Free ebook called "Never Binge Again" ??

WildHazel Posts: 4 Member
Anyone read this? I was looking through amazon yesterday to find books on bingeing and came across this one that is free, right now. I've downloaded it but haven't started reading it yet. eating&qid=1460738387&ref_=sr_1_2&sr=8-2

Anyone know it? It's only 120 pages so a short commitment, but it seems to have pretty good reviews.


  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    I read this about a mouth ago and found it terrible. It basically encourages you to label your inner binge eating voice as "the pig" and refer to all your trigger foods as "pig slop". It was a very negative approach to me.
  • WildHazel
    WildHazel Posts: 4 Member
    *nods* Thanks. That saves me a few hours of reading time. :)
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    I second what Msty says!
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    From the preview I read it seems like it is a book for people who occasionally eat too much, not for people with BED.