Day One...GO



  • Yisrael1981
    Yisrael1981 Posts: 132 Member
    after just finishing P90x2 (yes P.A.P is awesome @thehoss316 )..i decided my body can use a recomp as i am 5'9' at 150 however i am probably at 18% bf and would like to be 15% .So for the first time in my life i am embarking on a serious lifting program.
    I chose 5x5 SL as its highly recommended for beginners and i am eating at about maintenance.Best part about it is ill have more time on my hands as the workouts are pretty short
  • JeffFit70
    JeffFit70 Posts: 41 Member
    JeffFit70 wrote: »
    Enjoying all the posts here!

    This day and week one for me is acutally a deload week. Still hitting the gym but less volume.

    Here is today's Upper Body workout:

    Bench Press
    225 * 3 * 4
    255 * 1 * 1
    275 * 1 * 1
    285 * 1 * 1


    Incline DB Bench Press

    Chin Ups

    Biceps BB Curl


    DB Lateral Raises

    3 Mile Walk.
    1 Mile Run.

    Here is my starting point/stats for this challenge and a pic from yesterday:
    Height: 5"10
    BF%: Not sure, and don't care. Currently have a 4 pack. Want to get to about 175.

    JeffFit70 wrote: »
    Enjoying all the posts here!

    This day and week one for me is acutally a deload week. Still hitting the gym but less volume.

    Here is today's Upper Body workout:

    Bench Press
    225 * 3 * 4
    255 * 1 * 1
    275 * 1 * 1
    285 * 1 * 1


    Incline DB Bench Press

    Chin Ups

    Biceps BB Curl


    DB Lateral Raises

    3 Mile Walk.
    1 Mile Run.

    Here is my starting point/stats for this challenge and a pic from yesterday:
    Height: 5"10
    BF%: Not sure, and don't care. Currently have a 4 pack. Want to get to about 175.


    Lol... I'll take a 4-pack! I'm assuming 70*2*8 means 70# for 2 sets of 8?

    You got it. 2 sets of 8. This is a deload week, so fewer sets and reps with almost normal working weights.
  • jeninne
    jeninne Posts: 412 Member
    Well- my strength is strength training so I am doing a modified blend of beach body workouts, hubby power lifting mix and throwing in my fun cardio days. I am 50 (51 next month) and refuse to break down like an old car...
    John and I thought alike today- chest, shoulders, tris with a little treadmill
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Day 1 is over

    I am doing hard corps 22 program. Today was cardio 1 and core 1 which was manageable. I figure I may eventually incorporate body beast or p90x / x3 strength vids.

    At 116.5 lbs at 5'4 I am in maintenance mode but aiming for a leaner body.

    I do need to work on my macros though. Still figuring out what is the right mix for me. Meal prep is also a work in progress.

  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    Day 1 complete! I got l got lots of steps in. It was stressful day I managed to handle well. I did it eat pizza so my macros are all out of whack but still have a good deficit! hno8cfe3wxzq.png
  • Dana_E
    Dana_E Posts: 158 Member
    I'm starting week 4 of P90X3, which is a transition week, so today was Isometrix. Who knew you could work up a sweat just standing around? I had my usual breakfast, ate a fantastic lunch, then had a bean burrito for a snack on my way to help a friend with an emergency. I missed dinner because I was busy helping out, but didn't care. There were some fast food joints I could have stopped at on the way home at 9:30pm, but I really just wanted to wait and get something from home. As a person who used to panic at the prospect of missing a meal, and as a former fast food addict--this is huge for me! I feel like food is finally relinquishing it's control over me, and I am no longer a slave to my stomach.
  • Safetysuitgirl
    Safetysuitgirl Posts: 26 Member
    edited April 2016
    My weight 158 goal weight 145 and to tone. Had a great hike of Kokohead mountain yesterday so today instead of working out I'm resting!!!! Plus taking care of a sick kid! But had a healthy dinner! And plan on doing so for the rest of the week! Good work everyone!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "22 Minute Hard Corps Cold Start, Cardio 2 & Core 2"=Done!
  • kettlebells_and_cupcakes
    Yesterday was a rest day for me due to work.

    Today it's down to the free weight section with my trainer to work on my dead lifts and squats. Tomorrow and Thursday possibly some insanity:Max 30 /kettlercise at home. Friday rest day before doing a 10K tough mudder on Saturday ☺️
  • Weights4me
    Weights4me Posts: 43 Member
    Day 1 was a wash for me. Still under the weather.
    I also realized FAST that eating all natural food (part of my challenge) is quite impossible when I want to get my protein in (whey powder and protein snacks) without completely blowing my calorie allotment! Aide from that
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    Day 1 was a wash for me. Still under the weather.
    I also realized FAST that eating all natural food (part of my challenge) is quite impossible when I want to get my protein in (whey powder and protein snacks) without completely blowing my calorie allotment! Aide from that

    Hope you feel better! If you're interested my wife uses what I consider to be a decent Pea protein. Although I prefer whey I'll get you the name if you want it.
  • Weights4me
    Weights4me Posts: 43 Member
    Betheriver... Gag. Lol. I've tried the pea. It's gross (no offense to anyone who likes it... I'm actually envious they do)... Ill stick with mine (pretty pure). I'll just have to alter my challenge
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    It was a non-exercise day for me but I stuck to my calorie goals. Over the last couple of days I've lost 3 lbs :smiley:
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    Yesterday results starting off slow and steady!
  • fontes830
    fontes830 Posts: 58 Member
    Sorry I missed yesterday! Today will essentially be my day 1:

    What I did:
    P90X Core Synergistics
    • Phase II, Week 8, Day 51 P90X completed

    Plank Challenge
    • Day 12/30 completed, 60 second plank

    Squat Challenge
    • Day 4/30, Beginner Level 1, completed: 60 squats

    • 2.1 km commute

    • 1.35 km commute

    Things I need to work on moving forward:
    • Continue on P90X, squat and plank challenge :)
    • I'm also working on losing about 7 more lbs :)

    My stats are:
    • Starting weight: 122 lbs (-9 lbs in the last 51 days!)
    • Height: 5 ft 1 inch
    • Body fat %: no idea! :D

    Other fun facts:
    • I'm vegan
    • I'm a student doctor, either will go into psychiatry, hematopathology, or anatomic pathology
    • I like cats (my shirt says "I rescue cats from shelters and wine from bottles")

    Let's work hard, team! :D

  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "22 Minute Hard Corps Cold Start & Resistance 3"=Done! then off to the gym for some legs & back!
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    Betheriver... Gag. Lol. I've tried the pea. It's gross (no offense to anyone who likes it... I'm actually envious they do)... Ill stick with mine (pretty pure). I'll just have to alter my challenge

    All good. The one she uses doesn't taste too bad, but I agree whey usually tastes better. Movin' on. . .
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "22 Minute Hard Corps Cold Start, Cardio 3 & Core 2"=Done!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    Bis & Tris=Done!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "22 Minute Hard Corps Cold Start & Resistance 2"=Done!