TEAM 3! Ready To Rock!!



  • Pmm5pla
    Pmm5pla Posts: 265 Member
    Headrain wrote: »
    I have a fear that you all think I'm a Terrible Leader and have abandoned me...
    Where did everyone go?

    i'm here! You're not abandoned! I've had a lazy week after my 3 weeks of gardening. some silly food choices too....

  • Pmm5pla
    Pmm5pla Posts: 265 Member
    I think it's actually NORMAL for levels of discussion / reporting to decline among groups. i've seen it in the past..... we've got busy lives! i wonder how is it possible to change normal to increase accountability? Just thinking out loud...
  • MrTubbs
    MrTubbs Posts: 137 Member
    I'm here too. I went for a nice walk with the dog today. It is gorgeous once again. How long will this weather last?
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    I'm still here as well!

    It's definitely hard to keep remembering to check this board (and I typically only log on to MFP forums at work - oops!).

    I'm holding it in pretty strong. It's my TOM, but I've only had a few pieces of chocolate (like one or two hershey's kisses) each day to keep my cravings at bay. I weighed in at 174.2 this morning (which is 3 pounds from my weigh in Tuesday... darn bloat!). I hope this is actual weight loss because it means I might actually make my challenge goal weight by May 3! I want to be 168 by my half marathon on May 1.

    Hope you all have active and healthy weekends!
  • JagZag
    JagZag Posts: 174 Member
    I'm back from my tax week and having to sit with my father in law a couple of days. Very poor showing on my part this week and I apologize to the team, but sometimes life just gets in the way. BTW, stairs are not fair for a flatlander!
  • Headrain
    Headrain Posts: 103 Member
    7 people of our team still have posted absolutely nothing under this week. I really don't know what to do.
    Thanks so much for those of you who checked in, I truly appreciate hearing from you!
  • JagZag
    JagZag Posts: 174 Member
    Hmmm. That's a problem. Have you contacted them? Some people may be waiting for Sunday to post?? I don't know why they would unless they are working on the all or nothing challenges.
  • lynnjano
    lynnjano Posts: 149 Member
    Where is the Variety Pack? The rest of the teams seem to be struggling also so MIA peeps log anything you can. I've always wanted to go to Egypt! I still think we can get there ...we need to have a killer day tomorrow!
  • determined24girl
    determined24girl Posts: 382 Member
    I've been sick all week.
  • lynnjano
    lynnjano Posts: 149 Member
    Anyone see the link anywhere for Week 5 Race Ticket?
  • Pmm5pla
    Pmm5pla Posts: 265 Member
    lynnjano wrote: »
    Anyone see the link anywhere for Week 5 Race Ticket?

    Not posted yet, it seems. Perhaps somewhere exotic, Lynn?
  • lynnjano
    lynnjano Posts: 149 Member
    Kiev?... Not my first choice but not a lot of miles. Good thing, our variety is dwindling, I think we're now a seven pack;( :(
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    I think other teams are losing members as well... they is supposed to be a restructuring next week.

    I'm glad the mileage is less, but I'm pretty bummed we didn't make it to Egypt though :(
  • Pmm5pla
    Pmm5pla Posts: 265 Member
    lynnjano wrote: »
    Kiev?... Not my first choice but not a lot of miles. Good thing, our variety is dwindling, I think we're now a seven pack;( :(

    Kiev? Let me get updating the sheet! Never really wanted to go to Kiev, but that's neither here nor there.
  • Pmm5pla
    Pmm5pla Posts: 265 Member
    Ok, folks..... (all seven of us!) It's there. Off to Kiev we go!. Can I suggest a challenge just among our seven selves? I challenge EVERYONE here including myself to run / walk 26 miles this week. I know I'm going to find this a toughie. So, I'll be needing some help along the way. I was very lazy today. i'd planned a 3mile run, but had jobs to do and it just didn't happen. Tomorrow is 3 mile run and bike in the evening. I usually prefer to do a 30 minute walk before running, so i'll hope to get a good challenge start. watch this space......
  • Pmm5pla
    Pmm5pla Posts: 265 Member
    I'm a glass-half-full person. So, guess what's the good news from last week. Yes, i know we missed out on completing the massive miles to Egypt (15 points plus some possible bonus pts), but on the positive side, more of us gained LOTS and LOTS of points EACH by doing the belly dancing videos & other challenges. so, let's not get fixated on the daily miles / minutes. Yes they add to our personal well-being, but the other CHALLENGES will perhaps be the beginning of changing habits.

    The journey is as important as the destination.
  • Pmm5pla
    Pmm5pla Posts: 265 Member
    Nicci93 wrote: »
    I think other teams are losing members as well... they is supposed to be a restructuring next week.

    I'm glad the mileage is less, but I'm pretty bummed we didn't make it to Egypt though :(

    Much more manageable this week, Nicci.
  • Pmm5pla
    Pmm5pla Posts: 265 Member
    @Headrain and other REGULAR contributors:

    Rather than leaving it all to you Headrain to contact those who are not contributing, would it be possible for each of the 7 of us who are on here regularly to private message one person on the team? There are several reasons why they may be missing....

    1. lack of interest
    2. too busy
    3. unable to access the spreadsheet
    4. feel it's too complicated.

    If each of us could help ONE member, it would be good.

    We could each just select a non-contributing buddy to contact and do some gentle "arm-twisting" or encouragement. We could even post their data on their behalf if that suits.

    I'll start off by agreeing to contact Pipsqueak.

    who will follow me?

    @headrain i know you mentioned some reasons why some have not contributed. could you remind us of that please, and we might know how best to be tactful in making contact....
  • lynnjano
    lynnjano Posts: 149 Member
    Pmm5pla wrote: »
    Ok, folks..... (all seven of us!) It's there. Off to Kiev we go!. Can I suggest a challenge just among our seven selves? I challenge EVERYONE here including myself to run / walk 26 miles this week. I know I'm going to find this a toughie. So, I'll be needing some help along the way. I was very lazy today. i'd planned a 3mile run, but had jobs to do and it just didn't happen. Tomorrow is 3 mile run and bike in the evening. I usually prefer to do a 30 minute walk before running, so i'll hope to get a good challenge start. watch this space......
    Pmm5pla wrote: »
    @Headrain and other REGULAR contributors:

    Rather than leaving it all to you Headrain to contact those who are not contributing, would it be possible for each of the 7 of us who are on here regularly to private message one person on the team? There are several reasons why they may be missing....

    1. lack of interest
    2. too busy
    3. unable to access the spreadsheet
    4. feel it's too complicated.

    If each of us could help ONE member, it would be good.

    We could each just select a non-contributing buddy to contact and do some gentle "arm-twisting" or encouragement. We could even post their data on their behalf if that suits.

    I'll start off by agreeing to contact Pipsqueak.

    who will follow me?

    @headrain i know you mentioned some reasons why some have not contributed. could you remind us of that please, and we might know how best to be tactful in making contact....

  • lynnjano
    lynnjano Posts: 149 Member
    Ok. I'll take determined24girl and try to get her back on board, only missing one week. 26 miles will be tough this week, we got about 7" of April snow today and will be cold this week...Pat thanks for getting the tracking sheet up, much better to log daily and not get behind. Hope we go somewhere WARM after Kiev;)