Motivation accountability and support April 25 to May 1 and continueing to May 8

HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
edited May 2016 in Social Groups
Good afternoon,

Last week of April is here!!!

For this week, i have lots of things i want to do but i am planning for a continue of the flu going through my family. my son and husband have it in my house and my sister my mom and two nieces have also had it, i am doomed but hopeful.

So This week

No fast food
Lots of water
Keep sugars stable during the flu

What is everyone else planning for this last week?


  • bevkidd1
    bevkidd1 Posts: 265 Member
    This week so far has been difficult for me. I haven't been keeping track of my eating very well. I have been slipping back into old habits. I was able to stop it last time by going to the military diet but I don't want to go to those extremes every time I get the urge to go off my plan.

    This is making me crazy! I can't seem to focus right now....
  • Deem114
    Deem114 Posts: 83 Member
    Good luck everyone this week. Just got back from a long weekend away and I actually think I did pretty well as far as food choices. However, I don't know if it's going from 100 degrees to 20 something and back...but boy oh boy, I'm hoping hubby and I didn't come back with some type of cold/bug. Still pushing for more water but other than that I just want to stay the course and just keep at this every day.
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    hey everyone---My weekly goals are to keep tracking like a crazy person.......exercise like a healthy person.....try to sleep more like a sane person!~
    my job is SO crazy right now that I have a hard time focusing on my life----but I know it is essential.
    Have a good week!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,615 Member
    Afternoon all, so I updated my photo today, the one on the left at my highest weight back in dec 2013 and on the right is from yesterday. as for the week today is my rest day and tomorrow I go see my trainer to get my butt kicked haha. Friday I have my aqua classes Sat I'm not sure what I have planed for work out maybe just walking and Sunday is my step fathers birthday party out at his camp. I also leave for a cruise on May 8th leaving May 7th and going to NYC over night and getting the cruse on the 8th
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Sounds very busy skittles, plan to let yourself enjoy your time!

    So i waited a respectful couple of days of having my appetite back to do my weigh in, and i still lost 2.2 lbs for a huge 5.2 lbs this month!! This is very exciting. I didnt plan to get under 300 until June and now it looks like it will happen in May! Maybe even before my next doctor appt which will make my dr excited! I am glad to have finally found some sort of balance for me!

    So this week i managed to manage my sugars, i cut myself back off the gingerale and switched back to water.
    Tomorrow i am working from 10:30 at night till 330 am, that is going to hurt because i will throw off my whole schedule but it has to be done.

    Hope everyone has a good Weekend
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,615 Member
    HLAR that is great you will hit under 300 sooner then you thought. keep up the great work. tomorrow I'll do my weigh in for the month. I know I lost some because I can feel it in my clothes so I'm excited to see the number
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I seen your update on the news feed skittles good job :smile:

    My night shift did hurt my day today but i will sleep well tonight i am just waiting for my little guy to get home so that i can put us to bed.

    I only aim for 0.5 lbs a week, but i cant help but really hope for at least 1.1 lbs just so my scale will say under 300 for the first time in 19 months. I know its important not to judge myself based on a number but its a special number

    Anyway hope everyone else had a good week!
  • bevkidd1
    bevkidd1 Posts: 265 Member
    My week was not good food-wise but for some reason with me, the last week of the month stinks! I gain every time! I don't get it, but it is what it is I guess. I thought it might be because of my training and being a little stressed.

    I don't believe that's it. I can't even begin to figure it out. I am just going to have to buckle down and watch everything that goes in my mouth during that week. I don't know what else to do. I am just tired of ruining everything I did during the month in the last week. It's frustrating...
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Bevkidd, i wonder if this could be a hormone thing... Just thinking you know it can throw off everything make you bloated and off track!

    I didnt start a new week, there was not a lot of interest but i like to have goals each week. So this week i need to work on healing my pulled muscle, drinking lots of water and pre planning to avoid crappy meals
  • bevkidd1
    bevkidd1 Posts: 265 Member
    I'm going to see a nutritionist outside of work because the one at work hasn't been doing all that much to help me. He is so focused on fruits and vegetables and that's all he talks about.

    I need someone who is going to give me information on certain foods and help me decide what's best for me and the situation I have going on. He is not interested in doing that so I am going to see someone else. I still have not gotten back on track and I need to. Hopefully this next person will help. Only time will tell.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,615 Member
    this week has been a crazy busy week for me, I did turn down pie, It was so hard to say no but I did it. I also am going on a cruise. we are going to NYC sat to stay over night and getting on the cruise Sunday so its going to be hard for me to say no to food. I'm really going to try my best because just because I'm on Vacation doesn't mean I should go all wild with food. I can still enjoy my self with out the food
  • Deem114
    Deem114 Posts: 83 Member
    Bevkidd, that's really aggravating that a nutritionist would be so hyper-focused on the fruits/vegetables mantra when that does not work for everyone. Then again, if your nutritionist is an employee of your company, I certainly have doubts that they are truly an advocate for your own personal health instead of pursuing a quota/agenda for their own ongoing employment. I know dealing with my own insurance company's "Wellness" division has been an amazing journey in futility and I work for the largest health insurance company in the country (with the most dreadful employee health benefits I've ever had in my entire career, I must add). I'm really hoping you find someone you can trust and is willing to put the time and effort into working with you to figure out what works best for YOU, not what the pie charts and diagrams all say SHOULD be working.

