Hungry! - What keeps you full?

Hey girls,

I wanted to check if I am not the only one who is always hungry, and what you do about it.
I have been using myfitnesspal off and on through the years and I like it. The biggest issue, especially as a student and worker, is that no matter what I eat I keep getting hungry 1-2 hours later. Calories daily limit and type of food seems to not to a big difference whether im on 1700/day or 1200,

Many have told me to eat fiber and protein as it is suppose to take longer to break down, but in truth, it seems to go through my just as fast as the rest.

What are you all doing about the hunger to keep down the calories and avoid snacking too much?
Any food items you recommend that keeps you going to the next meal?



  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    I'll preface this with the fact that in my reading there is a lot of controversy on the topic of fiber supplements. Do your own research. That said, I have been using Metamucil because I found I wasn't getting the amount of fiber I needed on a regular basis in my diet. I have been taking 2 tsp with lunch and dinner for about 2 weeks and one welcome side effect is that it curbs my hunger between meals. I drink a lot of water also. I have found that I do better if I save some of my daily calories for healthy snacks between meals as grazing throughout the day helps keep my energy up as well. Best of luck!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Cottage cheese! I find on the days I have a measured half cup of 1% cottage cheese topped with half cup chopped tomato and spiked with ground black pepper, it makes me feel full for hours!
  • lambie14
    lambie14 Posts: 27 Member
    Protein! Eggs, chicken, fish, lean beef...I also find it is helpful to eat real meals, not just healthy-ish energy bars or snacks throughout the day. Drinking adequate fluids is another. Sometimes I think I am hungry but I'm actually just thirsty...
  • wuwu90
    wuwu90 Posts: 275 Member
    Good old low calorie nutrient packed veggies. Namely cucumbers they are 90 percent water so its like a guilt free snack. When i was with jenny craig last year part of their rule was that i could eat as much non starchy vegetables as i wanted and not include them with my 1200 calorie intake.
  • carolerunsalot
    carolerunsalot Posts: 96 Member
    I read an article today that recommended raspberries, eggs, seaweed, legumes, and one other that I forgot. I haven't been eating much of any of these, so I'll be giving them a shot, except maybe the seaweed....
  • lagoscarrie
    lagoscarrie Posts: 183 Member
    I keep a supply of veggies cooked in the frig so I can't use the inconvenience of cooking as an excuse to eat something faster--and more calorie packed. Cabbage is fantastic, as are carrots, broccoli, kale... Oh hell! They're all good--and that much better if they are ready to go and only need to be reheated!
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    You know I snack on nuts and pepperoni. I find that drinking BPC I the morning, eating some eggs mixed with green chili and cream cheese and some bacon and or chorizo for lunch holds me over until I eat dinner which is typically a lean meat and a tiny bit of veggies. I almost always eat some form of eggs with high fat meat early in the day between 11-3. I try to eat very little carbs.
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    Porridge keeps me surprisingly full. It's probably a bit bland for most people, but I have a mug with just water and it keeps me full from noon until 6, considering it's less than 200 calories, I think that's quite impressive.
  • leaj1984
    leaj1984 Posts: 23 Member
    How about a poached egg with 1/4 avocado on a not-too-high calorie bread? Or yogurt with half a protein bar... Those are usually filling snacks. Nuts tend to fill me up quite a bit... Peanut butter and apple... Just some snack ideas for you :)
  • AliceAxe
    AliceAxe Posts: 172 Member
    1-2 hours? do you have hypoglycemia? this is the time when your blood sugar dips. I have it and it will give you symptoms like this your body thinks it needs more food. I have it and have to snak like ever 2-4 hours like a shrew, but its making it realy hard to get my weight down. I would suggest seeing your doc about it, get a meter to test. to combat it I will just have a very small bit of protien or something right before that 2hour dip. I used to have very bad dangerous symptoms but doing this stabalised my blood sugar over time. also definately look into a low glycemic diet.
  • jmm1977
    jmm1977 Posts: 31 Member
    I drink Shakeology in the AM and that holds me over until lunch time! I typically mix it up with a cup of fruit and water! Sometimes with a TBSP of Almond Butter and/or PBFit and banana! I love it! It has turned out to be my favorite meal of the day! I have also had oatmeal with fresh fruits, that is very filling! Sometimes for lunch!! (I am in the middle of braces and sometimes need that soft food!)
  • juliaschulz510
    juliaschulz510 Posts: 6 Member
    For lunch, I highly recommend a healthy soup (maybe thickened with rice or beans). I often have a freshly baked roll on the side, as well. There's been a study that a meal that's been pureed into a soup keeps you fuller for longer than the same meal in its original state with a glass of water on the side.

    And I do find that it really works! Even though a soup for lunch consists of not more than 300 calories for me (450 including the bread), I am happy and full until dinner. x
  • knittingbee928
    knittingbee928 Posts: 50 Member
    Oatmeal. I actually don't like it all that much, but it is fairly low-calorie and keeps me full for a long time. Also, beans. Beans and more beans! Those keep me full for hours. I agree with @AliceAxe's hypoglycemic comment above - also @mom23mangos - eat when you're hungry, just allocate the calories accordingly. If you need to eat 6 meals a day and your limit is, say, 1200 calories, then shoot for 200 calories at each "meal" and you should be fine. Or 300 in AM, 300 in PM, and 150 calories for all other meals in between.
  • lucygliang
    lucygliang Posts: 18 Member
    This site has some of the best high-protein recipes I've seen, mostly baked goods:

    Also this: -- It tastes amazing and really fills you up because it is high volume (blending pumps a lot of air into the contents).

    On that note, eating lots of vegetables is a good idea. High volume/nutrient density & low calorie. Hope this helps!
  • hnahae
    hnahae Posts: 38 Member
    nibbles of cheese, 1/2 avocado, or a banana work for me
  • flrancho
    flrancho Posts: 271 Member
    I usually have something to snack on every couple of hours or so, both to keep away hunger and to meet calorie goals because my meals throughout the day usually don't do it alone so I have to fill in the holes with snacks.

    I think protein and whole grains seem to do the trick for me - whole grains more than the protein.
  • unawind
    unawind Posts: 46 Member
    2 large eggs cooked in a tablespoon of butter keeps me going for ages. It's my most-bang-for-your-buck meal.
  • sazzyb_
    sazzyb_ Posts: 25 Member
    Skinny latte's do the trick for me. If I'm out and about after work and I know I won't get time for dinner I'll just grab a latte and it sees me through for a good few hours!

    Also I have low calorie hot chocolate (with sweetener) before bed which seems to stop any late night hunger pangs.