Weekly Post 11.04.- 17.04.16



  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    I find it's hard to fast on a Friday! So kudos to all of you doing a fd today!!!!! o:)

    My fd was wed and I had two other lower days, so I'm going a little overboard today which is stupid. This includes ribs & potato salad and a few m&m's (k more than a few).... But I'm already finding the sugar rush I'm experiencing while trying to get the ribs on the bbq is making everything way more difficult! Can sugar be flushed out with wine???

    Yes I'm hovering on my weight too even though I don't even know what I weigh!! Flossy you've completely described me when explaining you equate an unrealistic goal into failure! This is why I don't own a scale!! :o Try taking measurements tomorrow then again in two weeks to clear your mind of the dreaded number! And pls don't eat your kids!

    Well happy Friday everyone! Off to baste those ribs! And maybe baste myself a little.....
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Great progress everyone!!

    I celebrated the beginning of my vacation yesterday with a little afterwork celebration :p

    Had a busy week at work and am glad to have a week off now. I will try to get in a fast on Monday and maybe a 'half' fast on Wednesday. Will be visiting friends and helping my sis renovate her new house on the lake from Wednesday to Sunday :) So no fasting then.

    Flossy - I've been hovering for ages at a weight above where I'd like to be ;) Still so much better than where I used to be weight wise and how I felt on the inside. I hung up pictures from my makeovers....looking at them daily remind me how far I have come. I am no longer a life long overweighter....I've been normal for 2yrs....sometimes I forget that, still resetting my brain and soul. B)
  • GraetLifeIfYouDontWeaken
    GraetLifeIfYouDontWeaken Posts: 33 Member
    edited April 2016
    Glad to see everyone still in there trying. Me too. This has been my first "disappointing" week on 5:2 (started mid-March). After successfully completing my second FD this week, I woke up yesterday to find I'd gained nearly 2 lbs! Not thrilled. Today I'm down 1 lb, go figure. This will be a challenging week for me -- having dinner with friends tonight, attending a birthday dinner tomorrow night, and then trying to figure out how much to indulge on my own birthday. My usual FDs are Monday and Thursday; I will stick with those and try to "economize" on my breakfast and lunch calories this weekend. But I am human and weak ... ;-)
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Good Morning everyone! !

    Off for my Sunday morning run in the sun....clouds...and hopefully no rain.. :p

    Enjoy your weekend!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,546 Member
    I am completely frustrated! Last week was a pretty good week: two good fasts, plenty of steps in at work, fairly decent on NFDs... and I gained half a pound! I was expecting at least one lost! grrr. I guess I will have to work on NFDs, that is the only place I was not great this week. I have a lunch on Monday when I usually fast, so I will have to juggle things around this week, which doesn't tend to work well for me but, darn it! I am going to make it work!
  • lakemouse
    lakemouse Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2016
    Just curious... I'm new to this (started 2 weeks ago), I'm wondering when most of you weigh in. Do you do it after a fast day or after a Normal eating day?
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi Lakemouse! I don't weigh myself at all... but I may be the only one on here that doesn't. I think it's just an individual thing, meaning some weigh every day and use one of those apps that normalize a graph for you taking out the natural ups & downs of water weight fluctuations (ie Happy Scale?) Then others weigh once a week, or two weeks or even once a month. Someone here who weighs regularly will have a different answer or method that works for them. I can imagine weighing immediately following a FD may provide a welcome number, I prefer a measuring tape. Welcome & happy 5:2ing!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    I am completely frustrated! Last week was a pretty good week: two good fasts, plenty of steps in at work, fairly decent on NFDs... and I gained half a pound! I was expecting at least one lost! grrr. I guess I will have to work on NFDs, that is the only place I was not great this week. I have a lunch on Monday when I usually fast, so I will have to juggle things around this week, which doesn't tend to work well for me but, darn it! I am going to make it work!

    It's most likely water Kate!!! Keep logging your NFDs accurately (I have to be honest with myself!!)
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Kate: What Mama said. Sometimes the fat goes and water is retained. Just stick with it and you will probably get a whoosh effect when you least expect it.

    Lakemouse: It's your preference. I weigh everyday and compare Saturday to Saturday. Some only weigh once a week, once a month or not at all. Fluctuations on 5:2 are very normal, so focus on the longer term trend than on the day to day ups and downs. And measure...sometimes the scale doesn't, but the tape measure shows other changes in your body.
  • GraetLifeIfYouDontWeaken
    Kate, I feel! As mentioned above, I somehow ended up aging 2 lbs this week, despite sticking to my FD and NFD calorie limits! I will take comfort in reassurances from mama and flumi that it's probably water weight gain, but somehow I doubt it. I'm going to do my best again this week and hope they are correct!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    To the Newbies ;-)

    Here is my weightloss chart in 2013-2014 on 5:2. You can see it is a 'bumpy' ride. Some people lose linearly, but I think most don't.

    As I gain 1-3lb of water over the weekend (mostly water retention) and lose this on my Monday fast. Over the course of a week my weight can fluctuate 4lb on maintainance. During weightloss I had 1-2 weeks with good losses and then 1-3 weeks with gains and maintainance even when strictly sticking to cals on fast and NFD. Lots can effect weightloss and water retention....hormonal cycle, sodium to potassium ratio of food, lost fat gets replaced with water in the cells first. On the scale you see the weightloss when the water is flushed out. So DRINK water and eat potassium rich foods.

    It's just the body and how it works. Instead of getting too discourged, I started linking fluctuations to the food I had eaten. An example...If I eat grains I retain water, if I eat potatos, I flush it out. So after pizza or pasta (even within my cals) I gain 2-3lb overnight. If I fast, eat potatos or lots of veggies (water and potassium in there), that kilo disappears as quickly as it came.

    So my suggestion is, get to know how your body ticks and you'll know how the scale will react before you get on 8 times out of 10. :) It'll still surprise you once in a while to keep you on your toes :p

  • klmcneil1
    klmcneil1 Posts: 26 Member
    I weigh myself everyday, but just enter Saturday's weight (or the weekly average) into MFP. My fast days are usually Tue and Thur.

    There's a lot of variation, from one day to the next, so I like using the app that averages it out. (And try not to sweat a pound or two up or down.)

  • megemrj
    megemrj Posts: 547 Member
    edited April 2016
    Don't get discouraged Kate! I was not losing on the scale, though I could tell in my clothes, then whoosh overnight I lost 2.5 pounds! I knew it was coming as I was doing everything really well with logging, exercise, and sleep. I wasn't too worried but wondered if everything I was doing really made a difference.

    I looked at my trend too and see that I'm finally over a very long stall and down 10lbs since 1.1.2016. If you're anything like me, it will happen in your clothes before the scale. :)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,546 Member
    You all are the best! After getting over the shock, I realized that I have probably had a lot of sodium lately, and that is likely where the gain was from. I had a couple of food related things yesterday and today, but I am looking forward to fasting tomorrow and Thursday. Thanks again for the encouragement!