


  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    Hey all, I'm Mark. I've had diabetes for over 15 years and been fat for even longer. I've reached a point where I just can't let the damage keep progressing. Over the last year or two my cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure were all climbing, and my daily work activities (which are physical but not super strenuous) leave everything from my lower back down hurting, which makes getting the work done that much harder. Started MFP three weeks ago, because the diabetes meds I'm on just didn't really seem to be doing anything. Within 3 to 4 days my blood sugars got down where I want them, just from sticking to reduced calories and limiting carbs. Saw my doc on Wed. and my cholesterol, trig's and bp are all back to normal (not sure if that is due to the diet change or the zocor I've been on for three months.) Can't wait for my next blood test in three months, when my A1C will look like someone without diabetes. Also anxious to drop the poundage so my joints and muscles don't hurt so much. I figure this challenge group will help keep me from getting bored during the process.
  • Claudiaarrow
    Claudiaarrow Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, I am Claudia, 50. I lost 20 kg 2 years ago using MFP. Then Life took over and I gained 7 kg back. I would like to be were I was. Exited to do this together with you guys. Let's go!
  • prettycunninghat
    prettycunninghat Posts: 12 Member
    I'm kita I have three goals 1. Lose 1 stone 2. Change most of my diet to healthy food keeping some treats and 3. Tone up... Really struggling with this one. So let's all help each other and feel free to friend me if you like
  • kimberlypagegibson
    kimberlypagegibson Posts: 1 Member
    Hello hello!
    I'm Kimberly and I am your typical "oh crap I'm a poor college student who can't afford to buy healthy food, and I am too busy to cook and workout because school is my #1 priority" college student. Just finished my third year at UW Madison strong, but over the course of the past three years I've gained about 15 pounds (classic freshman 15-except over three years) and it absolutely makes me feel quite unhealthy and not myself at all. My goal is to hold myself more accountable, lose about 20 lbs, and to have supportive people in the same boat! I'd also like to train myself to ENJOY recreational working out, since I was used to sports my whole life (potentially train for a run?). Most of all, reading over all of your introductions has definitely left me feeling genuinely inspired and I have faith that you all will obtain your goals! I look forward to this! :sweat_smile:
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Brynn and I teach middle school math. This is our last week of school so I'm looking forward to have some time to get back to focusing on myself. I have had a really crazy year. I got married in Sept, but a month before the wedding my FH was transferred from Southwest VA to Philly so we've been living 7 hours apart since Aug. That means tons of traveling and eating bad food. I have managed to lose 15 lbs since Christmas and I have 5-10 more to go. What I want to focus on now is lifting weights and really getting stronger arms and a better butt. I love to run but I'm going to have to cut back because of a knee injury, so weights and swimming will be my friend.
  • HarperAnn6
    HarperAnn6 Posts: 292 Member
    Hi all! Thank you for introducing yourselves. I am 5'1 and my goal is 120 pounds. I started my journey at 170 pounds, and I am currently about 147. I joined the challenge because I'm a bit stalled. I need a kick once in a while to stay on track! I'm starting to return to bad habits (snacking after dinner, eating too many carbs, not drinking enough water, not staying on plan, etc.). Looking forward to getting serious about weight loss again to reach my goal. "See" you tomorrow at the Sunday weigh-in.
  • catvlmack
    catvlmack Posts: 415 Member
    So I guess this is my starting weigh in


    Good luck everyone x
  • sureitstime
    sureitstime Posts: 67 Member
    Hi, ok here goes!
    Current Weight: 64.7 kgs
    Goal weight: 60 kgs
  • pmason79
    pmason79 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi all.

