TEAM 3! Ready To Rock!!



  • Pmm5pla
    Pmm5pla Posts: 265 Member
    @headrain @mallowbar. So, I'm wondering is the marathon walk / run challenge for 25 points an all-or-nothing? Many team members have 20+ but short of 26.
  • lynnjano
    lynnjano Posts: 149 Member
    Pmm5pla wrote: »
    @headrain @mallowbar. So, I'm wondering is the marathon walk / run challenge for 25 points an all-or-nothing? Many team members have 20+ but short of 26.

    Yes I believe it's 26 miles and is all or nothing, stated back in Melodie's thread. Off to India, love this weeks roadblocks, we all need a balance of physical, mental, spiritual....perfect timing for this! Everybody take a deep breath and ommmmmmmmmm.
  • Pmm5pla
    Pmm5pla Posts: 265 Member
    Thanks for the update, Lynn..... Ommmmm
  • Pmm5pla
    Pmm5pla Posts: 265 Member
    edited April 2016
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    Thanks for updating that, Pat!

    I'm excited for an active week... it's my last week of half marathon training before I start my two-week taper period. Hoping I can actually make my strength classes this week as well. Happy Monday, everyone!
  • Pmm5pla
    Pmm5pla Posts: 265 Member
    Nicci93 wrote: »
    Thanks for updating that, Pat!

    I'm excited for an active week... it's my last week of half marathon training before I start my two-week taper period. Hoping I can actually make my strength classes this week as well. Happy Monday, everyone!

    Best wishes for your upcoming half, Nicci. Tapering is important part of it too!
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    Hope everyone is having a relaxing week on our way to India! I personally hate Yoga and I'm trying so hard to have the patience to do the video challenge this week...

    Anyone know any good Yoga for Runners videos? Something shorter than 30 minutes preferably!
  • JagZag
    JagZag Posts: 174 Member
    Sorry Nicci, not a yoga person. Maybe search you tube or some yoga websites. I'm trying to get to the video as well. Hard to fit extra things into my workout routine but I am determined to get it done. Maybe tomorrow as I won't be lifting then.
  • Headrain
    Headrain Posts: 103 Member
    Thanks so much for your help Pat, as always! It's so nice to have you to rely on for that. Two people at work had their grandmothers pass this week so I've been covering for them this past weekend and this week.
  • Headrain
    Headrain Posts: 103 Member
    Just checking in on ya all! This spring weather has finally stabilized for several days in a row and ive gotten some good walking in so my miles were way up this week! Unfortunately I ate more too....
  • lynnjano
    lynnjano Posts: 149 Member
    Hello Variety Pack. Team has shrunk and not much chatter. We're almost to India, even with our small crew, I'm hopeful we will get there. No info on where we're off to next. It's tough to stay motivated at this point but I'm hoping to have a productive healthy last two weeks. Wishing you all extra energy and lots of active minutes/ miles!
  • Pmm5pla
    Pmm5pla Posts: 265 Member
    Rome wasn't built in a day! I'll be hoping to have spreadsheet updated later this evening...

    Second last week? It sure did fly! Our active members are diminishing, but hey.. let's finish what we started.
  • JagZag
    JagZag Posts: 174 Member
    I have been working out a lot, took Saturday totally off. My body needed a rest. One of the downsides to working out so much is my appetite has increased which has negatively affected my diet. I am determined to eat much better this week. First order of business is to make a ginormous salad and eat that about 20 minutes before my meal. I think if everyone that is still participating fills out the spreadsheet we might limp into India.
  • lynnjano
    lynnjano Posts: 149 Member
    Hi everyone Thanks once again for the spreadsheets Pat. It looks like there's seven of us left which I think means we need 570 miles per member to get to Rome. If Yan can do it WE CAN TOO. one of my favorite sayings, hope you youngins know who Yan is. Good luck and keep on movin!
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    Wow this board has slowed down a lot...

    I have definitely fell off the weight loss train this week. My husband and I are in the process of buying our first home, and there were some complications with the financing side of things. Needless to say, we took advantage of the free food coupons instead of cooked - and I dug into the leftover Easter candy stash all week :/

    My half marathon is 8 days away, and I didn't work out at all this week... taper fail! Gotta get in some mileage today or I'll hate myself next week!
  • Pmm5pla
    Pmm5pla Posts: 265 Member
    Nicci93 wrote: »
    Wow this board has slowed down a lot...

    I have definitely fell off the weight loss train this week. My husband and I are in the process of buying our first home, and there were some complications with the financing side of things. Needless to say, we took advantage of the free food coupons instead of cooked - and I dug into the leftover Easter candy stash all week :/

    My half marathon is 8 days away, and I didn't work out at all this week... taper fail! Gotta get in some mileage today or I'll hate myself next week!

    Best wishes in your new home & for half-marathon Nicci!
  • Headrain
    Headrain Posts: 103 Member
    Thanks to everyone who hung in there, appreciate all you do, especially Pat, our spreadsheet wonder! Spring was not a good choice for me to do a challenge- way too much on my plate. I felt I wasn't able to enjoy it like the winter one. So I'll take a break from challenges after this one but I am still on the weight loss train, and healthy eating and exercise for life! Glad we are all friends on mfp!