Canola Oil

carom Posts: 188 Member
Hi everyone! Please share with me any information or thoughts on using canola oil. As it is reasonably cheap I have been using it for my mayonnaise recipe which I do eat everyday. In the Atkins diet it is given the okay but .... Im not sure. Should I change it for olive oil?


  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    I personally don't consume Canola Oil if I can help it, I'll usually make exceptions when I dine out as most restaurants can't afford to cook with evoo or coconut oils and still have their food be affordable. I make my own mayo as well, but it's pretty strong with just evoo, so I like to cut it with another oil like avocado.

    Overall, any of the vegetables oils really aren't good for you. And mostly, I prefer to eat things that I know where they come from. EVOO comes from olives. Coconut Oil comes from coconuts. Avocado Oil comes from avocados. Where does Canola Oil come from? I've never heard of canolas LOL Yes, I'm being silly, but I mostly prefer a whole, natural, organic food approach and canola oil just doesn't fit into that.

    I'd highly recommend googling and formulating your own opinion, I'm not really one for scare tactics but there are plenty out there.
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    Canola is bad for you. Side with Olive oil. Extra Virgin if you don't mind the taste. It disguises easy in recipes!
  • KarlynKeto
    KarlynKeto Posts: 323 Member
    edited April 2016
    I avoid it too, but dang - it is in EVERYTHING!!! The hard part for me was salad dressing, I love a good ranch dressing but you can only find soy and canola oil dressings - neither of which I will touch. I found Chosen One Avocado mayo made from avocado oil and it's pretty good. Costco sells it now. Others make their own mayo with olive oil. I did it with mixed results. I can now make a home made ranch salad dressing with the avocado mayo, sour cream, Mrs Dash Garlic & Herb seasoning and bit of cream to thin it out. For more flavor I also add ~ 2 teaspoons of powdered buttermilk (Bobs Mill) and ~ 2 teaspoons chipotles from a jar then blend. It is a really good recipe.

    As for the Atkins advice...well... they sell a lot of processed foods so they are going to approve a lot of processed foods. I read an account by a doctor who knew Atkins and said he'd be rolling over in his grave if he knew what they were selling under his name sake. I think their diet plan is awesome (from what I have pulled together), but their need to make a few bucks selling food products is not something that impresses me.
  • carom
    carom Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks for the advise :) Tomorrow is pay so I will be off to buy a large tin of olive oil. I kinda guessed it wouldn't be very good but its so cheap!! I do use coconut oil for cooking and olive oil as a salad dressing, I was mostly using it for mayo but I will stop that now.
  • mandycat223
    mandycat223 Posts: 502 Member
    I don't find olive oil palatable, no matter how "light" they try to make it. Plus it has a very low smoking point, making it unsuitable for cooking in many instances. I buy one litre bottles of avocado oil at Costco: neutral tasting, cost effective, 460 degree smoke point. The Ottavio brand claims "not genetically engineered" so that's a plus.

    Reading that canola oil has to be deodorized before it can be put on the market was the end for me.
  • Mongo5918
    Mongo5918 Posts: 27 Member
    Healthy Cooking Oils – The Ultimate Guide
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I watched a video for how this is made, and UGH, it is so gross. The video for how coconut oil is made was utterly fascinating in comparison.
  • KarlynKeto
    KarlynKeto Posts: 323 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    I watched a video for how this is made, and UGH, it is so gross. The video for how coconut oil is made was utterly fascinating in comparison.

    This one?How to make canola oil I love how the guy says "it is good for you!" then proceeds to show the long toxic process of chemicals, bleaches, high temperatures (hence, oxidation), deodorizers...etc.

    When you compare this to a cold-press, common for olive oil, it doesn't take much convincing as to which one is healthier. How to make olive oil The quality control is night and day.

    I need to find the one for coconut oil, that would be interesting too.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    No, it was not that one, but they do appear similar... The video I watched showed that the processing for canola oil was similar to the processing of motor oil or something... I can't remember.

    But a quick google showed that the oil canola is derived from is toxic. Why would I want to use a toxic product, put it through toxic cleaning processes, and then eat it???

    I wish I had saved the links! If I run across them, I will shoot them back out there.
  • KarlynKeto
    KarlynKeto Posts: 323 Member
    edited April 2016
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    No, it was not that one, but they do appear similar... The video I watched showed that the processing for canola oil was similar to the processing of motor oil or something... I can't remember.

    But a quick google showed that the oil canola is derived from is toxic. Why would I want to use a toxic product, put it through toxic cleaning processes, and then eat it???

    I wish I had saved the links! If I run across them, I will shoot them back out there.

    If you do, that would be great. But can you imagine any food recipe where they include chemical washes, and adding bleach and deodorizers? Who would make something like that in their own kitchen? No one. But it may be the oxidation from the heat process that scares me the most. There is no question left on it's safety - it's just not safe.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    When I cut out sugar AND all forums of all grains and got heavy into coconut oil I was able to start thinking about living vs. dying. I did it all at the same time so I can not state what turned my health around but I can tell you as long as I have a functioning mind I will work to not eat any oils from any grains.
  • carom
    carom Posts: 188 Member
    @Mongo5918 - thanks for that link, that is very helpful. I am off to get some olive oil right now! The more I see about canola the worse it gets :)