    Ready to rock and roll. I've got this one! Success is my only option, no more half arsed attempts at reaching my goals. I have 31.5kg to lose I'm already down 5.5kg and by the end of this challenge im hoping to lose another 5kg. I like the idea of weekly weigh-ins the accountability and support will I hope help. Good luck to everyone! Together I'm sure we'll all hit our
  • Meesamoop
    Meesamoop Posts: 31 Member
    Hello everyone! In the past year and a half I managed to lose 20 lbs through diet and exercise (running and lifting weights). No matter how long I've been exercising for I still never want to do it, but I do anyway because that feeling of accomplishment afterwards is worth it!

    I have been using MFP pretty religiously for over a year now. I tried using MFP in prior years but never stuck with it until last spring. Now using MFP is second nature. It has really opened my eyes to the crazy amount of calories junk food can have.

    My food list on MFP is quite large as I always create the food manually at a 100 gram serving amount using the USDA nutritional value info, then weigh everything on my food scale. Hahaha, I'm kinda proud of my food list database :)

    Over the past couple months I hit a plateau, which has made it difficult to reach my goal of 145 lbs. I have finally been able to consistently stay under 155. Now hoping to lose a 1/2 lb per week during this challenge.
  • LoveLifeLiveHealthy
    LoveLifeLiveHealthy Posts: 15 Member
    Hello everyone. I have spent my whole life taking care of others, now it is time to take care of me. I am 100 lbs overweight and just want to be healthy. Weight loss was so easy when I was younger but now in my late 40's it is very difficult. I am excited to be accountable to the group and to see what changes we can make in 6 weeks.
  • gkjefferson
    gkjefferson Posts: 10 Member
    Hey everyone! So excited to join the this journey with all of you! Good luck ;)
  • mjcallaway6
    mjcallaway6 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everybody. I turned 40 last week and boy, can I tell! I'm a mom of 6 and life pretty much revolves around my family. I have some ongoing health issues, but I'm resolved not to use that as an excuse to continue to be overweight. Looking forward to the accountability of this group!
  • CarCar0207
    CarCar0207 Posts: 59 Member
    I love everyone's openness and willingness to share starting weights and personal challenges/ downfalls in their weight loss journey! Being open and honest and vulnerable creates such a motivating and safe community for encouragement and success. Sometimes when I feel like giving up and I just read other people's encouraging messages or respond to other people in need of encouragement and it rejuvenates my excitement for my own health journey. Thank you guys so much!
  • PeacefulUnicorn
    PeacefulUnicorn Posts: 28 Member
    I don't think I formally introduced myself. My name is Mal and I have recently returned to MFP. I was on previously and was very dedicated to logging daily, but I fell off the wagon (for about 3 years). However, I have stayed on my wellness journey throughout this time, so I'm not too far off from my goal. I am currently 165lbs and am very happy about this challenge. I am hoping it will give me the extra push that I need.

    I am a personal trainer and work with clients to get fit and healthy, but lately I have not been focusing enough on myself. I will be honest, it is tough to juggle everything, but I have decided I AM WORTH IT!!!! So are you :-)

    In this challenge, I would like to drop 6 lbs (one pound per week), which would put me back in the 150's.... I am eventually aiming to be somewhere in the 140's, but we shall see! Good luck to everyone... :-)
  • marksweightloss
    marksweightloss Posts: 34 Member
    Hello all! My name is Mark. I'm excited to be on this journey with all of you. I've been in decent shape most of my life however, I've struggled with my weight for the last few years. My biggest problem is that I still eat like I'm 16 years old. I now find myself needing to lose 65-70 pounds. My goal is to lose 20 pounds in the next six weeks, a lofty goal but with all of you definitely doable.
    Thank you for including me and I'm looking forward to great success for all of us!
  • katiejaneqpr
    katiejaneqpr Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all! I'm a little late to this but I really feel the need to be accountable to someone! In the past couple of months I have put on half a stone which is pretty unwelcome! (Stress= chocolate and ice cream) and now I'm really struggling to get back on track! Getting to the gym is the easy bit for me, in fact I am having to force myself to have rest days!!! I am very excited to be a part of this group and get back to where I was two months ago!