Introduction, Friend Request



  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    I love new friends <3 Please add me :) XOXOXO
  • hmz74
    hmz74 Posts: 53 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • PaulaSchlotterbeck
    PaulaSchlotterbeck Posts: 34 Member
    Howdy! Age 47... 37 lbs lost, 13lbs or so to go. I'd love to find some friends so feel free to add me!
  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 753 Member
    Hi everyone, 45 and married to by best friend with 3 kids, I currenytl weigh in at 176 and I'm 5'2" I want to get down to 130.
  • AnneCoolbreze
    AnneCoolbreze Posts: 29 Member
    Hi. I'm 47, married, 2 adult children. I've recently recommitted to MFP. I'm tracking but not so precisely that I weigh my 1/2 banana. I workout in the early am using moderate weights 6 days a week and go to the gym in the evenings 4-5 days a week to build my cardio. I'd like to start getting more serious about lifting weights. I'm currently around 160 and have 24% body fat. I'd love to have friends here to support and be supported by.
  • Fernella13
    Fernella13 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi, I'm 135' 5feet. Trying to avoid diabetes and high blood pressure medication. I've never been consistent with diet and exercise. This time around I'm using the Fitness Blender videos on YouTube. Feel free to friend me.
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    Hi :) Looking for new friends who will stick around a while <3 I have logged in every day for over a year, and have lost over 100 lbs in the past 2 years <3 XOXOXO
  • zantegirl
    zantegirl Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 46, married- two little peeps, 5 and 8- 4 dogs- a cat- a leopard gecko- and two finches- live in Kansas- from Oregon and missing my NW. I'm 5'8" and currently weigh 230- I'd like to see the other side of 200- ideally eventually see 160- so I have a ways to go. I'm a curvey girl so i hold my weight pretty evenly. Below 160 I look emaciated. I've been off here since 2012- and have maintained the same weight since- with exception of a year ago I got down to 212 and I was on a roll and then fell- tore my rotator cuff tendon. Bone cracked in half in surgery... (June 6th, 2015) so it has been a long a** recovery and I'm just now feeling "good" physically but my motivation... not so much.
  • jesathecat
    jesathecat Posts: 28 Member
    Started at Christmas lost 15lbs got sore leg I'm now back to square one
    I'm now back . but need some friends to help each other along the way please add me
  • zoning25
    zoning25 Posts: 38 Member
    I have been using MFP for quite a while now. I love it. I am not always 100% with it but I think its a great way to keep things in check with what you put in your mouth. I love how it links with my Fitbit. I have to say at the end of the day sometimes those free calories Fitbit adds back in make it ok to wind down with that wine. Am I alone on this one?
    I love seeing action in my news feed. It just encourages me to log in every day. Please add me if you wish.
    I am a 43, Female, married with a 12 year old son. My life is built around my son. I was a wild one until he was born and now a total home body. I hate to even grocery shop. But I stay very active with workouts and walking. Recently I have started to run and am very proud of myself. It took 2 summers to accomplish a full mile. Just this week I ran 6 miles in 60 minutes. Everything is possible my friends. Never give up. If you fall you stumble forward and move on.
    Add me, new friends are always welcome.
  • tcatz68
    tcatz68 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone I am new to MFP and I am looking for some weight loss buddies for support. In my late 40's and the numbers keep going up on the scale as I get older. I have a desk job and they pretty much chain you butt to your desk all day and the workload is crazy so I know the stress does not help as when I get home I am emotionally drained. I got a UP Move tracker last week and am determined to increase my steps daily. I hope to meet some cool people with the same goals. Please feel free to add me as a friend :smiley:
  • highergoals1
    highergoals1 Posts: 12 Member
    Please add me. I have 20pounds to lose and I am quite motivated.