Introduce yourself

Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
Tell us about yourself. Even if you have been in the challenges before .


  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Hi! My name is Leanne. This will be my third challenge with Mel. She's terrific! I'm from Canada. I am needing to lose the dreaded last 10 pounds to reach my goal. Definitely been the most difficult to do after losing almost 60 lbs already. These challenges are a great way to stay motivated and to help others. Looking forward to meeting everyone here! Cheers!
  • dawnsch1995
    dawnsch1995 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi my name is Dawn. I am a wife and mother of 3 teenagers so am very busy. I am looking for this challenge to keep me motivated and accountable. Looking forward to another great challenge!
  • reachedmylimit
    reachedmylimit Posts: 172 Member
    Hi! My name is Eileen & it's my first time in a challenge like this, so I'm excited and a bit uncertain what to expect.
    I'm needing to lose 10-15 more pounds. I've been on a roll with tracking consistently & back to exercising regularly for over a month now, and appreciate any extra push to keep focused and on target
  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    Hi all! I'm Tammy, I live in Oregon, will turn 54 in a few weeks, work swing shift Full time at a produce processing plant, my son's are adults and I have 4 grandkids. I'm 5'6" cw174, GW 145, I was at 197 in January when I started trying to get healthier. I joined MFP mid-February and bought a Fitbit at the end of February. I have some health issues (thyroid, lower back surgery for a chipped vertebrae and ruptured disk, gut issues (3 surgeries in 7 years, my guts like to fuse themselves together) and a ruptured Achilles tendon.) The Spring challenge was Fabulous - II'm sleeping better, eating better, my ankle has gained mobility and I feel better in general. Looking forward to the new weekly challenges and new friends in fitness.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hi there, my name is Samanda. I am in Aussie livong in the Netherlands. I lost 14kg then have gained a couple back thanks to choices whilst on holiday plus both stress eating and social compliance during my mum's visit. Needing to set better boundaries and look after me more than Ms Nice here has been. Looking forward to the next challenge. Thanks Mel.
  • Melodieccurn
    Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
    Hello I am Melodie or mel and so happy to do another group with everyone. A little about myself. I am 49 and am a Crititcal Care Trauma Rn for my day job. I have three daughters all grown, one is a vetarinarian, a Nursing student and a college student. I have 2 horses and a blood hound who all are very pampered. I am in the process of buying a new home with farm this summer which needs loads of work.
    My challenges I believe are a little different than any I have seen here on MFP. When I started last August I was very overweight and out of shape and was looking for a challenge or group that provided me with motivation, accountability, support and just made it a little more fun or interesting. I was very disappointed when It came up short. Yes there was challenges but not what I was looking for so I created my own. I knew there had to be people like me and I knew what to do and how to do it but needed motivation of a support team. The fall challenge was born and started labor day. I still have some members on our team since and through trial and error found a formula that works. I myself have lost almost 70 lbs since then and have about 30 lbs to go but have found the weighing in, accountability activities, nutritional and fitness challenges all work together to help you reach your goal. We do short challenges coupled with fun activities and have had members lose anywhere from 5-14% of the weight goal. So happy you are here to join us and if you have problems, need help my door is always open.
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    Hi, my name is Brigitte. This is my third time with Mel. She is awesome. I can't imagine all the time, work and thought she puts in to this group. I will be 57 this month. I have about 10 -15 pounds to lose. I keep losing 5 pounds and then regain it back. Summer time has always been the easiest time for me to lose weight because I am more active and eat healthier. Last summer I lost 10 pounds and have kept it off. I am hoping to do the same thing this summer.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Hello! My name is Lesley, 35, no kids only dogs, live near St. Louis, and am an accountant. I happened to stumble across Melodie's last challenge when I was wanting to make sure I did not lose steam just yet. I am so extremely happy that was my first challenge experience because it was so amazing. I began my weight loss journey years ago at 219 pounds. I was able to get down to close to 140 in 2014 but regained about 30 pounds and decided to refocus on weight loss this January. Since then I have managed to get back down to almost 140 and I lost over 10 pounds this last challenge. I hope that staying in these challenges will, at a minimum, keep me from getting too off focus over the summer. I look forward to this challenge and being motivated by the many amazing people here.
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    Hello my name is Melanie. I did the spring break challenged and absolutely loved it and I am so grateful that you have set up another challenge. I need to lose about 30lbs but lost 12 lbs during the spring break challenge looking forward to more fun weight loss.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    Hi! My name is Sherri. I live in Kansas City with my dog Finn. Finn is my fitness trainer extraordinaire who makes sure I get out everyday no matter the weather. Between him and Zombies, RUN! I'm having a blast turning from a couch potato into a jogger. If you asked me a year ago if I was ever going to run I would have laughed in your face. Turns out it fun. Who knew?

