of berries...especially the cherry choice when it mixes with...

    Coconut milk keifer with a couple drops of vanilla stevia. I enjoy the creamyness and flavor. ... not dairy, but a very healthy replacement!

    Bacon - flavor, texture, salt & helps to keep me regular. ..better than flax, oh how I have tried!

    Salmon, chicken, turkey, green beans, brussels sprouts - flavor

    Roasted garlic olive oil - flavor and moisture ot provides.

    Avacado - flavor and texture ... used to not like either, love it now! Replace cheese with it now ☺

  • JessicaLynnDouglas
    JessicaLynnDouglas Posts: 197 Member
    I enjoy all of the healthy foods that I eat on a daily basis, so it one of the things that frustrates me when I have bad foods.

    Cherry boost berry bland - Flavor and texture of berries...especially the cherry choice when it mixes with...

    Coconut milk keifer with a couple drops of vanilla stevia. I enjoy the creamyness and flavor. ... not dairy, but a very healthy replacement!

    Bacon - flavor, texture, salt & helps to keep me regular. ..better than flax, oh how I have tried!

    Salmon, chicken, turkey, green beans, brussels sprouts - flavor

    Roasted garlic olive oil - flavor and moisture ot provides.

    Avacado - flavor and texture ... used to not like either, love it now! Replace cheese with it now ☺

    Also, pink sea salt and vegetable seasoning! ...must haven't in my kitchen.
  • dawnsch1995
    dawnsch1995 Posts: 97 Member
    My favorite foods all start with the letter"C"
    Definitely not all healthy!!
    Chicken of course I love because there are so many ways to prepare it ,add it to salads, sandwiches,BBQ etc. And good protein.
    Cheese I love Any & All kinds of cheese. Also very versitlie and can be added to lots of recipes...But also high calories!
    Chips.... So not good... But again I love every flavor!!! I try not to keep any in the house, and if do indulge I put a serving in a bowl and bag out of sight! Usually works.
    I just thought if something...probably all 3 of these together would be good too!! Lol
  • sbeckum91
    sbeckum91 Posts: 43 Member
    edited April 2016
    Some of my favorite foods:
    1. Liver cheese/Braunschweiger
    2. Hot wings
    3. Potato chips
    4. Deviled eggs
    5. Yogurt

    I seem to for the most part lean towards salty foods, with the exception of the yogurt. I saw a recipe for zucchini chips, might make a batch to see if their a good alternative to potato chips. For the rest of the list portion control is a good plan of action. Maybe I'll try a salt alternative or a low sodium salt, I really need to brimg my sodium intake down a bit.
  • berylw49
    berylw49 Posts: 68 Member
    My absolute favorite is mac and cheese. I love the gooey, smooth, melty cheese texture. Add a baked breadcrumb topping and it's even better. I don't believe in eliminating any foods in order to be healthy, because deprivation isn't sustainable; anything is OK in moderation. So I have a few go-to brands of portion-controlled mac in my dinner rotation.

    My second-favorite is anything chocolate. I love the sweet, smooth texture. Again, I don't believe in eliminating chocolate from my diet but tend to keep mini versions of it around, like Dove promises. Just one after a meal is 30-40 calories and satisfies my sweet tooth.
  • JagZag
    JagZag Posts: 174 Member
    My favorite foods
    Barbecue anything-I love the mustard based bbq sauce. Mustard based has less calories
    Deviled Eggs- I love dill pickle relish. Sub yogurt or low fat mayo for less calories
    Frozen Yogurt- Moose tracks cause I love chocolate- less calories than ice cream
    Loaded baked potato- I love cheese and sour cream. Use low fat cheese and sour cream
    Vegetable soup- the only way I'll ever get my daily veggies in unless I eat a salad.
    Salads with nuts and seeds on top and blue cheese dressing- use yogurt blue cheese dressing for less calories
    Egg and cheese sandwich with or without bacon- use whole wheat sandwich thins for less calories
    Home made Pizza- I like to make my own whole wheat crust and load up on turkey pepperoni and veggies
    Pot roast- one of my favorite childhood foods
    Red Lobster cheesy bisquits- there is no way to make them less fattening, but who cares?
  • tfisher678
    tfisher678 Posts: 81 Member
    tfisher678 wrote: »
    I like all types of food..even the healthy stuff like okra I have to watch my portion control especially if I add salt. I like tortilla soup. Easy slow cooker for busy days and I add plain Greek yogurt to sub for sour cream. I also like sauteed greens cooked in avocado oil...pbfit peanut powder banana smoothie with almond milk for a sweet treat. I don't have 1 go to only food, or at least I always find something to replace it...variety is the spice of life!

    To clear up this portion of challenge;

    1.) My group of foods see quote above...
    2.) I would say I like my majority of foods because of the seasonings...I do enjoy using fresh herbs and Cayenne pepper and hot sauce...
    3.) There are things I've been learning about over the years to Greek plain yogurt for sour cream...recently found pbfit...peanut butter powder..2 tblsp. Equal 50 calories...trying to find
    Lower calorie options without feeling deprived has been beneficial!

    Of course my kryptonite would be anything white bread...or pure sugar. I can't seem to handle and it opens up the floodgates for me to eat unhealthy... I now use stevia, and natural whole grain when needed. Anything that is high on the glycemic index is a bad trigger...
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    My favourite thing to eat these days, is homemade soup. I love how easy it is to make. I love the variety and simplicity of it all. Latest favourite is Roasted Red Pepper and Sweet Potato Soup. Roasting the veggies is all you need to do to bring out wonderful flavours.
  • leti126
    leti126 Posts: 179 Member
    Ill try again because I don't think my original post counts. One of my favorite foods is strawberries because they are so fresh and juicy. Another way I could take out its nutritional value aside from just eating them straight is adding them different foods like salad. I also like making smoothies with them.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited April 2016
    I love
    Rapberries, - tart n sweet flavour n vibrant colour
    avocado, versatile, vibrant colour n I like flavour
    Kale chewy texture
    Nori high fibre, colour n texture
    fish n seafood subtle flavours
    eggs are so versatile.

    My solution health wise is to keep things simple. Raspberries bought fresh without chilling brings out their flavour. Egg can be omlette, poached, frittata, scrambled or even fried. Nori I tried in broth to try different texture.
    I bake fish with just lemon or salt n pepper. For kale I crush it with my hands n lots of olive oil.
  • cjborkowski
    cjborkowski Posts: 181 Member
    My favorite thing to eat is Bryers mint chocolate chip ice cream. Once I start, I can't stop, so I've been substituting Yasso mint chocolate chip Frozen yogurt bars. Only 100calories each.
    I also love greek yogurt, I eat it topped with fresh stawberries & blackberries. I've been eating the Oikos brand lately, I find it has a nice smooth creamy texture. I just discovered their Lemon Merangue flavor, so good topped with berries that it tastes like a decadent dessert!