How much weight have you lost so far?



  • mrsarm
    mrsarm Posts: 6 Member
    Hi ladies
    I had baby number three on February 9th. I have three girls, aged 8, 6 and three months. I've had three c sections so haven't been pushing myself too much, but I'm so uncomfortable at this size so need to get back to 'normal'!!

    Pre pregnancy weight: 116
    End pregnancy weight: 164
    Current weight: 143
    Goal weight 118

    25 lbs to shed, and I'd like to do it by my 13th wedding anniversary on August 9th, when baby will be exactly 6 months old.

    Good luck everyone xx
  • vanessa007
    vanessa007 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I had my baby boy on May 9th and need to lose at least a stone. I also have a 20 month old to run around after ( not fun post c section). Really wanna shape up this summer xx
  • ReneeHuffy
    ReneeHuffy Posts: 11 Member
    Hello!!! I had my son (2nd child) on August 8, 2015 so 9 months PP. My pre-preg weight is about 140. I weigh 175 now and need to lose this baby weight! I ended up packing the extra weight on during the holidays and our kitchen reno so none of that helped with my efforts. I'm going to do the Atkins since I have been very successful in the past with it. My BIGGEST issue is sweets! Lord give me the strength!
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    I did it! ::happy dance::

    I am back to pre-pregnancy weight (actually 1 lb below, bc I got pregnant right around Christmas). I was up to about 200 (I stopped looking) at 9 mo pregnant. Now at 8.5 mo pp, I am 137 and fit comfortably into my regular jeans.

    I would like to lose maybe 2 more lbs (which would bring me down to college weight, before having four babies) and recomp (I started lifting weights almost 2 mo ago) and get a bit less jiggly. The mommy tummy is much reduced but unfortunately not gone yet :(.
  • Lodich
    Lodich Posts: 7 Member
    My little one is only two weeks, so I haven't started officially calorie counting yet. Just looking for encouragement and support for healthy eating while letting my milk supply settle. At delivery, I was 249 and I'm now 227. It's a good start. However, breastfeeding makes me starving all the time, so any advice on good, filling snacks is appreciated! :) Congratulations, Mamas!
  • amarie210
    amarie210 Posts: 47 Member
    Lodich wrote: »
    My little one is only two weeks, so I haven't started officially calorie counting yet. Just looking for encouragement and support for healthy eating while letting my milk supply settle. At delivery, I was 249 and I'm now 227. It's a good start. However, breastfeeding makes me starving all the time, so any advice on good, filling snacks is appreciated! :) Congratulations, Mamas!

    I ate a ton of oatmeal-it's filling and helps with any supple issues. Grab and go snacks that I could eat with one hand were a staple in the beginning weeks-trail mix, string cheese, granola bars, fruits/veggies, yogurt. (And far too many chips and cookies
  • kristen_bures
    kristen_bures Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 3 weeks postpartum. I'm down 30lbs but I had gained 91lbs during the pregnancy and I was overweight before getting pregnant so I gave a long long way to go.
  • kristen_bures
    kristen_bures Posts: 47 Member
    Lodich wrote: »
    My little one is only two weeks, so I haven't started officially calorie counting yet. Just looking for encouragement and support for healthy eating while letting my milk supply settle. At delivery, I was 249 and I'm now 227. It's a good start. However, breastfeeding makes me starving all the time, so any advice on good, filling snacks is appreciated! :) Congratulations, Mamas!

    My family introduced me to these chopped salads you can find at Walmart or the grocery store. They have all kinds of ingredients in them. All you have to do is mix and eat. I will have one for lunch while I'm feeding the little guy. Sometimes I add in meat for extra protein. My favorite is the Asian one.
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Since May 3kg or 6 pounds!
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I did it! ::happy dance::

    I am back to pre-pregnancy weight (actually 1 lb below, bc I got pregnant right around Christmas). I was up to about 200 (I stopped looking) at 9 mo pregnant. Now at 8.5 mo pp, I am 137 and fit comfortably into my regular jeans.

    I would like to lose maybe 2 more lbs (which would bring me down to college weight, before having four babies) and recomp (I started lifting weights almost 2 mo ago) and get a bit less jiggly. The mommy tummy is much reduced but unfortunately not gone yet :(.

  • AlyssaAnne03
    AlyssaAnne03 Posts: 79 Member
    My daughter is 10 months
    I have about 100 lbs to lose, it's so overwhelming
  • AlyssaAnne03
    AlyssaAnne03 Posts: 79 Member
    amarie210 wrote: »
    Hi! I have a 12 month old and had lost all my baby weight (45 pounds) plus a few extra by 4 months post-partum but PPD and winter set in and I gained about 15 pounds back. Now it's almost summer, PPD is under control and I'm ready to lose it again! My biggest issue is that baby still isn't sleeping through the night (so I'm exhausted) and is also not ready to wean. I found when I cut calories much below 2000/day my supply drops. I'm more than ready to be done breastfeeding though. Any tips? My older daughter self-weaned around 11 months without a problem. This time around I'm not so lucky.

    Ppd caused me to gain so much.

    I'd suggest trying to focus on just making those 2000 calories very healthy, lots of good fats and proteins and leafy greens. Try quinoa for a carb if you haven't yet since it's a complete protein. And try to focus on weight lifting of you can

  • kristen_bures
    kristen_bures Posts: 47 Member
    My daughter is 10 months
    I have about 100 lbs to lose, it's so overwhelming

    I have well over 100 to lose and I understand how overwhelmed you feel. But we can do this. :)
  • clarkvera
    clarkvera Posts: 1 Member
    I am 7 months pp with baby #3 and feeling the most unhealthy I have ever felt! Really need to start taking better care of myself. With each pregnancy I've gained 7 extra pounds compared to previous so now I'm about 21 pounds over pre-pregnancy weight (which was itself a bit high but at least in a normal range). All excess weight is in the belly area so strangers still think I'm pregnant!! Really need accountability to logging calories etc and motivation from others who have been there!
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    edited June 2016
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    30 pounds down now!
  • Rosyg24
    Rosyg24 Posts: 2 Member
    Pre pregnancy weight: 143
    End pregnancy weight: 178
    Current weight: 158
    Goal weight: 140

    I have 18 pounds to lose. Ugh the struggle is real. I started working out 6 weeks postpartum until the doctor gave me the okay. on Friday 6/24/16 I weighed 155 and I gain 3 pounds back. why is it so hard to lose the weight.
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    Pre pregnancy: 199
    End: 240
    Current-4 weeks pp: 212
    Ultimate goal: 140

    Waiting on my 6vweek checkup to do much for exercise as I had a csection but working on my diet right now and hoping to make some more progress until I can really start moving again
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    edited July 2016
    Pre-pregnancy weight: LMAO I was pregnant back to back for three years, what is this pre-pregnancy of which you speak?

    End: 250's? Maybe higher even?

    Current: 144lbs

    Goal: I find this hard to qualify right now. My original goal was 160, but that was way too much, adjusted to 140 which I'm close to, but I'm thinking I might try to cut down to 130 before moving to maintenance and starting the Strong Curves lifting program. Idk :/