Accountable to me challenge



  • Headrain
    Headrain Posts: 103 Member
    1. I have to be in this 100%. If I only half-do the exercise or eating or challenges (to the amount I know I can do them) then I do not lose weight.
    2. I cannot have cheat days or meals. I lose no weight for the whole week if I do that.
    3. Life sucks sometimes and I don't lose weight. Suck it up, buttercup and move on, get back on the horse and just do it! (I believe that was 3 sayings in one sentence, should be extra credit!)
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 4,986 Member
    What I have gained/learned:
    • The biggest thing is to stay active during the day. I used to do a morning workout and consider my activity done for the day. The team challenge is pushing me to move throughout the day. A 30 minute walk at lunch or a doing a roadblock or activity in the evening.
    • I have really enjoyed the team experience. I have always considered my weight issues private, but it is great to share with the group.
    • I am doing meal planning better. This is our first year as empty nesters and I had gotten lazy with meals.

      • Continue with more variety in my foods.
      • I can have an all or nothing attitude. I want to work on moderation.

  • khalley888
    khalley888 Posts: 42 Member
    - Logging in my calories daily
    - Exercising at least 4x/week
    - Not keeping candy/snacks in my desk

    Strive for:
    - Drinking more water
    - Cooking more often
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    1. Accountable- logging every day. I used to screw up one day with my food choices and lo and behold chipotle and pizza every day for the rest of the week.
    2. Cutting back on the high sugar juices- i used to go through a half gallon of juice every 2 days but have toned it down to water with a bit of lemon juice squeezed in it. Unsweetened green tea has also been a good alternative for me and obviously plain water.
    3. Exercising more regularly. Since I started school i have been slacking on exercise. This challenge encouraged me to get back into my kickboxing and karate classes and also gave me some guidance to do some home exercises as well

    Need to work on:
    1. Sometimes I still do a weekend binge where i stay in bed all day then get up at 6pm starving where I devour a whole pizza. That needs to stop.
    2. Prepping meals ahead of time for the weekends. I've been pretty good about getting meals ready for weekdays but I never account for weekends. Those are where I've made the worst decisions. Especially when pollo mex is the healthiest thing i can get delivered to my house.
  • Diana6ft
    Diana6ft Posts: 126 Member
    3 things I'm doing right
    1. work out at least 5 days a week
    2. drink the right amount of water and NO CAFFEINE
    3. log everything everyday
    2 things I'd like to improve
    1. stop eating over my goal calories
    2. eat more veggies and less fat Basically have more self control!!!!
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    drinking enough water
    planning ahead with meals, not to wait until I'm starving then just eating anything in sight.
    logging, everything!
    adding variety to my workouts
    I've learned that being on a team makes me accountable because I don't want to let them down and am so inspired by their progress and efforts.

    Things to strive for
    not eat to feel overly stuffed, just comfortable
    make extra food when I cook and have pre-made meals in the freezer for busy days
    less emotional eating during stressful events
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I am accountable to myself for:
    -Logging food and staying within my calorie range.
    -Defining and following my own exercise plan for the week.
    -Giving my body what it needs for recovery (rest, water, sleep).

    Things to improve:
    -consistency with eating and logging, particularly on the weekend
    -drink more water
  • CeruleanCoffee
    CeruleanCoffee Posts: 54 Member
    Things I've improved on and have been held accountable to:
    1. increasing water intake
    2. working out consistently
    3. connecting with others on MFP. I only had 2 friends on here before this!

    Things I'd like to improve and to be held accountable to:
    1. I struggle with consistency. I like to start things, but don't carry them on for long. I also have one or two very full weeks (work-wise) coming up. I hope to keep this motivation and continue to workout consistently throughout the rest of the challenge.
    2. Better discern my hunger level (especially in the evening) instead of eating back all of my workout calories because they're there.
  • shaunie126
    shaunie126 Posts: 33 Member
    This is my first challenge and I have learned some things
    1.I've learned how the input of meals and exercise helps with my weightloss. This is the longest I've ever posted my days.
    2. I liked the rainbow challenge it really forced me to thing outside the box in terms of food I actually had to look up purple and white foods. I'm getting better at inputting my meals.
    3. I am a little shy about this one but encouraging others in this challenge actually helped me to do the challenge
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Three things I have learned from this challenge:
    1. While being accountable to others, I have been more accountable to myself.
    2. Drinking an adequate amount of water allows me to sleep better and not wake up too early feeling thirsty. However, the key is to drink it earlier in the day so I don't wake up in the night and have to pee!
    3. I actually enjoy doing workout videos and dance videos at home. You don't have to leave the house to work out, and you can find such variety on the internet.

    Two goals to still reach:
    1. I would like to continue treadmill training to eventually run a 5 K.
    2. I need to continue to log my food and exercise carefully to lose those last five pounds and reach my goal!
  • jenniferstavich
    jenniferstavich Posts: 18 Member
    I've been really good with my exercise routine and getting back on track every Monday. My weekends are my biggest challenge as well as alcohol. Working on cutting back or eliminating alcohol on weekdays! I have also done great balancing my meals and cutting out most white bread and sugar.
  • obxsrfrgrl
    obxsrfrgrl Posts: 36 Member
    Three things I have been accountable on:
    1. Weighing and measuring my foods for accurate logging.
    2. Logging my foods.
    3. Daily activities of some sort.

