
brp1627 Posts: 24 Member
I thought it'd be nice for us to have a thread dedicated to our progress.

I'm only 2 days post-procedure so not any substantial progress to report here. I have been experiencing frequent stomach cramping, especially right after eating. Throat is still quite sore from the procedure & intubation. But overall I'm feeling positive!


  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    You must be a mind reader! I was thinking about doing the same thing. :-) I had my two month follow up yesterday. I've lost 10lbs and 5 3/4" total. I was getting discouraged with the scale, but after seeing that I have lost that many inches, I feel better. My pants are loser, but I'm between sizes.
  • brp1627
    brp1627 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm one week post-procedure today, and I'm exactly 5 lbs down on my scale. My 1 week appointment in on Wednesday and I'm curious to see what the study scale and measuring tape says.
  • brp1627
    brp1627 Posts: 24 Member
    brp1627 wrote: »
    I'm one week post-procedure today, and I'm exactly 5 lbs down on my scale. My 1 week appointment in on Wednesday and I'm curious to see what the study scale and measuring tape says.

    FYI: my scale at home was higher than the study scale on the morning if the procedure. So my numbers are a bit off here.
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    My work scale is consistently 3 pounds over what the study scale says. I always keep that in mind when I weigh myself between visits. Great job on 5 pounds! That is a wonderful start.
  • brp1627
    brp1627 Posts: 24 Member
    I over ate at dinner last night. Big mistake!! Had a later lunch (around 1pm) and even though it was small, I really wasn't hungry when we went to dinner at 5pm. We went to my favorite restaurant (which I've been dying to go to since they opened - it's a seasonal restaurant, but because of the study, being on a liquid, then soft diet, and the going to Disney, we haven't gone). Well, we decided to go last night. I ate a small breakfast & lunch in preparation for dinner. I ordered a pesto chicken wrap. Only ate half of it, and a few fried pickle chips. I felt so full. And it only got worse. I have never felt so stuffed in my life. Not even after a big holiday diner where you eat and eat and eat. My stomach was cramping, felt nauseous. I was miserable. This went on for 2 hours, and then it happened... I puked. Felt so much better after throwing up, but it was awful. I've definitely learned my lesson. Won't be doing that again. Coming from someone who only a few weeks ago could eat huge amounts of food, to now eating like a mouse is quite the adjustment.

    On a positive note, I've lost the 2 lbs that I gained at Disney
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    It is a big adjustment. I am almost four months in and I still struggle.
  • vblake2012
    vblake2012 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey I had the tps procedure april 20th and my 2 month follow up is coming up soon. I'm down over 30lbs.