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April Awareness



  • purebells
    purebells Posts: 83 Member
    Oh Sarah - thoughts are with you - hope your fiancé has a speedy recovery - that would be very traumatic.
    I agree with the others, speak to family members and see how things go.

    Keep us updated xx
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear, sending fast recovery wishes to your fiancé. I cant imagine the pressure, but I think you'll know what is best for you and him both, like others said, talk over with his family and see if you can all come to an agreement so if you do decide to go, you wont be feeling guilty and you're able to enjoy yourself.
    Good Luck! :)
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Thanks all, I was able to talk to my fiance when he was getting memory back and did come to my girls weekend (fiance said I should come). He's out of the ICU this evening and is doing well. There will be plenty of follow up and time will tell what can be recovered (currently some paralysis of left side of face and hearing loss in left ear), but mentally he seems to be pretty well recovered, so I've been able to talk to him on the phone and via messaging and I get updates from his mom. It will be a long road, but seems the worst is over. The support has been fantastic.

    Not sure how this weekend will be for weight, but trying to enjoy.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    OMGoodness! I'm so sorry this happened Sarah! I'm glad you got to talk to him before you left and I hope your weekend is going as well as it can, I know that would be a lot to think about and worry about.

    Sending prayers, good thoughts, positive vibes and lots of GET well wishes for you and your fiancé! Hoping for best possible scenarios!

  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Thanks again for the support all. Fiance is home and doing well; he still has some weakness and hearing loss on the left side of his face, but hoping that will heal over the next few weeks. Vegas was fun. It was good just to have the time with my mom, got to go over some wedding planning stuff with her and with everything going on just being able to get a hug from my mom was needed. It was great having the aunts and cousins there too; really didn't do anything but sit around and chat (and drink). Diet was completely out of control, but did get some workout in 3/4 days, so happy with that.

    SW: (March 31) : 151.8
    W1: (April 7): 152.8
    W2: (April 14):153.8
    W3: (April 21):
    W4: (April 28):

    Not a good trend, but hopefully can get back on top of things now. I'm hoping there's some water weight in there still that I can still get under 150 by the end of the month. Also, WFH while fiance is healing so really no excuse not to get a DVD done in the morning (probably no gym for a bit since I'd need to get his mom or someone to come sit with him and it would make him depressed not to be able to do his workouts; if I do the DVD in the morning while he's still sleeping, hoping it will bother him less).

    On other goals, I think I have invitations at least narrowed down to a couple so hopefully will check that off the list soon, then it's just the florist...

  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited April 2016
    Glad to hear that @brisingr86 ! sounds like a lovely time.

    I've been so bad about logging this month and it's been so hectic at work and all around that I really don't have a clue how many minutes I've been exercising and I've mostly just been doing walks anyway...I guess I'll just do what I can do from here on out and begin tracking minutes again next month! Not doing too great on my other goals either need to give myself a swift kick to the kiester and get to it! on a somewhat positive note, I am still losing .2 at a time, so probably won't make the 4-5 pounds for the month but at least I'm still moving in the right direction!

    AND I guess we still have a couple weeks left this month!

    Have a GREAT week MFPalz!
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    @brisingr86 so glad to hear your fiancé is back home & healing! I am also glad that you got to get away & really enjoyed yourself, sometimes a mom hug is just what you need! I cant believe we are in the middle of April, my how time is flying!
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    Good to hear things are getting better for everyone, this seems like an unexpectedly tough month!
    I managed to brave the scales today and I'm only up 1lb so that's a relief, if I can make 152 per 151 this month I will take that!

    W2 155
    Gw 151
    (Ultimate goal 147)
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    I just ate a BIG piece of pie for lunch :|
    Emotional eating at it's worst :'(
    stressing about silly things, and I agree with you @fitfor30th it has been "like an unexpectedly tough month!"
  • purebells
    purebells Posts: 83 Member
    Had my hens day on the weekend! Was such a fantastic time! Last day of work tomorrow and the countdown is well and truly on - 6 days to go!!!!!!
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    SW: (March 31) : 151.8
    W1: (April 7): 152.8
    W2: (April 14):153.8
    W3: (April 21):151.2
    W4: (April 28):

    Huzzah! Back on track (kind of). Under 100 days now (99 from today) so excited, but definitely getting to crunch time.

    Jools, hope the scale treats you kindly tomorrow.

    Marla Jean, hope the stress has let up that's leading to the emotional eating. *hug* Please vent if we can help with support.

