Happy Monday!

mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
So how is everyone today? Not much talking with this group, where is everyone?


  • lori415m
    lori415m Posts: 31 Member
    I just joined this group yesterday.
    Today was a good day. One of my customers gave me a homemade cinnamon roll with icing and 2 cookies. They looked so good but I brought them home to my husband because I just joined a 30 day challenge (started Sunday) with a couple of gals at work. This challenge is a list of food items that are off limits. Needless to say, those treats were on the list and I was able to withstand. I'm pretty satisfied with that. :)
  • gtg2015
    gtg2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, I just joined this group too. Congrats Lori!
    Have been better to be honest, binged pretty intensely for the second day in a row - can't seem to find a way to calm down after an hour or so after wanting to binge - anyone have any suggestions? Sending lots of good energy to everyone doing their best
  • lori415m
    lori415m Posts: 31 Member
    gtg2015 what are you thinking about? For me, there is usually an emotion tied to undesirable eating. Perhaps to sit with a paper and pencil, write down what you're thinking/feeling and then ask yourself if you're really hungry or want to eat because of the thoughts. Then go outside and run/walk down your driveway or sidewalk just to break the cycle. Jumping jacks (a quick 10) will do wonders too. :)