Has anyone ever tried these?

Hello all!

I'm just starting out with Keto! So far feeling great!

I was looking into options for satisfying my sweet-tooth. I've been good, but I know a craving will creep up on me.

I saw something on Amazon.com called "ChocoPerfection." I don't want to link it in case I violate forum rules by doing so. But the website says this about it:

Repeatedly voted "Best Tasting Sugar Free Chocolate," ChocoPerfection is sweetened from plant fibers with a glycemic index of zero. Each sugar free 50g bar has 14g dietary fiber, 2g net carbs.

I wanted to find something to curb my sweet-tooth that didn't contain a lot of sugar alcohols, since my stomach doesn't take too kindly to them.

Has anyone tried this?

What do YOU do to satisfy a sweet-tooth?

Take care!


  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    I'm trying to kill my sweet tooth not satisfy it :-/

    From the Whole30 program I got the concept of the "Sugar Dragon" and their point is that starving it is the only way to eliminate it. So (within the framework of Whole30) they don't want people who crave sugar to eat fruit, even though it's "better": it still lights up your dopamine rewards pathways with the sweet flavor. People are directed to have protein & fat in response to a sugar craving.

    Anyway, but re: keto specifically, I try to stay away from most sweet things. I don't really do artificial sweeteners except what's in my protein powder and preworkout --- but honestly I'm just kinda still working through supplies of those powders I've had for a long time ... the preworkout gets used rarely and the protein powder I don't really use anymore since I'm usually too high on my protein macro for ketosis anyway.

    It's definitely one of those "different strokes for different folks" things ... some people are able to manage small amounts of sweet stuff ... whether it's the "1 square of high quality dark chocolate per day" folks, or the artificial sweetener/sugar alcohol folks ... but more and more.

    I think for me I just like sweet too much so I should probably avoid it. It probably means resigning myself to the fact that I'll always still think it tastes good, but I just am making the choice to not have the stuff. Not sure if you know the lady "Chickentuna" but she makes some points that have resonated with me: "I love being in shape and I am willing to do what it takes to stay there even though it's hard and not so much fun to give up all the good stuff ... ... I eat the boring food to have the exciting body" http://www.chickentuna.com/Philosophy.html
    Not that keto has to be "boring" but, ya, it's not like shredded people think chocolate or ice cream is icky, it's that they've made other things a priority.
  • amberatkinsagain
    amberatkinsagain Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you for your perspective! I like that quote.

    I am changing the way I look at and manage food. Though, I am not looking to get shredded or anything like that :p I want to be realistic with my goals. Part of that is realizing I do have a major sweet tooth! And was wondering if anyone had ever tried these, or found anything that is a better alternative.
  • carsonheim
    carsonheim Posts: 79 Member
    I have had the chocoperfection bars. They are good. I will take one or two squares (each bar has four squares) maybe once or twice a week.
  • amberatkinsagain
    amberatkinsagain Posts: 22 Member
    @carsonheim thank you! I just bought the 'mixed' package. And 1-2 squares a week works as that is the most I've ever paid for chocolate!
  • carsonheim
    carsonheim Posts: 79 Member
    What did you pay? I get them at my grocery store. One box has five bars and costs 6.99
  • becwana
    becwana Posts: 157 Member
    If you are on Pinterest there are some great fat bomb recipes, fudge, cookies, mug cakes and keto friendly desserts galore!
    I have oodles of stuff saved to my keto recipe boards - my username on there is becwaahh so feel free to check it out and raid my 'keto friendly desserts and sweets' board!!
    I do enjoy a dessert every now and then but it does not derail me - my nemesis is bread!!
  • cristinaengel
    cristinaengel Posts: 13 Member
    Fat bombs!! Love them
  • amberatkinsagain
    amberatkinsagain Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you all for your responses! @carsonheim I paid like $21 on amazon? Whoops! I will try the grocery store next time! @becwana I tried a mug cake yesterday! I really liked it, but I think I overcooked it. The idea of cooking an egg in a microwave was kind of frightening but it was very satisfying!