Over 40, over 75lb to lose, 365 days committment to logging.

FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
Like so many others, I've yo yo dieted. I dropped~20lb on MFP 3 years in a row.. and each time ... stopped logging and up and up and up.

Now, I want to eat like I love myself. Every day. For a year.

Or for as long as it takes, and I'm starting this thread for those of you who also have big numbers to lose, and a long journey ahead, who want to share the exciting journey to freedom. I'd love to meet you.


  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    Nice to meet you all. Good on you, you all sound like you are doing well so far. I try to eat pretty clean because I don't tolerate dairy, gluten, most grains and legumes, beef, and lamb, and sugar sets up cravings so I avoid.
    Currently I'm on lowish carb, and intermittent lowish calories for a few weeks to kick start weight loss, and am fairly sedentary in this phase.
    So far have dropped 14lb in 24 days, though has slowed of course. I aim to check in daily, and also to change eating habits around a bit as I go as you spoke of slimzandra. Next couple of weeks I will do a little more cycling, and kettle bells on top of 2 easy gym sessions, while I slowly build up strength. There is something awesome about really deciding to take charge of my life, this one thing that is so important to everything else.
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    PS, I have about 135lb to drop overall, 14lb so far.
  • carom
    carom Posts: 188 Member
    Hi and welcome, feel free to friend me. This is a great group with lots of info and lots of support. I have lost around 20 kilos so far since early last year. lots of up and downs for me... I still want to lose around 20 kilos by the end of this year. I have been doing well, but just last weekend fell off my wagon. I am starting again tomorrow. I am eating very low carb ( less that 20g) and very high fat
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    Congrats Carom on 20kg, good luck with very low carb and high fat.
    And hats off to you ladipoet, 150lbs is amazing.
  • ucbycindy
    ucbycindy Posts: 23 Member
    Great job all of you! I have been struggling, but plugging away. 31/2 months lost 25...but should lose about 175
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    go girl. I'm at less than 4 weeks so far, so over the first 2 weeks of getting off carbs and getting into habit of cooking all my own food- mostly. At this stage, the reason that got me going this time is still strong, so it makes me get up and eat even when I don't feel like it- I almost never feel hunger, I could go for days - I'd just watch my mood and mental capacities drop- but not feel hunger - typical of obese people.

    Anyway, 1 day at a time, we can all do this..
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    You can do it! I have been logging daily for about 2 years :) If you miss a day, you can go back and fill in the log, then reset your counter. https://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/login_counter_reset_request
  • Midnightgypsy0
    Midnightgypsy0 Posts: 177 Member
    I have such a hard time with the carbs. Girlfriend loves her pasta. One mouthful and I'm over my carb limit for the day.
    Some things fool you. Ate a 12 inch sautéed zucchini the other day and it had lots of carbs in it.
    Didn't see that one coming.... lol
    Keep trying.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Anyway, 1 day at a time, we can all do this..

    Yes, we can!
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    ...I've eaten low carb, low fat, high protein for years with minimal success, reducing the protein and upping the fats has changed my life.

    just over 4 months now, gone from using 310 > 10-20 units of insulin a day, lost 60 lbs- lower than in about 7-8 years, but I still need to lose another 140 lbs.

    Eating this way feels very sustainable for me. I accepted years ago that carbs were not my friend, but it's much easier to avoid them now that I've increased my fat intake. This is definitely not a diet for me, but a long-term way of life.

    FANTASTIC CONGRATULATIONS, AND welcome to this thread. ...I wasn't aiming to be rigid about the 40 plus, rather, recognising those of us who might have carried weight over a long time, or been challenged with changing bodies as we are out of our 30's. So cool, I am so looking forward to sharing this journey with you.
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    KetoGirl83 wrote: »
    It's great so see everyone doing so well! LCHF is a life saver.

