Jamie's diary

Hey there! My goal is to loose 10lbs this month. I started my journey last month and have been doing really good. However, my weakness is my coke. Some days I have none and others I sneak one in. I noticed I loose weight when I go without.. So I just need to get out of my own way.


  • mlatrice
    mlatrice Posts: 47 Member
    You can do it Jamie!! Congrats on your journey so far!!
  • jamiethomason2385
    jamiethomason2385 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much! It's so nice to have people in this with me!
  • jamiethomason2385
    jamiethomason2385 Posts: 3 Member
    Really not feeling it today. My back hurts and it's hard to get up and move. The motivation is not here, but I'm doing it anyways.