Meal planning variety

Sandee_Bee Posts: 21 Member
Hi how do you keep variety in meal planning? I look up recipes but I'm still struggling.


  • JessiokaFroka
    JessiokaFroka Posts: 149 Member
    edited May 2016
    I make a monthly meal plan and stick to it, for the most part. I try not to put the same recipe in more than twice, and I save Sunday dinners for my big meals (fried chicken, chilis that take forever to cook, casseroles I've never made before.)

    I then shop each week for those dinners's ingredients and I don't deviate. It has helped me keep variety in our meals. For example, it was through finding delicious recipes on Pinterest that we now make the Shrimp and Bacon Skillet, the Bacon Ranch Chicken Casserole, and the Easy Keto Creamed Spinach.
  • Sandee_Bee
    Sandee_Bee Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks @JessiokaFroka I need to do a schedule. I need to try harder recipes too
  • Jan93L
    Jan93L Posts: 178 Member
    I do a weekly plan for dinners. Breakfast is usually about the same each day and lunches are often eaten out.
  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    Variety was a big problem for me, especially as it's only me in the house and hard enough to cook for one. But there are lots of sources for ideas.

    Here's the topic in this group for pictures of meals. Great ideas in there.

    You can also get menu ideas from Linda's Low Carb site. Her emphasis is on low cost low carb eating. You won't find recipes calling for 6 ounces of swordfish there.

    And you can always ask Google for things like, "Recipes for low carb pot roast."

  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    Variety was a big problem for me, especially as it's only me in the house and hard enough to cook for one. But there are lots of sources for ideas.

    Here's the topic in this group for pictures of meals. Great ideas in there.

    You can also get menu ideas from Linda's Low Carb site. Her emphasis is on low cost low carb eating. You won't find recipes calling for 6 ounces of swordfish there.

    And you can always ask Google for things like, "Recipes for low carb pot roast."

  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    Linda's Low Carb site has recipes and menus geared to low cost low carb eating.

    Also, use Google search for, "Recipes for low carb ________" filling in the blank with what ever main ingredient you have.

  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Wow, that pork rind pizza crust looks awfully interesting on "Linda's Low Carb.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Put the word "keto" in front of any recipe you are looking for into your search engine. You'll find more recipes than you will ever use! Variety is there, you just gotta find it. I've found some great recipes to keep that variety at first. Now, it's a variety of meat, since veggies aren't kind to me!
  • LemonMarmalade
    LemonMarmalade Posts: 227 Member
    We have a steady rotation of favorites and I throw in recipes from George Stella or Linda's low carb site. They have never failed me. My husband and I shop the sale papers each week. Thankfully my husband is an amazing partner and smokes or grills for us a lot. :)

    I do better with less variety - I could eat bacon or sausage and eggs for breakfast daily. For dinner our staples are ribeye steak (only if it's whole and we get good price and slice ourselves), hamburgers, lc meatballs, taco meat salad, brisket, pork butt, or chicken thighs. We throw in things like George Stella's meat loaf with cheese and bacon occasionally. My kids love that with mashed potatoes and broccoli or whatever they ask for.

  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    I had my main go to dishes just for me... Then every week I would try a new recipe... The good ones got added to my weekly rotation soon it became a monthly rotation.
    Things I loved were burger salads... Burger patty chopped up and out in a lettuce, tomato, bacon and red onion salad with mayo instead of dressing. You can use your dressing if choice I just love mayo on burgers and this taste just like a burger to me... I also still order this when I eat out... (Side salad with cheese burger patty in side)
    Scrambled eggs with cheese and tbs mayo mixed in before cooking (no you don't taste the mayo but it does make eggs fluffy) and side of bacon.
    Tuna salad, egg salad.. Those were my main go to dishes just for me
    There is a chicken pizza casserole recipe out there that me and hubby loved... It's still on my rotation.
    Hope some of this helped..
  • Sandee_Bee
    Sandee_Bee Posts: 21 Member
    All of you have helped, thank you so much!!
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,500 Member
    edited May 2016
    Strangely I do better without variety. If I just eat beef (steak or hamburger) and eggs with butter, it's so easy and I have no trouble sticking with it. Black coffee and the occasional coffee that comes out latte like by whipping 2-3 tablespoons of heavy cream in my cup before pressing in fresh coffee from my aeropress. Water and unsweetened cold tea (black, or my favorite, tazo passion tea).

    My husbands gets all weird about it though. He eats dry Cheerios for breakfast (2 bowls, probably close to 4 servings) everyday, with orange juice and coffee with just a splash of cream. Lunch is always two sandwiches made with whole wheat bread, mustard, 1 slice of ham and one slice of thin cheddar or Colby jack cheese, plus a banana and about 2 servings of carrots. Dinner is whatever I cook meat and veggie wise plus a starch. If I am not making dinner, it's more carbs, less protein/fat. He drinks milk with dinner. He is also 6' and 170lbs and has never been overweight. Occasionally I hate him, lol
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Strangely I do better without variety. If I just eat beef (steak or hamburger) and eggs with butter, it's so easy and I have no trouble sticking with it. Black coffee and the occasional coffee that comes out latte like by whipping 2-3 tablespoons of heavy cream in my cup before pressing in fresh coffee from my aeropress. Water and unsweetened cold tea (black, or my favorite, tazo passion tea).

    My husbands gets all weird about it though. He eats dry Cheerios for breakfast (2 bowls, probably close to 4 servings) everyday, with orange juice and coffee with just a splash of cream. Lunch is always two sandwiches made with whole wheat bread, mustard, 1 slice of ham and one slice of thin cheddar or Colby jack cheese, plus a banana and about 2 servings of carrots. Dinner is whatever I cook meat and veggie wise plus a starch. If I am not making dinner, it's more carbs, less protein/fat. He drinks milk with dinner. He is also 6' and 170lbs and has never been overweight. Occasionally I hate him, lol

    I find that I do well with less variety. A few good options on deck and I'm golden. Too many choices and my head spins. And my guy does well with the high fat meals periodically, as long as he's had that 3-6 hour switch between meals (it kind of follows the concept of metabolic flexibility from THM).
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    Occasionally I hate him, lol
    I think occasionally we all hate people like that:)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    FitToLead wrote: »
    Occasionally I hate him, lol
    I think occasionally we all hate people like that:)

    That's my DH. Drinks like a fish every night. Huge handfuls of nuts, and junk. Has no trouble staying trim.
    Hate him. But love him. :lol: