Introduction and thank you

klmcneil1 Posts: 26 Member
Just wanted to introduce myself ... I've been doing 5-2 Fasting for about 2 weeks, and having good results:

I've only got a little bit (5-10 lbs) to lose, but it's pretty tough as I don't lose weight easily. The only way I've ever been able to lose weight was with fasting, though I didn't realize that's what I was doing: I discovered accidentally that if I didn't eat anything between breakfast and lunch about 4 x/wk, I would be able to lose about 10 lbs over two or three months. (I've only done this two or three times in my life, but I've also done the 28-day daylight fast during Ramadan the past several years, so I'm long over the "oh but if I don't eat all day I shall surely starve!" noobiness.)

But a partial fast like that almost every day was really hard — I find twice a week to be much more manageable. And I'm very interested in the possible health benefits of fasting, especially after reading The Diet Myth, which talks a lot about the bacteria in our gut, and mentions the positive effects of fasting on them. I think even after I get to my target weight (125-ish, I'm 5'4"), I'll continue to fast once a week, for weight maintenance and health benefits.

I'm using MFP to track calories just on Fast Day. I know the program is not very supportive (apparently thinks I'm anorexic on fast days), so I really appreciate this group. Thank you!


  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Welcome and great report. I like that you have done related research and personally experimented with eating patterns to find what works for you.