    I'm 52, So far I've lost 95lbs/43kg, roughly half of what I need to lose. I have been over 220lbs/100kg for 25 years and am having difficulty busting this plateau. I set smaller goals of 22lbs/10kg at a time and try to have patience and trust the process.

    OH GOOD ON YOU, how cool. I reckon we all have those big milestones, like 100kg. I am going to have a beach party when I go under 100kg (220lb).

    So glad to be sharing this journey with so many great people
  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    FitToLead wrote: »
    (...) I am going to have a beach party when I go under 100kg (220lb).

    So glad to be sharing this journey with so many great people

    Party on! We can do it!

  • peabean26
    peabean26 Posts: 78 Member
    I have such a hard time with the carbs. Girlfriend loves her pasta. One mouthful and I'm over my carb limit for the day.
    Some things fool you. Ate a 12 inch sautéed zucchini the other day and it had lots of carbs in it.
    Didn't see that one coming.... lol
    Keep trying.

    Have you tried making your own egg noodles?

    I make them whenever I really want pasta. They soak up sauce pretty well which disguises the egg flavor. I also like shiritaki noodles, you can buy them in most grocery stores. Some people dont like the flavor. You have to rinse them really well and put them in a sauce (I use them in thai curry sauces) for them to have a nice flavor.
  • Midnightgypsy0
    Midnightgypsy0 Posts: 177 Member
    peabean26 wrote: »
    I have such a hard time with the carbs. Girlfriend loves her pasta. One mouthful and I'm over my carb limit for the day.
    Some things fool you. Ate a 12 inch sautéed zucchini the other day and it had lots of carbs in it.
    Didn't see that one coming.... lol
    Keep trying.

    Have you tried making your own egg noodles?

    I make them whenever I really want pasta. They soak up sauce pretty well which disguises the egg flavor. I also like shiritaki noodles, you can buy them in most grocery stores. Some people dont like the flavor. You have to rinse them really well and put them in a sauce (I use them in thai curry sauces) for them to have a nice flavor.

    Thanks! I'll give it a try....
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    PamamaJane wrote: »
    My 70+ years certainly qualifies on the over 40 part. Having hit 249 and refusing to allow that middle number to turn into a (gasp) 5, and with a goal weight of 150 qualifies on the over 75 part. I started late in March and have said bye-bye to 11 pounds so far. Go me! And I've maintained a 35 day streak so 365 more means I'll be shooting for an even 400 days of logging. I'm in! Let the fun begin!

    Love your mojo. Yeah, a beach part for all of us when we are under a big number, and after 365 days.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    FitToLead wrote: »

    --Eat like I love myself
    --Move like I love myself
    --Speak to myself like I love myself, and
    --Act like I love myself "adapted form Tara Stiles"

    This is beautiful.

    I'm not quite 40--a little over 5 months until that milestone birthday--but I started out at 236 pounds 14 months ago wanting to lose around 90 pounds. So far I've lost about 65 of those, so I'm getting close. I'm already smaller than my driver's license weight, smaller than when I met my husband, and smaller than I was in graduate school (which was my lowest adult weight). I'm not losing very consistently lately, but I'm still a lot happier eating this way.

    Some people can get away with not logging, but I need the accountability. Even if nobody is actually checking my food diary, it's the idea that someone (like the Keto Drill Sergeant!) might that motivates me to think twice about everything I put into my mouth. And I enter everything I eat, even if I strayed off my eating plan. That's what works for me.

    Best of luck! This forum has a great bunch of people, without whom I never would have made it through my first few months of low carb eating. :)
  • lowcarbjen
    lowcarbjen Posts: 3 Member
    I'm over 40 and getting married in November. That wasn't even enough motivation. It was a seatbelt extender and sweating everywhere when everyone else was comfortable on vacation. Here to just get comfortable again. But looking to lose 170 lbs. Day 3 of keto. I like the high fat portion of it, it's helped stabilize my mood. Although so did the 8:30 pm bedtime last night! Looking forward to this group overall and this one in particular.