Share your Story, your "Why"



  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    Thanks for sharing your stories <3 !

    Well where can I start...... I'm a wife and mother of 4 children, and work full time.

    I guess at some point in my life I forgot about me.... My husband and children came first while juggling work it was a never ending circle. When I met my husband I was at a size 8 now I'm size 22( yay!! Seriously).
    I hated looking in mirrors and taking pictures ( I haven't taken a family photo for over 7 years)
    I guess my turning point was giving birth to my last child, the pregnancy went well but giving birth I nearly died and was unable to be with my child for a while, I'm so greatful for a second chance!!
    Reality is I don't know where to start but I know that this is not about weight loss alone but it's a journey of discovering who I am loving me and for being more healthier for myself and family.
    Simply things like playing in the park without being out of breath within minutes, and yes of course being that women my husband fell in love with( even though he says he loves me for me)

    My short term goal is to get from a size 22 to a size 18 then evaluate once again.

    Any advice would be helpful!!
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    Thank you for sharing everyone! Change 04 I can definitely relate to your story.
    I was not really concerned with my weight in high school. It fluctuated. I am 4'10" my sophomore prom dress was a 4, junior a 6, senior an 8 then a year later my wedding dress was a 4. I got pregnant and had a very difficult pregnancy. I gave birth to a preemie and I believe that's when I first stopped taking care of me. I gradually started gaining a little. 3 1/2 years later I got pregnant again at this point I was not obese but probably overweight for my height. I continued letting myself gradually gain. Then 3 1/2 years ago I lost my mother in law. My husband clammed up and I went into severe depression. I turned to food for comfort. I am also a stress eater (something I still battle with.) I got to the point where I did not like pictures of myself, my self esteem was extremely low. I wouldn't even take pictures with my kids anymore. I just kept getting bigger and I just kept telling myself after this I will start, or when I this I will start. A year ago that we're having a biggest loser competition at work I thought you know why not. At this point I was 168 lbs( almost in the morbidly obese category) at 4 ft 10 wearing a size 16 which for my height was ridiculous. I couldn't barely stand to walk for very long at a time. I didn't play outside with my children. That's when I found MFP and decided I not only need to get rid of the weight but I needed to start the journey of finding myself again, of loving myself again. I had success at first loss 45 lbs then in August we took guardianship of my nephew who was under 2. At this point my own children were 7 and 11. So it was quite a shock so I turned back to stress eating. Then in October my grandfather got sick and passed in November I fell off the wagon and started making excuses again after the holidays I started realizing that the whole new wardrobe I had bought was getting tight so I buckled down again by this time I had gained 20 lbs back. I walk (a lot) about 15,000-20,000 steps a day but I do not have a exercise program outside of walking. I am starting to lose again with the exception of last week which was an extremely bad week.
  • Shesaleo18
    Shesaleo18 Posts: 126 Member
    I was a sedentary kid but wasn't overly fat. I remember weighing myself when i was 18 at the end of high school and i weighed 65kgs which was "overweight" for my age and height. I always had a body image problem as most of my friends were skinny.
    Around a year later i started hitting the nightclubs and everyone i hung out with was into party drugs. I got the taste of it and couldn't go clubbing without them. Before long i had dropped a *kitten* load of weight and loved it. At my lowest i weighed 49kgs. My mum thought i had anorexia at one stage. But even then i still had a body image problem. But of course when i stopped partying i put some of the weight back on.
    Fast forward 4 years and i decided to give up smoking cold turkey. I lived on top of a massive hill so i decided to walk it everyday (sometimes twice a day), i also did squats,push ups and crunches. I gave up simple carbs. I was sucking on lollipops to curb my ciggie cravings and also ate mints (not chocolate ones). I don't how much weight i lost as i didn't weigh myself but looking in the mirror i could tell i had lost abit and when we went on holidays to visit family everyone complemented me on how good i looked.
    Fast forward three years and i fell pregnant with my first child. I remember someone saying eat what you want enjoy it. The first five months i craved cheeseburgers and quarter pounders. I didnt have the energy to exercise as i worked. I put on over 30kgs. After i had my daughter i talked about losing weight but never did anything about it until she was 4. I joined the gym and had lost 5kgs and then 6 months later i fell preggers again. This time because i was still overweight my midwife put me onto a food diary and i only managed to put on 16kgs this time around.
    So when my son was 6 months old (July 2013) i started my weightloss journey again. I was 73kgs. I had my doctor put me on Duromine (an appetite suppressant) and with proper eating habits and exercise i lost 4kgs in one month..69kgs. I was seeing a personal trainer twice a week and i also did a 12week challange twice. A friend and i also worked out together 3 days a week. By December 2014 i had dropped 14kgs (i was 4kgs off my goal weight). Then i lost all motivation. I stopped working out and started eating crap and drinking alcohol. By November 2015 I had put on half of what i had previously lost.
    With me Iv never had a problem with the exercise, its the junk food and drink. So I started back up with my trainer once a week, started eating better (not completely good though).im down 4kgs (could have been more but iv fallen off the wagon a couple of times in between).
    I just want to feel good about myself again but its hard when my partner isnt a healthy eater or into exercise. My mum is obese and my 2 sister are really overweight aswell. I dont want to be like that and thats my why.
  • jdsanders09
    jdsanders09 Posts: 3 Member
    My "why" in high school I was always skinny but never healthy. I always over ate but I was a swimmer so I'd always burn it off. I weighed 110Lbs I am 5'4. Well a couple years ago I stopped working out. And then I got a desk job which meant my eating habits just got worse.. I got up to my highest weight of 199.8 back in January of 2015. Now I have lost a bit of that and down to 151.8 right now and am healthier as I have ever been! I would like to get down to 130 by August as that's the next time I'll see my brother. He is in the navy and one of my biggest supporters. I am also doing this for myself my husband and my future family I want to have
  • Weights4me
    Weights4me Posts: 43 Member
    Being raised in a family of 4 girls I was always the “fat” one. As a teen at 5’3” I had lousy eating habits and weighed in at over 150 lbs. I might not have been the fat friend, but I was by far a skinny/healthy looking kid. I would come home from school starving and eat an entire bag of tater tots with ketchup (mmmmmm... haven't had those in DECADES). Food had no boundaries for me. Food was my companion.

