Monday, April 11, 2016

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
edited December 2024 in Social Groups


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    ^Still one of my alltime favorite pieces of "inspiration".

    I am so sorry for being so totally m.i.a. There was a huge science fair this weekend and we spent five hours there yesterday. I spent too much time in the sun and got my brains a little scrambled. Also, working on trying to get my son registered for experimental jr high school. Registration opens today and I've been trying to navigate, when the only info out there is the original law >in Greek,d'oh!< (they totally restructured the law this year and everyone is trying to figure it out). Also just hanging on til DH returns. Got lots of housecleaning, laundry, etc to catch up on. Been having days of LOTS of steps mixed with days with very few, but my legs are quite sore from the heavy walking/carrying stuff days. Looking forward to DH coming back and hopefully hitting the gym with him. He's excited to come back and get back to a routine.

    marla, i hope you get to feeling better!
    val, I am in a similar boat with you as far as the challenge of EVERYTHING plus trying to keep a happy, rewarding marriage. DH and I have been hoping this time apart will make things more clear for us. I've tried putting on rose-tinted glasses and keeping things positive, but DH doesn't usually join me there, so it still comes back around. Unfortunately, we can only make ourselves happy, we cannot be responsible for others happiness or them for ours and I don't think DH "gets" that. He both relies on me and the kids for his happiness, and also tries to "make us happy"--so there can be ALOT of frustration on his part.
    April--hope things are still "clicking" for you.
    Laura, I realllly hope you are feeling better! I got sick alot this Winter, but at least for me, Spring is finally here. I feel awful for you.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Sherry - Definitely with you on that. I realized I can't worry too much about hubby's happiness as I can't change that. Hopefully everything works out for you and this Jr Highschool! The language barrier must be frustrating!

    Marla - I hope you start to feel better! It feels like everyone in my family has been continually sick the past month. It sucks! I would prefer a biblical counselor because they would understand my beliefs better. Although it's not required. As far as submission, too often people focus on that and skip the directive to the husband. Which is to love their wives as Christ loved the church and laid his life down for her. The idea being, the husband has the final say, but that shouldn't be a big deal because their ultimate goal should be to sacrifice everything for their wive's well-being. Even if it would mean sacrificing their very life. But some churches like to focus on making wives "submit" (which does not mean a wife is a servant or slave or has no say in decisions) and completely ignore what a husband should be doing.

    Anyway, I'm hoping with a therapist to have a chance to work out my own issues with a third party. I was bullied so much growing up my self esteem was pretty low. It's bounced back some, but I still tend to try and earn love from people. My hubby finds it frustrating as it can be difficult to be married to someone who won't ask for help. As for his issues, I would rather focus on my own and have a healthier outlook on his as being his issues, and not making them mine. If that makes sense.

    Springfest ate up so much time last week that I didn't get much done training wise. But that was the last big event and next year I'm stepping back a bit from the PTO. I'll go to meetings and take notes, and that's about it. It got too stressful this year. I'll help with the big Springfest again as my one big contribution, but I'd rather focus more on my family again.

    Have a run 3 mile this morning and some intervals at the end of that. I'm also getting in an hour swim today as well.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Went to doctor today. She thinks infection is viral so i got cough medicine and inhaler.

    I now know how all you felt when illness didnt go away in a few days. I still feel like crap.
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