    Rach, glad you had such fun at your hens day. Hope everything goes wonderfully this weekend to begin you're wedded bliss. Don't forget to come back and share any tips/tricks/hindsights to make life easier for those of us still planning.

    How is everyone doing, both with weightloss/maintenance goals and life in general? As Jools noted, this seemed to become a rough month; are things improving yet?
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    Sarah you are such a sweetheart!

    I really just have lots of uncontrollable changes and unexpected events happening at work and right now is our BUSY season on top of it, but it's getting better and of course always improves when I take care of myself with good food and workouts!

    Also, excited to hear back about wedding this weekend!!

    I had two co-workers get married this past week...one left and went to California, but I stalked him and his wife on FB to see pics :lol: and then another rented a helicopter and took his bride up on top of one of our mountains and got married yesterday! I saw one pic already and it was GORGEOUS seeing a beautiful white wedding dress up on a mountain top!

    I'm up weight-wise a bit this week, I believe because of the emotional eating which I now realize was also partially due to TOM who is here today or tomorrow. Up 1.4 today so hopefully when I weigh in next week I'll be down at least 2 :wink:

    I hope everyone else's crazy month is getting better too!
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    Well done Sarah on getting that number down! And keep at it Marla with the hard month. Wedding stress is definitely kicking in for me now with 5 weeks to go!

    Plus weight not going down
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Thanks Marla Jean. You're pretty sweet yourself! Glad stress is settling a little; I definitely get you on ToM being the hardest to avoid the cravings and emotional eating.

    Hang in there Jools. Sure weight will catch up even if you're not seeing a loss this week. I've had that the last couple months with high or stable weight for a few weeks and then a nice drop at the end. Hope everything settles in for the wedding as you cross your t's and dot your i's in the last few weeks.

    Mixed weekend. Went for some good long walks with the fiance, but diet was out of control. Since fiance is cleared to start back to work, so am I, so hoping that starting to get back to normal routines will help me get back on track.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    I had an idea in another group I am in for a motivational-move it-menu planning challenge for May, I'm gonna give it a go in case anyone is interested?

    The challenge is in 3 parts:


    All you have to do is a tad more than you normally do (baby steps) don't over-do it, but be sure to push yourself just a tiny bit outside your comfort zone!

    1-Make a goal for moving your body more than you normally move.
    Whether it is working out 3 days a week or 1000 minutes for the month or simply taking those extra steps to park farther away from your destination and take the stairs instead of the elevators and/or escalators, just do it for the entire month.

    2-Make a goal to pre-plan your menu and stick to it!
    If you don't do this already, perhaps pick one day a week to pre-plan your menu for the month of May, for example, "Monday Menu Planning day for MAY" or if you already do this frequently but maybe have a hard time sticking to plan on the Weekends, your goal could be to stick to menu plans each of the 4 weekends in May.

    3-Make a goal to motivate others because in doing so you will motivate yourself!
    Perhaps it's posting a motivational meme once a week or posting a positive quote on 4 different MFPalz newsfeeds or positively encouraging someone in this or another group you participate in, as long as it's motivational give it a go at least 4-5 times in the month of May.

    Anyone care to join me?
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    I'm in for moving and motivation, not so sure on the menu planning. One of the things that actually helps me keep things sustainable is having the flexibility to change things around when life provides free food or my mood/appetite changes. That's me.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    I hear ya! that's why it is so cool to create your own goal! :mrgreen:

    you could make your goal a flexible MEAL rather than a full day and then plan one meal a week with the understanding that the day and/or the meal could change as long as one meal is planned during the week?

    or skip it all together like you said! :+1:

    My idea for the challenge came from the thought of taking ourselves just slightly out of our comfort zones to shake things up just a smidge before the summer begins!

    WOO-HOO I'm excited for MAY! :smiley:
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    I plan every meal!! Tend to log in advance so I know where I'm at in terms of extra snacks, or needing to up the steps.
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    SW: (March 31) : 151.8
    W1: (April 7): 152.8
    W2: (April 14):153.8
    W3: (April 21):151.2
    W4: (April 28):150.2

    Well, only down 1.6 for the month, 0.4 loss/week is a bit under target, but given the weekend away and the stress with fiance's injury, I guess I should be thankful for the loss. No vacations or big events expected for May so hopefully I can get some real progress going. Healthy BMI, here I come!
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    Sw: 154
    W1: 155
    W2: 155
    W3: 154
    W4: 152.6 yay!