    I was the odd girl in college in that prior to my freshman year I joined a gym (for all the wrong reasons - see my bio page) and DROPPED 15 lbs. That’s when I developed a love of lifting weights.

    With the birth of my two sons (1999 and 2002) I was back up to my 150+ lbs.

    In 2009, with two herniated discs in my lower back and not realizing how out-of-shape I was, my stars collided:

    - I took up tennis and threw my back out to the point I couldn’t walk
    - I started reading Tosca Reno’s Eat Clean Diet
    - I tried running which caused me to injure my iliotibial bands
    - I had a girlfriend who was trying to get me to buy a facial line of skin care because it was “better for me.”
    - I went out to dinner with a friend who looked amazing. He did it by going back to the gym and lifting weights “an hour every morning with some cardio.”
    - I was approaching 40 and was determined that I was NOT going to look frumpy and 40!

    Something clicked in me. I realized at that moment that I needed to do what I LOVE (lift) and not what the skinny chicks in my neighborhood did (jog), and that if I care enough about what I put ON my skin, shouldn’t I care about what I’m putting IN my body?

    I committed to myself to change. Within three months of eating “clean”, logging every bite into a spreadsheet (MFP before apps were born), and working out, I went from 150 to 127 lbs. I went from size 12 to size 4/6. I had a skin condition on my forehead that cleared up (and has been gone since). I slept better, had more energy, could fit into my clothes, and was happier with my attitude! Since then it's been maintenance (a lot of ups and downs), but maintenance that I'm happy to deal with.

