April Challenge ~~ Apr 4th - Apr 10th

cpanus Posts: 19,416 Member
Let's try this one! Looks like a lot of fun! Yes! FUN!!!


Let me know what you think.




  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,416 Member
    I walked w/DH and Bean this morning for 4.0 miles in 91 mins (6.20 total miles for 13,529 steps) then got on the recumbent for 12.50 miles in 45 mins and an episode of Bosch then went to 1st grade. Now I'm going to read.

    Hope everyone is doing okay.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,265 Member
    In Orlando for the week with BFF and Godsons. We went to the Universal theme park today and I got in 16,059 steps for 6.39 miles. Very long very happy day. I will be home on Friday.

    Have a good week.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    KAR1959 wrote: »
    In Orlando for the week with BFF and Godsons. We went to the Universal theme park today and I got in 16,059 steps for 6.39 miles. Very long very happy day. I will be home on Friday.

    Have a good week.
    What a fun way to get your steps in, Kathy!!


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,891 Member
    Kathy sounds like a great time. I am so envious! o:)

    Chris those last darebees are going to hurt! Had to work late. Only got in a walk today.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,416 Member
    Kathy, so glad you had fun!

    Shelley, yeah...I'm working up to them. :s

    Walked w/DH and Bean for 4.0 miles in 90 mins (6.20 total miles, again, for 13,538 steps) then got on the bike for 12.75 miles in 45 mins and an episode of Bosch then went to 1st grade then went to the grocery store without my grocery list...really do dislike when I do that. Got one out of four things on the list which means I'll have to go back in a day or two. **sigh**

    Have a great Wednesday.

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Shelly, congrats on the twins!
    Kathy, have fun in Orlando!
    Waiting for doc to release me so I can walk/jog.
    Riding exercise bike till I can resume regular activity.
    Logging, but have to eat less!
  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    KAR1959 wrote: »
    In Orlando for the week with BFF and Godsons. We went to the Universal theme park today and I got in 16,059 steps for 6.39 miles. Very long very happy day. I will be home on Friday.

    Have a good week.

    Ooh!! Is this when you'll be going to the Harry Potter place? I so want to go there someday. Have tons of fun!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,416 Member
    Walked w/DH and Bean this morning for 4.10 miles in 90 mins (7.08 total miles for 15,460 steps) then got on the recumbent for 12.30 miles in 45 mins and an episode of Bosch then went to 1st grade then shopped then whit the gym w/DDD and our trainer for a brutal hour. I'm done! Eating is right on!

    Hope everyone is doing great!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,265 Member
    Another good day in Orlando. Back to Universal for another day. I got in 17,359 steps for 6.9 miles.

    Yes, Michelle I was in Hogwarts Heaven! Diagonal Alley, Hogsmead, several great rides, the Leaky Cauldron and Gringotts.

    Headed to bed.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Sounds like fun Kathy! And a good workout to boot!!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,416 Member
    Walked w/DH and Bean for 4.0 miles in 90 mins (5.81 total miles for 12,694 steps) then got on the bike for 12.75 miles in 47 mins and an episode of Bosch then I went to 1st grade, and now, I'm very tired!! I am sore everywhere! I hope my weigh in tomorrow is better than last week. The scale thing, you know.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Walked with girlfriend at work today. It's been suggested that we start a walking group at lunch. Should be great.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,416 Member
    Paula a walking group is a good idea. Hope you can get one together!!

    Today is our rest day. Weighed in and I'm down!!! According to my scale I'm at 137.8! Happy! Going to 1st grade in a little while. I have several challenges to catch up on, so I'll get them done tomorrow.

    Have a great Friday everyone!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    I've started walking at work this week. :smiley: On level ground my hip doesn't hurt as much.

    Really rough day at work today - nobody does our work when we're out so right now it's just doing one thing after another, knowing they're all really past due, but not being able to do anything about it except plow through.

    Chris, Nice that you're down, but now we won't have to shave your head and your 1st graders won't get to draw hair on you afterward. :cry:

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,265 Member
    Good morning ladies. I was supposed to be home yesterday but we had car trouble and I'm in a hotel in Ocala, Fl and my car is at the Nissan dealer. Hopefully the repair will be complete today and we can get home. Thankfully the kids and their parents drove a separate car so they got home yesterday.

