Curious about surgery and low iron.

nakeddog Posts: 79 Member
I have low iron, from my cycles being so heavy. Trying to keep my iron up is not easy.

I have had surgery's before with no issue, because I always had normal iron...not sure how important iron is in this situation. It just has me concerned about what could happen, how long will it take to recover, how much blood loss to expect...etc.


  • sunshine5474
    sunshine5474 Posts: 21 Member
    I am over two years out and still struggle with low iron. I take three iron pills per day, 35mg of iron in each. And this has nothing to do with heavy cycles.
  • nakeddog
    nakeddog Posts: 79 Member
    I have read iron absorption is harder after the surgery. But will they deny me surgery if I have low iron? Is there a number to be at? I will happily have a hysterectomy if that helps.
  • sunshine5474
    sunshine5474 Posts: 21 Member
    You may want to ask your doctor about taking some iron supplements. I can't say for sure is they would deny surgery for low iron, sorry.
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    Agreed....they'll hook you up with iron. I'm on extra beyond my multi because of my CSI style cycles hahahaha.
  • cabennett99
    cabennett99 Posts: 357 Member
    Low iron can be one of the more serious problems post op - be sure to take enough iron supplements, and be careful to separate iron supplement intake with calcium intake. I get enough iron in my daily multi, but I have a friend who was hospitalized because she wasn't getting enough iron.
  • nakeddog
    nakeddog Posts: 79 Member
    I've been taking iron for a few years now., I do avoid calcium near it. I tend to take it right before bed. Trying to make sure I have protein. My cast iron pans are in the camping trailer. I do take the iron with vit c or orange juice. The dreaded cycle hits, and wipes all the progress out. My dr has me taking 2 the week of the cycle, and 1 the rest of the month.

    LOL...CSI cycles...I can totally relate...ugh
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    The flip side of this is that the deficiencies could actually resolve themselves. A friend of mine struggled with VitD, VitB and FE deficiencies for much of her adult life; serious enough to need regular shots and infusions. Inexplicably, she had values exceeding normal limits within 6 months of her VSG. So good that the surgeon cut back on her vitamin regimen.
  • nakeddog
    nakeddog Posts: 79 Member
    That would make me sooo happy. I am really hoping this is one area that I see a big improvement in.
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    Meh. For me my Vitamin D levels skyrocketed. I was low to the point that tanning beds were actually suggested by medical professionals, lol. Now, I'm able to back down to 7,000IU/day instead of the 15,000IU/day I've been taking for years. I'm hoping in a few months to cut that in half again.

    My iron, plummeted. To the point that they are giving me three months on supplements to see an improvement. If there's no improvement, guess who gets infusions! This girl right here. Weeee! I've definitely noticed a marked improvement since starting them. Just ended my cycle and only needed one nap. And that was partially from a long, busy weekend with nowhere near the sleep I needed, so I'm happy. If I just have to take an extra pill or three every day, I'll do it.
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I was anemic before surgery, but never to the point that I needed meds. Since surgery, I am no longer anemic......maybe because of multivitamin? But, I do have a friend who was told she could not do surgery because her iron levels were so low--low to the point that she has to have infusions 2x/year.
  • nakeddog
    nakeddog Posts: 79 Member
    My dr hasn't implied crossing fingers. Hope your #'s come up, sound like they are. :) That must have been very disappointing for your friend Moe, hope she is doing better and is able to try again.