Struggling to hit goals...any ideas

kirstie1978 Posts: 29 Member
Hi everyone
I'm struggling to keep my protein low... I'm finding I can up my fat with fat bombs but I am still hungry with less protein... So I'm finding that with my meals I am always over on protein by the end of the day and wondered if anyone had any suggestions, I'm trying to keep carbs below 20grams. I'm eating avocados to try help to keep dairy/cream on the low side. I started chia puddings instead of bacon and eggs for breakfast but again I am finding I am hungry a lot at the moment... I'm not sure what's going on but I can't seem to keep things in order without being repetitive. I'm not loosing weight after my initial 3kg water weight I've stayed up and down at the same, measurements are the same and I'm finding my calories since upping the fat and attempting to decrease protein are going up but I am more hungry.... I should be on a ratio of about 1400 calories (I was eating 1200 initially and just watching carbs) with 75 grand protein but based on suggestions increased and tried to monitor all macros) but instead I am more hungry!
Thoughts anyone?! Thanks


  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    75 grams of protein is not out of line at all. How tall are you and do you exercise regularly or not? Also how "low" are you trying to keep your protein levels?
  • kirstie1978
    kirstie1978 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm over hitting them that's the problem. I usually exercise more so it wouldn't be a problem but due to a hip injury am unable to so want to stick to the 75grams. I am 5ft 7 and that was the suggested macro with 1400cals for my height/weight