    I also did the spring break challenge and loved it. Mel does a superb job with mixing exercise and nutritional challenges. During that challenge I hit my goal weight. However, I've decided I want to lose 3 more pounds and then learn to maintain. I'm feeling I will need even more support and accountability in maintenance that I did in losing and hope this challenge will will prove that.
  • goforit06
    goforit06 Posts: 132 Member
    Hello, my name is Amanda. This is my first time doing this type of challenge. I am ready for the inspiration and push! I have much more weight to lose than I would like, but I know its worth it to keep going and make the right choices. I'm currently working on learning to run a 5K. :)
  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    Hello my name is Melissa, 36 from PA. have 4 cats and a husband. This is my 2nd Challenge with Melodie and jumped at the chance to do another one. I am part of a couple other challenges and love having something to help keep me accountable. CW 218, looking to drop another 12 pounds during this challenge. I missed my goal weight during the Spring challenge by 1 measly pound! Working towards my final goal of 150-145.

    Can't wait to see what this challenge will bring!

    PS, feel free to add me!
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    edited May 2016
    Helloooo everyone and happy Monday!! I'm Ashley, I'm a 23 year old mother to a 5 year old boy [Davie III], and I'll finally be marrying his daddy [David Jr] in September! I've been on this journey since early 2014. Dropped about 30 pounds by December, and then I had some setbacks in the early months of 2015 that caused me to pack on about 20 of those pounds right back. I spent what seemed like forever stressing about getting back down to that number on the scale, and then looked at side by sides of my progress photos at the different weights. At that point I learned the scale is a liar! Yes, I still weigh myself. And yes, I still let that number get to me [I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't]. But I've learned to take measurements and consistent progress photos to help see progress and not get bummed out!

    Just to set a goal, I’d like to get down to 140 by July 6th. To do that I’m going to have to stay strict with my eating. With temptation all around, that can get hard! Especially getting into the summer months. :#

    These challenges are awesome, I've been in all of Mel's that she's done and each time they get better and better! They help so much with accountability, and they're very active! Remember, you'll get out of these challenges whatever you put into them!

    I'm currently doing Tone It Up, and loving it! I spend 6-7 hours meal prepping every weekend and let me tell you, it is NOT easy. But it is certainly worth it.

    Anyone please feel free to add me! Please do put a message in there and LMK you found me on here, otherwise I may not accept :)
  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member
    Hi everyone! I have completed 3 challenges now with Mel, they are awesome! Thanks for all your hard work Mel. I work full-time and am an academic, live on a farm, have three grown children, two horses, 3 dogs, eight fish, 170 head of cattle and one husband which all keeps me very busy.

    I live in the Great White North (Canada that is) where we just came out of hibernation and now am getting close to 18hours of sunlight a day (will hit over 18 on June 21). So it is easy to get motivated to get moving now, not so easy in the winter however, lol.

    I have lost 90lbs since I began this journey in August and would like to lose about 45more. I am a gym rat spending 6 days a week for an hour and a half to two hours a day working out plus I have started couch to 10K and am on week 2. Would like to lose 15lbs this challenge.

    Hello everyone!
  • Sixlees
    Sixlees Posts: 119 Member
    Hi there - this will be my first challenge to join and I am excited about the possibilities. My name is Dianne and I started MFP on Feb 15th... my 50th birthday is June 16th and I gave myself 4 months to get fit at fifty. I have lost over 18 pounds since then but need to kick it up. I still have 6 weeks before my birthday and would love to lose at least 10 more pounds. In 2014 I weighed 213 pounds and have lost 30 pounds and 52 inches overall since then. My goal is to be fit more than to hit a specific weight
    I have been married for 29 years this year, have 4 kids, 2 of whom are married and 3 grandkids including our newest who is coming up on 4 months old, and 2 dogs. My youngest will turn 16 on Mother's day. My oldest son, his wife, their dog and 3 kids have been living with us for the past year and half while he transitioned jobs and are now in the process of house hunting. My home is overwhelming at times.
    I work for a university as an Associate Athletic Director and am around fit people all day, have access to an amazing weight room and just never took the time to care for myself. In September I had to face something I never thought would happen to me and I lost all my self confidence... it took me 5 months of living in that muck to decide that I am worth it... I do matter and I need to take time for myself.
    My treadmill is now my friend and we have an early morning 30 minute appointment every day - 4:30 am in fact. I visit our weight room 3 days a week now.
    Hoping this challenge will be what I need to kick it up a notch or 2 or 3 and get the weight loss going again. I have been the same for the last 3 weeks or so and getting discouraged.
    Hoping to make some good supportive friends during this challenge
    Best of luck to you all!
  • Rossergirl
    Rossergirl Posts: 105 Member
    Hey ya'll! My name is Sherry. I live in Raleigh, NC. I just finished my 1st challenge with Mel and it was great fun & very motivating!

    I turned 50 this past March. I am happily married to my best friend and this July we will celebrate our 31st anniversary. No kids but 2 very loved and spoiled cats, Sissy and Lil'Bit!

    I have lost about 35 pounds and can not into the one's. My goal is to get to 175. I know I have got to step it up several notches for that to happen. I plan to continue to do challenges so I am continuously surrounded by others reading about their accomplishments and struggles, which is motivating!

    Let's all do this together!
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    Hi all, I just did the Spring challenge and really found it was helpful to keep me motivated. (Thanks Mel for all the work you put into these challenges.) I lost 5 pounds this Spring and am down to the last 5 that I hope to lose with this new challenge. I've been yo-yoing these last 10 pounds since November and want to get rid of them for good! It's time to kick it up a few notches and now that it's getting warmer and the days are longer it should be easier, right? Let's do this!
  • cher2178
    cher2178 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I'm cheryl, I was in the spring break challenge and lost almost 15lbs. I love the accountability of the challenges, I think it helps a lot. I did not join the amazing race and think I may this time. I'm hoping to keep my motivation up and love seeing other people reach their goals. The spreadsheet from the last challenge was amazing, great to track your progress! Thanks so much for doing these challenges, the amount of work you put into it is amazing and so helpful to those of us who like to track how we're doing! I'm hoping to lose another 15-20lbs with this challenge. I usually do much better in the warmer weather.
    Anyone feel free to add me as a friend and I will do my best to help motivate!
    Good luck everyone!!!
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    I am Gayle and I turn 52 on May 9th. I changed my eating April 21, 2015. I spent 18 months super sick and recovering from a car accident and husband having his hips replaced and being out of work. I gained a lot of weight. I had surgery March 2015 and have not looked back. I have lost over 100 lbs. I stay motivated with challenges and have kept doing them since finding MFP. I recently broke my foot and still exercised doing chair exercises.
  • llmg970
    llmg970 Posts: 257 Member
    Hi. My name is Laura. I am a nurse from central Massachusetts I am married with one son who's currently in the army. We also have a yellow lab
    I was a part of the spring challenge. I can say it was great even though I didn't lose as much as I hoped. I have found that I have lost inches and gained a lot of strength
    I do know that it helped me stay on track and helped my accountability. I am glad to see many of my teammates back for this challenge
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    Woohoo so excited! I'm Lissy and this is my second round here. I'm a desk jockey in NY and have two of the laziest cats out there. I'm recovering from an injury but I'm hoping to be back in full force by the time this group starts! I have about another 60lbs to go before I reassess and I've realized I'm only going to lose that weight when I'm surrounded by awesome, supportive people!
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,194 Member
    Hi, I was in the Spring amazing race. Who knew exercising and losing weight could be so much fun!

    I'm married with two daughters who are back from college. One graduated this month. I'm 59 and was ahead of my time with childhood obesity. I've fought my weight all my life, sometimes more successful than other times! I have a desk job so I could be very sedentary if I didn't make an effort. Fortunately I enjoy cycling, hiking, gardening, downhill and cross country skiing.

    With the help of the Spring challenge I am at my goal weight. I am looking forward to the support from the challenge as I improve my fitness.
  • 20KimmieKim16
    20KimmieKim16 Posts: 640 Member
    Hi my name is Kim, I live in Leesburg, Fl. I'm 40 yrs old and I have 2 kids ages 16 and 5. I work as a CNA at a long term care facility. I was in the spring challenge and really enjoyed it. I have made some changes in my life recently that have left me a little less motivated on my weight loss journey. I'm hoping to get back in the swing of things with this new challenge. I am looking forward to the up coming weeks ahead. Good luck to everybody and thank you Mel for all that you have done to make this all possible. If it weren't for these challenges I'm sure I would have fell off the wagon long ago and probably would have been back at the weight I started at. Best wishes to everyone!!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Hi, my name is Kim. I am 41 years old, live in northern Massachusetts (originally from Boston), and teach elementary special education. I have lost and kept off about 60lbs, but there is an additional 10 that has been off again and on again over the last couple of years. Running is my primary form of exercise, though I also enjoy lifting, and this time of year I train for triathlon so I do some swimming and biking as well.
  • cjborkowski
    cjborkowski Posts: 181 Member
    Hi my name is Connie I'm 54 & live in Chicago area. I was in the Winter and Spring challenges, loved them & am definetly ready for Summer! I've lost 23 lbs so far while on my fitness pal & would Ike to lose another 30 or so. These challenges are a great way for me of staying motivated & accountable. Looking forward to getting to know you all.
  • tfisher678
    tfisher678 Posts: 81 Member
    My name is Tiffany, Atlanta, Georgia..I'll be turning 40 in a couple weeks and thanks to the spring challenge helping me through a plateau.. I'll be a size smaller for my bday! Husband, 2 kids 14 & 11 and enough pets and work from home. Hoping to keep up the exercise, it gives me energy, and maybe lose 5 lbs. and tone up.
  • Hi my name is sister got me introduced to the world of fitness pal and I'm loving it. I'm looking to lose some weight and get in shape and this challenge is awesome for me to achieve my goals.