
pmason79 Posts: 93 Member
Of course nobody will slip up during this 6 week challenge, but I thought we should have a place to come and confess our sinful thoughts and if you have like me sinful deeds.

I work in a biscuit factory damn it!!!!! So please forgive me for I have sinned, I ate 5 chocolate biscuits today


  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    I gave into the old 'right before bed' snacking habit, which was at 4am (yes, my sleep patterns are awful). I was being at least somewhat have <hayv>. I had a pickle spear, 1 serving of ham steak with a slice of american cheese, and a 1/4 cup of cashews (man those things pack calories. The bigger part of the confession is that I logged it on today's diary so I wouldn't mess up my "completed and was under target" for yesterday.
  • pmason79
    pmason79 Posts: 93 Member
    Don't chastise your self too much (unless you like that sort of thing) without failure we wouldn't recognise success.
    4 hail mfp's for your sins and maybe you should go to bed without any supper lol

  • gkjefferson
    gkjefferson Posts: 10 Member
    pmason79 wrote: »
    Of course nobody will slip up during this 6 week challenge, but I thought we should have a place to come and confess our sinful thoughts and if you have like me sinful deeds.

    I work in a biscuit factory damn it!!!!! So please forgive me for I have sinned, I ate 5 chocolate biscuits today

    Wow you work in a biscuit factory? My prayers are with you. Serious discipline needed!
  • evablessed85
    evablessed85 Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2016
    I had a slice of Madeira cake..but was still under my calories intake. But I guess that's not the point.
  • LoveLifeLiveHealthy
    LoveLifeLiveHealthy Posts: 15 Member
    A chocolate biscuit!! What is that? Actually, I don't want or need to know that information. I have plenty of foods already on my "I love those" list, no need to add!! If it happened at 4am it counts as today, so you logged it correctly. :)
  • cynbet69
    cynbet69 Posts: 615 Member
    the wekends are so hard for me there is were i gain my weight back there are times when i do good but the other times man its very hard any ideas i sure could use some
  • crucibleofwill
    crucibleofwill Posts: 37 Member
    Ok confession time: worked late and stopped at Taco Bell, yes, Taco Bell. I was soo hungry. I did however show enough restraint to fit it into my calories & macros and still be under for the day. You know you are having a crappy day when you are in the drive thru line using MFP at Taco Bell.
  • HarperAnn6
    HarperAnn6 Posts: 292 Member
    A chocolate biscuit!! What is that? Actually, I don't want or need to know that information. I have plenty of foods already on my "I love those" list, no need to add!! If it happened at 4am it counts as today, so you logged it correctly. :)

    biscuits = cookies, I believe:)

    Today I had a sliver of Boston cream pie. It was my husband's birthday cake, but it seems he has left the rest for me:(. I so want to go back for the rest, but I think I will just throw it out!
  • pmason79
    pmason79 Posts: 93 Member

    biscuits = cookies, I believe:)

    Unfortunately ^^^ is correct each one of these little bad boys is 85 calories a pop. I work 12 hr shifts and we produce 7092 of these little suckers every minute. Its like a sea of biscuits or should I say cookies. I need a new job. Lol
  • andrewq6100
    andrewq6100 Posts: 415 Member
    had a slice of cake yesterday!
  • gkjefferson
    gkjefferson Posts: 10 Member
    Confession: I ate 2 handfuls of Gary Poppins Chicago Mix Popcorn. Hopefully I didn't do too much damage in the carbs department.
  • pmason79
    pmason79 Posts: 93 Member
    Doesn't it feel good to let it out. I think sharing these little slip ups is good because it takes away the power of guilt. If you keep it a secret then it starts to break you down from the inside out.

    Once you've shared, just commit to doing better next time. Simple!!!

  • jibeirish
    jibeirish Posts: 244 Member
    3 o clock slump just kicked in so i gave in and had 3 biscuits with my cup of tea
  • pmason79
    pmason79 Posts: 93 Member
    I've posted on this thread too many times this week :( had a massive breakfast today of bacon burgers and hash browns. No excuse but my mum's really ill at the moment I've been worrying alot and turned to the comfort of an old friend.... food! Can't let this happen again.

    Good to get it out there though

    Bless x
  • gkjefferson
    gkjefferson Posts: 10 Member
    pmason79 wrote: »
    I've posted on this thread too many times this week :( had a massive breakfast today of bacon burgers and hash browns. No excuse but my mum's really ill at the moment I've been worrying alot and turned to the comfort of an old friend.... food! Can't let this happen again.

    Good to get it out there though

    Bless x

    I recently figured out that I am an emotional eater. It doesn't even have to be something bad that causes me to eat but even when good things happen its the same effect. I've realized it's ok to find comfort in food (sometimes it's the only thing you have) but it needs to be the "right" kinds of food and if it isn't then you just can't have too much of it. I pray your mom gets better soon.
  • andrewq6100
    andrewq6100 Posts: 415 Member
    dang @pmason79 I do the same thing also especially in high stress situations. Hope all is well brother. As for me, I guess I have to confess I had a mcchicken today, but it fit my macros :p
  • pmason79
    pmason79 Posts: 93 Member
    @andrewq6100 @gkjefferson

    Thanks for the kind words. I've dusted myself down and had a stern word and im ready to go again.

    Bless x
  • sureitstime
    sureitstime Posts: 67 Member
    pmason79 wrote: »
    I've posted on this thread too many times this week :( had a massive breakfast today of bacon burgers and hash browns. No excuse but my mum's really ill at the moment I've been worrying alot and turned to the comfort of an old friend.... food! Can't let this happen again.

    Good to get it out there though

    Bless x

    Hope you mum gets better soon! Sending good wishes your way!
  • marksweightloss
    marksweightloss Posts: 34 Member
    unfortunately I ate 1/3 of a bag of tostitos today. I logged it, then threw the bag away. So disappointed in myself.
  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    unfortunately I ate 1/3 of a bag of tostitos today. I logged it, then threw the bag away. So disappointed in myself.

    How big of a bag? Tostitos aren't really my thing, but get me started on some Wavy Lays or Doritos and there's a fair chance a party size bag will be gone before the day's out. Chips are a major achilles heel for me.