    2 things I am still working on:
    1. Sleep habits. I need to get much better at sticking to a good sleep schedule so I'm not like the Walking Dead every morning for the first few hours.
    2. Meal prepping to keep eating healthier more consistently. I have fallen victim to eating the fast food multiple times in the last few weeks due to family stuff. Not having foods already prepped to eat when I only have 5 minutes means I either don't eat, which is bad, or I eat fast food, which is also bad. When I have stuff already prepped, it is easier to grab and go quickly. Of course, said family stuff is also the reason for no meal prepping, so it's kind of a Catch-22. :/
  • lupie777
    lupie777 Posts: 217 Member
    The 3 things I have been accountable to me for this challenge:
    1.) having a team and continuing to motivate and support every one of them every day
    2.) getting more water in daily (thank you kidney stone)
    3.) logging my food daily, exercise daily, completed three 30 day challenges.

    Things to work on:
    1.) continued weight loss
    2.) work on improving my upper body strength
    3.) continue to weed out foods that I react badly to
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Accountable to me challenge …
    This is a hard one for me as the 'top of my head' things are logging in every day and logging my food and exercise … but I’ve been doing that all along … I’ve actually been on MFP since 2012 but changed my profile in September 2015 and I have not missed a day since then. What i learned from that is when I now read people say all you need to do is log in every day and record all your food is that this technique only works if you stop eating when you reach your calorie limit! If you continue to overeat, you won’t lose any weight at all. Plus, I already log my weigh-in on a regular basis. Some of my MFP friends only log their weight when they reach a new low, but I log every week no matter what the scale read because for me it’s a diary of my fitness journey, and all journeys eventually have ups and downs on the roadway.

    However, since this particular task is about what I have learned from this challenge and what else I want to accomplish in this last month of the race … so here’s my try at it.

    3 things i have learned that i have been accountable with …

    1. I’m a team player. I feel stressed when the team I’m on isn’t coming together and feel responsible to uphold the team in any way possible that I can think of … even if that means I might be stepping outside my own space a little bit. Along those lines, I find that:
    2. I don’t want to be a quitter. With a recent health setback, in my present state, I’m not only morbidly obese, arthritic, and very much a computer addict but now also cannot seem to walk even 3 minutes (or jump, stand on one foot, or carry a weight) without becoming extremely winded. I’ve though of quitting this race a lot in the past couple of weeks. This week, I told my team leader that I thought I would need to quit this week. …. And then I found exercises on YouTube that I am able to do. I don’t want to give up the race.
    3. The spreadsheet … oh, the spreadsheet! My Teams sheet is beautiful in my eyes. Of course, I’d think that, it was my work plus some ideas from other teams’ sheets that gave our team the one we have. I haven’t missed logging onto it and updating my data on the team page or the weight page.

    What else do I want to accomplish … I will be accountable for this during the rest of this challenge
    1. I will walk every day, even if it is only 3 minutes to start and I will improve my length of walk each day, even if only by one minute at a time.
    2. I will stay within my calorie goals. This is a biggie for me, as my intake has been out of whack for the past several weeks.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    Things I have already gained from this challenge:
    1. A community- I'm doing my best to not talk about weight loss, tracking food, or exercising in real life and yet it's taking up a large portion of my mind. It's nice to have a team to share with.
    2. Education- I'm learning so much. That I'm fitter than I think. That I really can't dance. The food challenges are having me plug some of my more exotic recipes into the recipe builder and it's fun to learn about their serving sizes and calories.

    What else I would like to accomplish:
    1. Keep drinking the water. I drink so much but it's still not enough.
    2. Work on my core muscles.
  • RachaelB11
    RachaelB11 Posts: 24 Member
    Things I have learned to be accountable for, and I'm sure theres more with more to come!!
    1. Logging in everyday
    2. Getting my butt off and couch
    3. Logging activity and weight on a spreadsheet!
    4. Drinking more water!!!
  • nailpro00
    nailpro00 Posts: 5 Member
    Things I have been accountable for.
    1. Logging food every day. Good and bad
    2. Doing my challenges
    3. Using my Fitbit all the time

    Need to improve
    1. Drink more water
    2. Stop being so hard on myself. I am regardless doing SO good.
    3. Get my food in check.
    4. Exercise more consistently to Build up mussel so I can burn more fat.
  • dittybugdesigns
    dittybugdesigns Posts: 30 Member
    Things I have already gained from this challenge:
    1. Daily logging of food intake
    2. Daily exercise!!! I get really irritable when I don't get to work out!!
    3. Getting all of my water in during the day.

    Two things I would like to achieve by the end of this challenge:
    1. Drop some more weight; 7 more pounds and I'll be at my pre-marriage and pre-baby weight!
    2. Stop being so hard on myself!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Achievements so far to hold myself accountable:
    1 - Logging my food every day even when I am going to be bad. This keeps me from going too crazy and keeps it from spiraling into not logging for a real long time.
    2 - realizing that the social aspect really helps with encouragement and accountability
    3 - getting up most weekday mornings to workout in addition to my lunchtime workout so that I can get more minutes logged for my Awesome Team!
    Things I still hope to accomplish during this challenge:
    1 - trying to accomplish the nutritional challenge piece more often. It seems lately I have been struggling to get the bonus points for that piece.
    2 - start eating more fruits and vegetables
  • ashorey87
    ashorey87 Posts: 173 Member

    Things I've learned in this challenge I have been accountable with:
    1. Logging daily, and honestly.
    2. Being more aware of daily H2O intake.
    3. Trying different types of foods I probably wouldn't have otherwise.

    Other things I'd like to accomplish:
    1. Be consistent with exercise even with a hectic work schedule.
    2. Attempt more roadblocks and challenges instead of just logging minutes.
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