My daily steps and Calorie burn is not moved to my Fitness pal

kim_rass Posts: 1 Member
I really love the way Fitnesspal works, and my Garmin Connect works perfect for workouts. I have now bought a MS Band 2 and I like that as well, but I do not see any interaction between the 2 products even though I have linked them..

Any hints from any one ?

Thanks in advance


  • blakeolson
    blakeolson Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Kim - did you ever resolve this? I have a band as well and although the connection seems to be active, I am only getting activity from my iphone, and not from my band
  • MrsArdizzone
    MrsArdizzone Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in the same boat :( I thought disconnecting the apps and re-connecting might help... but it won't even let me do that now.
  • Ride529
    Ride529 Posts: 3 Member
    Same here it says the connection is there, and when I do "Exercise" with the band it shows up as activity but for some reason the Step count isn't working, has anyone figured this out? I'd really like to see it working.
  • sodamhwf
    sodamhwf Posts: 1 Member
    I still have the problems with MFP not syncing with my Microsoft Band 2. It shows no steps at all. For months I have read were they are looking into it but as of now I have not heard anything about a fix
  • msghens
    msghens Posts: 15 Member
    I see steps, only when I use the MFP app on the Android app. I do not see steps on the web app or the windows phone app.

    The current problem that I am having is that the Microsoft Health calorie adjustment seems to be flaky at best. If I record a walk or exercise, there seems to be no hope that other Microsoft Health calorie adjustment will remain zero.

    With that said, I am a big fan of the Microsoft Band 2.
  • msghens
    msghens Posts: 15 Member
    I take it back, my steps are not coming across either.
  • Ride529
    Ride529 Posts: 3 Member
    No steps for me either, but yes activities, seems like they have broken something in the link, would be nice to fix it and have all the data in one place.
  • jecaron99
    jecaron99 Posts: 1 Member
    same issue here.. and microsoft just replaced my band 2 with a new one do to another issue.. pretty sure im done with this and going to get fitbit blaze
  • Xsd87
    Xsd87 Posts: 3 Member
    update went online a few days ago
  • LucyLovely
    LucyLovely Posts: 15 Member
    Mine never synced steps but if I use the exercise tile on my band when I work out it will sync the calories. I haven't had any problems with that.
  • HellsDelight
    HellsDelight Posts: 1 Member
    It did work for me with Band 1 in the past then I moved from a Windows Phone to Android and now since weeks it doesn't show my synced steps in the MyFitnessPal App anymore.

    Seems there are alot of known issues now according to MyFitnessPal:

    So I suggest to ask their support so that they will fix it. My guess is that they don't care anymore about the Band :(