Progress Photos



  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    September 2016 weight unknown because I didn't have a scale.

    Jan 26th 2016 started a C2K5 for fun not weight loss, but a running site said that people often gain weight when they start running from increased hunger. YIKES. I couldn't have that. Joined MFP at 150.6 lbs no photos.


    March 3rd, 2016 at 144.0 lbs


    Today, April 16, 2016 at 133.8 lbs

    I've also cut my time running a mile by 50 seconds since March 1st.
  • 20KimmieKim16
    20KimmieKim16 Posts: 640 Member
    Starting waist was 47.5 now it's 44.5 lost 3 inches in about a month.
  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    Do you need to be a paid member to post photos?? I am not seeing any icons to attach them, my phone doesn't let me copy and paste....??
    Great job everyone - the hard work and life changing choices are paying off!! Inspirational, thank you
  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    edited April 2016
    jazzypdx wrote: »
    Do you need to be a paid member to post photos?? I am not seeing any icons to attach them, my phone doesn't let me copy and paste....??
    Great job everyone - the hard work and life changing choices are paying off!! Inspirational, thank you

    No, you don't need to be a paid member to post photos. From your phone, there is a little camera icon above the reply box.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Well, I haven't lost anything during this challenge - not a pound, not an inch. I did redo the preassessments - no significant difference. Yes everything improved just slightly, but really at this point there is going to be variability with good days and better days, and not so good days.

    1 mile run (based on fastest one mile split during weekly long run)
    9min 43 sec ---> 9 min 19 sec

    standard pushups


    2min 41 sec ---> 3min 8 seconds (only because i was determined to hit 3 minutes no matter what)

    BUT......not to be a total downer......have to keep in mind where I've come from. I have lost and successfully kept off 60+lbs. I can run 13 miles, even when it feel like it really really sucks, I can still run 13 miles. I can sort of almost do one complete unassisted pull-up. And I'm pretty happy, most of the time.

    Before. WAY before......

    December 2015 (Couldn't find anything more recent, but as I said...I haven't lost anything since)

    This is a couple of years old, but one of my favorites - keeps me going on the days I just want to give up - yes, that is a pushup

  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    No camera above the reply box on my phone...just B bold ...I italic... ¶| hard return quote, code, spoiler on drop down...and smiley face with smileys :o
  • lupie777
    lupie777 Posts: 217 Member
    @ka97 that looks like some pretty fantastic progress to me girl! You look awesome! WTG!!
  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    jazzypdx wrote: »
    No camera above the reply box on my phone...just B bold ...I italic... ¶| hard return quote, code, spoiler on drop down...and smiley face with smileys :o

    For me the little camera icon is next to the smiley face icon.
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    So didn't do any progress photos but can give you some updates on my progress.

    June 2014- couldn't jog for 1 minute straight, couldn't handle a modified pushup, could hold a plank for about 10 seconds, could do about 15 crunches

    March 2016
    Ran 1 mile in 14:12
    25 standard pushups in 1 minute
    24 situps in 1 minute
    1:31 plank

    April 2016
    Ran 1 mile in 12:14 (would have been a little less but manged to trip and eat pavement in the last bit of my mile. Limped the rest if the way to finish the mile)
    25 standard pushups plus 3 modified in 1 minute
    30 full situps
    2:00 plank
  • LizFitIt34
    LizFitIt34 Posts: 125 Member
    Before and after face shot of me. First was at 284 pounds and the second is at 215. I have lost 11.3 inches since starting this challenge.
  • smiphette
    smiphette Posts: 177 Member
    I am down 6 inches overall since starting this challenge. My 1 mile run time is 30 seconds faster. I can't plank or pushup right now due to an injury.
  • CeruleanCoffee
    CeruleanCoffee Posts: 54 Member
    I am so inspired by all of your posts!
    Unfortunately I did not take the time to do the pre-assessment at the beginning of the challenge so I don't have those metrics to show for my progress. I am down a few pounds, but my biggest victory so far is that I have stuck with this challenge. I am great at starting things but I lack follow through and consistency. I'm proud that even during the busiest weeks at my job that I'm still logging and completing some sort of workout. I never thought that I would work out for 5+ hours in a week-and actually enjoy it!
  • visionmet
    visionmet Posts: 53 Member
    Okay so I don't really see that much of a difference personally but the first photo is from the first day of the challenge and the second is on 4/13. izjcqi8rtf0k.jpg
  • dtplow
    dtplow Posts: 127 Member
    Just updated my preassessment times, I have gotten stronger and a little faster. I have lost about 8 lbs. My biggest victory is going from having pre-diabetes bloodwork( in December) to have all my bloodwork come back normal! Both my parents had type 2 diabetes so this is such an accomplishment for me. I feel so much better and have so much more energy now!
  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    on a desktop at work - no "camera icon above reply box, it won't let me paste intp the little document deop down either...
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    March 2016
    Ran 1 mile in 10'10"
    12standard pushups + 8 modified in 1 minute
    25 situps in 1 minute
    1:04 plank

    April 2016
    Ran 1 mile in 8'50"
    25 standard pushups plus 3 modified in 1 minute
    50 full situps
    2:00 plank
  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    I finished the sit ups and plank tonight and updated on the sheet (dang I missed that we were supposed to do it 3/29 sorry) I don't have a camera icon so no pic to post. My ankle is so much stronger and more flexible since I have started the challenge. Overall toning up all over, my arms have muscle shapes again instead of just poofyness dangling from my shoulders. My resting heart rate has dropped 7-8 beats, so all the walking and stairclimbing is definitely having a positive effect. My Fitbit read 83-85 when I first got it at the end of February now it is 76-78 when I am reading or watching TV. I thank everyone for the inspiration and encouragement, it truly has kept me on track. Namaste :smile:
  • lupie777
    lupie777 Posts: 217 Member
    Awesome job everyone!!!! Keep up the great work!!
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    I also missed the 3/26 update. I don't have a cell phone, so posting pictures is not something I'm able to do. I did lose 5 pounds since starting and added 4 push ups, 5 sit ups and 40seconds to my beginning plank time. I'm able to wear (comfortably zip) the next size down jeans. I'm happy with slow and steady. Can't believe we only have a few more weeks left to this challenge! I'm so motivated and inspired by everyone's hard work and progress. Keep it up all, we're all winners!
  • Rossergirl
    Rossergirl Posts: 105 Member
    March 2016
    1 mile: 16 mins 30 sec
    push ups: modified 27
    plank: forearms 35 sec
    sit ups: crunches 38

    April 2016
    1 mile: 15 mins 59 sec
    push ups: modified 33
    plank: forearms 42 secs
    sit ups: crunches 43