    I have yet to determine what my challenge will be starting Monday. I joined because I am continuously inspired by those who walk the walk, talk the talk, and have overcome obstacles to get where they are. I’m determined to not live within the typecast of my friends who are starting to whine “it sucks getting old!" No, it does not suck getting old... It sucks LETTING yourself get old. I’m proof that you don’t have to settle, you can change. And I want to continue to change, push my limits, evolve, and be the best I can be.
  • blancoms
    blancoms Posts: 165 Member
    I was pretty healthy as a kid (back then I wouldn't have agreed). When I got pregnant at 17, at 5'2" I went from 130lbs to 194lbs!

    I was on the verge of gestational diabetes and for whatever reason just swelled up in the beginning of my second trimester. Fortunately, 2 weeks post delivery I was back down to around 155lbs. That was 6.5 years ago. I developed postpartum thyroiditus (hypothyroidism) and let that be an excuse to not be as careful about my weight when I wasnt happy with where I was.

    I maintained around 146-158lbs for a few years. When my husband and I started dating 2 years ago my weight slowly crept up to 184lbs in January 2016. I wanted to look good for my husband again. We decided we wanted to have a baby, and I knew our chances would be better if I wasn't at an obese BMI, and it would also lead to less probable complications during pregnancy. I joined MFP and in just over 60 days I lost over 20lbs (now just overweight!).

    Today, I've lost 27 lbs, weigh 157lbs and am now about 6 weeks pregnant. My goals are now slightly different, but my current why is to have a healthy pregnancy and do what I can control now to be in a better position nine months from now to "get back my body".
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
    Wowza....great inspiration! Mine is pretty basic. I was always fit, not skinny-fat, but actually fit. Trained regularly in the gym, competition stuff. Also running marathon style....I used to run regularly 8 to 10 miles a day. Crazy business maintaining that.

    "Life" happened....marriage happened, twins happened, divorce happened, major auto accident happened.....NOW I am getting MY life back again.

    It's not a very moving or emotional story, it's not an inspirational story, but it is a basic story and sometimes BACK TO BASIC is the foundation we look for to rebuild again.

    As always, MAKE IT A GREAT DAY! B)
  • TexasJohnnyBravo
    TexasJohnnyBravo Posts: 25 Member
    Some very truly inspirational why stories here. I love the fact them at there are so many different and unique stories.

    Here's my Why Story.

    Growing up I was always chubby but I was not lazy. I was often found outside with all my skinny friends running around causing chaos in the neighborhood. I played soccer when I was 10, my coach put me as a fullback because of my obvious weight difference but after seeing that I could run I was moved to a halfback position. I loved hiking in the mountains and would go as often as my parents let me.

    Throughout Highschool I was a steady 180 lbs (5'8) and played football. Once I graduated and went out on my own my eating habits went downhill fast. Within 4 years I had gained 105 lbs. I was at an all time high of 285lbs. Going through a lot of emotional stress at that age I decided I wanted to leave everything behind and join the military. I HAD TO LOSE WEIGHT. I started going to the gym 2 times a day for 2-4 hours each session. I starved myself and within 6 months I had dropped all the way down to 197 lbs. In 2005 I joined the Army and began to eat healthy and exercise much much more (Not by choice) I soon found myself in the best shape of my life at 200lbs. I could run two miles in 14 minutes, go on a sustained run of 10 miles without stopping. Life was Great.

    Here's where my trouble started. Plantar Fasciitis crept up on me and I didn't know what was happening to my feet. I pushed through the pain and ended up doing far more damage to my feet and legs than I ever imagined. I was discharged (Honorably) from the military 6 months early due to my foot problems. By that time I was so depressed and disgusted with myself that getting out felt like a blessing (It wasnt).

    In 2010 I moved to Texas to begin working at a prison. At the time I was 220lbs. Within 4 years I had jumped all the way back to 285 lbs and knew I had to change. My ultimate goal is to become a Peace Officer in my adopted state of Texas. I have dropped about 35 of the 85 lbs that is my ultimate goal. Hopefully by next year I'll be ready for the academy.