Bigger boobs

wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
Hey guys. I have stopped birth control since last September. I gained weight while on it. I was thin in January 2015 (108 maybe 106 pounds). However I gained so much weight. People still think I'm thin but I gain my weight in stomach, arms and boobs. I hate it. My boobs have gotten so big. It looks horrible. I workout like crazy but only recently have been cutting my calories. I don't count but I cut portions significantly and no more junk food for past several weeks. I don't see the scale changing but my clothes fit better. However my boobs are so big still. Has any other short girl experienced this?


  • Rockchick09
    Rockchick09 Posts: 200 Member
    Ever heard people complaining that the first place they loose fat on is their leg then their *kitten*? Well in most cases, not all, you'll start to loose weight on you're legs and *kitten*, then arms and last boobs, tummy and back.

    You can't really do anything to force fat from the area of your choosing unless you get a doctor to suck that fat away.

    You'll loose the fat in time :) Good luck :D
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    Thank you it's just so discouraging. I've always been super thin and now people see me and say I'm thin but my clothes don't look the way they used to. I still wear 0 or 2 in pant size and small in shirts but tops and dresses are tighter around chest. My collar bone used to stick out so much but not anymore. I just feel "blah". I also want to try and get pregnant by end of year but I want to be thin before I get pregnant. It sucks when you are petite because every pound shows. My love handles are out of control.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    wantoldme wrote: »
    . I also want to try and get pregnant by end of year but I want to be thin before I get pregnant. It sucks when you are petite because every pound shows. My love handles are out of control.

    You are probably better off staying at this weight to get pregnant if you've always been super thin. I don't know how tall you are. I was 5'2" and 95lbs and had to gain weight before I could get pregnant. Just 2lbs, but it worked.
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    Right now this weight is too much for my body. I'm 5'1". I used to be so much thinner. I want to be thin and in great shape.