    My BFF and I are playing the waiting game. I'm very upset because there was absolutely no warning that my transmission would go out. I called my local Nissan dealer that I take my car for service regularly...I. Fact I had it serviced on Sat and left on Sun.

    Of corse my warranty just expired...how convenient. But the local dealer suggested I call 1-800-Nissan1 and tell them my story and request a refund of the costs. He said I've paid a lot of money on regular maintenance and they should give this consideration. I called yesterday and I'm waiting for a decision on Monday. In the mean time we are trying to get home. Hopefully I'll get my money back.

    Most importantly I hope to get home today otherwise it will be Monday.

    Send good thoughts our way. Vacation was fantastic by the way. :)

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Chris - Congrats on the awesome weigh-in!! Have fun with the first graders. :smile:

    Kathy - What an ordeal! Since you were just at Hogwarts, perhaps you should try waving your wand with a simple incantation of "Automobilus Reparo"? :wink: Hope it gets fixed in as pain-free of a manner as possible.

    Did this No Capes workout yesterday! It's a nice rest day workout that I felt still gave me a good burn.

    We got 5 inches of snow overnight, and I'm needed at the ranch to run a trail since the ranch manager will be at a wedding all day. I love the ranch, and I don't always mind snow, but these two things together . . . :persevere:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,416 Member
    Kathy, I so dislike car stuff! So sorry you had to deal with all that especially after just having it serviced. Hope you get your money back. Hope you get home soon.

    Michelle, what is ...to run a trail?

    I did our No Capes and the Tribute workouts today. I liked ours a whole lot better. I did, however, use the Tribute squats for our workout. Too many squats for this girl!!

    I walked w/DDD at the gym, too many people on all the equipment and occupying all the spaces because of the rain!! Then I walked w/DH for 5.0 miles in the rain and in 90 mins then I got on the bike for 12.30 miles in 45 mins and a episode of Bosch then I did the two challenges then I did 40 assisted pull ups. Now I'm just going to sit here and read!

    Having lunch w/friends Sunday and Monday.

    Hope you are all doing great!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,265 Member
    I'm home. Tennis match tomorrow. Going to bed. Great vacation otherwise.

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Welcome home, Kathy! Good luck at your tennis match - I'd be tired after all that ordeal with your car over vacation. Hope that doesn't put a damper on you kicking some major butt. :smile:

    Chris - Running a trail is basically just making sure it all goes smoothly - bringing the horses in, feeding/grooming/tacking them up, checking the trails for any spots to avoid and plot out a possible route, giving a demo to the guests, getting them on their horses, guiding them for the ride, then getting them down, and making sure nobody gets hurt in the process. Then, untacking the horses and turning them out - my favorite part! The horses appreciate it SO much.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,891 Member
    Kathy I am saying a prayer for you tonight. I hope they cover at least half the costs. Sounds like you had a great time in Florida!

    Michelle we had about 16 inches a week and a half ago. I still had to go to work! It was great moisture. I am so over snow this year though. You are so wonderful to those horses!

    Chris I still love them assisted pull ups! You rock!

    So this female co worker has never liked me. But we have both worked in courts together. In District court mainly. Our leaving Sgt. moved her to circuit court. Not my decision. I had no clue. As you all know I try to get in 30 minute walks each day at work. Been doing it for over 2 years. Well the little whiny witch told our corporal that she feels she is being punished and that my walking up on 5th floor is rubbing it in her face! So now I have to limit my time in the back of the court rooms! That is the only floor that I can walk a continuous loop on! And now because of her whining I can not. Well I was told that I can still walk in the front of the courtrooms. So now I walk the fifth floor, down the stairs to fourth floor, across its length and up the other stairs to fifth again. Guess I am doing stairs from now on. I so am not going to let her stop me from walking! This really sucks!

    So if I gained some weight it is just me being sorry for myself and eating chocolate.

    Let's roll some dice Chris! B)