25 Female [CW: 220] [SW: 225 via 130] [GW: 150] LOOKING FOR: accountability & motivation!

cpthompson515 Posts: 4 Member
Hi, I'm Paige. :smile: 25F 5'8 SW: 225lbs CW: 220lbs GW: 150lbs

I'm a Life Enrichment Coordinator (half desk, half speed walking/ pushing wheelchairs)

I've tracked before, but could never make it a steady habit. I have PCOS, depression and anxiety, and am medicated for all three. I carry all my weight on my stomach, and recently saw a picture of myself where I look 6-7 months pregnant. Being a former cheerleader who weighed 130ish and wore a size 6 (current size 18), this photo was a real kick in the gut. I'm done making excuses, I'm ready to be held accountable, and I'm going to change the way I've been doing things. 1500 calories/day, no white carbs, and one fast day/week. I CAN do this, and I WILL, but a little help never hurt!


  • VivaPirata
    VivaPirata Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I'm looking to add some new friends here and you'd be more than welcome to send me an add request. We're maybe not 'pairs' but we're similar in lots of ways.

    I'm a 5'4 20F. My SW is also 225lbs and my first GW is 150lbs too (My CW is a little under 170lbs). I'm also diagnosed with depression and anxiety and find it adds a different element to tackle with regards to weight loss.

    You've got this! And you will definitely succeed! :smiley::smiley::smiley:
  • Harri_212
    Harri_212 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi both,

    I'm also looking to increase grow my motivational circle on here - similar age to you both, I'm 24 and 5'5".

    Since graduating uni - where I led an active life doing yoga and running and chasing kids around when I wasn't studying - I've taken sedentary jobs and piled on the pounds that it took me so long to lose - I was always rather chunky as a child right up to going to uni.

    I'll be honest, I don't really like weighing myself at the moment, but the scales a couple of weeks ago said I'm about 250lbs. My aim is to get to 140lbs.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!