    Skittles, I hope you have a great time on your vacation! There are so many great things to try food-wise on a cruise that it truly is hard to avoid temptation at times. Obviously, the goal is moderation but then...I think if we were all good at that, we wouldn't be posting here to begin with :blush: One thing I would throw out there though...most cruise lines have absolutely fabulous fitness rooms/decks. Even getting in a little time in there would probably stomp a little bit of guilt out of me if I did indulge a little while on a cruise! I'm hoping to go on an Alaskan cruise next summer and would love to be able to enjoy a few of the "active" excursions instead of just sightseeing tours when we go.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,615 Member
    Deem your right I am hoping to hit the gym up. I been on a few cruises before and went to the gym and enjoyed walking. there will be water slides on this ship and I can't ride them because you have to be 300 and I am 345 I also would love to do the rock wall but I'm not sure I could pull myself up haha. but I am going to plan to eat more fruits and veggies since everything is fresh lol I'll keep everyone posted when I get back and let everyone know how I do.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Bevkidd. I had a doctor once who blamed me being fat on being poor and said if i ate a chicken and a cauliflower every day i would be skinny amongst other nutty things! Dont settle with crappy advice

    Skittles, a cruise would be so fun, you can treat yourself and be healthy!

    I felt so hungry the past few days i just keep snacking and drinking diet soda,today i finally realized my problem was being scared of making my goal, i am sabotaging myself so i have weight in tomorrow i may have an up, now to battle my own brain!
  • Abkuroneko
    Abkuroneko Posts: 230 Member
    HLaR79 - Battling your brain is the hardest thing to do I think. I feel like if you have a mental barrier like that, it's hard to get past it, and then you end up right back where you started. I know that I have some type of mental barrier when it comes to getting past 300 lbs. I've gotten there quite a few times, but always seem to find myself back up to almost 350 lbs. It's like self-sabotage! So here's to winning the battle! Go forth and win the battle! Aka, good luck tomorrow with the weigh-in, and just remember, even if there is an up, you're still doing amazing :D
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Up 2.8 lbs this morning, i do two weigh in a week as long as it settles there and doesnt go up anymore i will be okay, i have little ups and downs. I had a long talk with my husband last night about the junk food he keeps bringing in the house, he is trying to quit smoking so i explained how leaving a donut is like me leaving a lit cigarettes for him! Hope it helps
    Also i made way better choices today drank a tea and a lot of water at work, didnt over eat and even walked for my lunch at lunch!

    Abkeuroneko you we are our own worst enemy for sure! 300 is the barrier i am struggling with right now, i just need to push past it! Lots of water and easy on the meals''

    Hope everyone week is going well so far
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Well I have just one goal I want to accomplish by May 8. Gonna try using an incentive to see if it keeps me on track.

    1) I will walk 15 minutes before and after work. If I do, I get to spend some money at Bath and Body.

    Skittles, enjoy your cruise!

  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Recipe fail: butternut squash soup :s never ever want to do that again!! I cant even..... No, bad
  • bevkidd1
    bevkidd1 Posts: 265 Member
    Deem114 wrote: »
    Bevkidd, that's really aggravating that a nutritionist would be so hyper-focused on the fruits/vegetables mantra when that does not work for everyone. Then again, if your nutritionist is an employee of your company, I certainly have doubts that they are truly an advocate for your own personal health instead of pursuing a quota/agenda for their own ongoing employment. I know dealing with my own insurance company's "Wellness" division has been an amazing journey in futility and I work for the largest health insurance company in the country (with the most dreadful employee health benefits I've ever had in my entire career, I must add). I'm really hoping you find someone you can trust and is willing to put the time and effort into working with you to figure out what works best for YOU, not what the pie charts and diagrams all say SHOULD be working.

    Skittles, I hope you have a great time on your vacation! There are so many great things to try food-wise on a cruise that it truly is hard to avoid temptation at times. Obviously, the goal is moderation but then...I think if we were all good at that, we wouldn't be posting here to begin with :blush: One thing I would throw out there though...most cruise lines have absolutely fabulous fitness rooms/decks. Even getting in a little time in there would probably stomp a little bit of guilt out of me if I did indulge a little while on a cruise! I'm hoping to go on an Alaskan cruise next summer and would love to be able to enjoy a few of the "active" excursions instead of just sightseeing tours when we go.

    I also work for one of the largest insurance companies and yes, the insurance stinks there as well. You would think they would give you killer insurance since you are doing the job that brings in money. Nope, not happening. I still love my job and my training is going great.

    Starting next week for 2 weeks we will be on our own working the claims. I'm kinda nervous about it but still very excited. I really need to get back on track with my food though. Was thinking of really changing my food choices. Was thinking about paleo...any responses about that? Suggestions?
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Every food plan has its ups and downs, there is so much that could go wrong when you severely restrict certain foods,

    I personally believe restricting creates the yo-yo that we tend to do as fat people because we also have to heal our emotional state!

    I hope you find what will work for you either way and everyone will be supportive either way!