Whats your motivation?



  • 555Paradise
    555Paradise Posts: 3 Member
    My motivation is from the response of others when they haven't seen me for a while. I mean it motivates me to see that others are actually influenced by what I am doing and the daily challenges I am facing. It makes me want to push even further and make people see it is actually possible.
  • kershner23
    kershner23 Posts: 8 Member
    For my wife. She's incredible and deserves the best me I can be.
  • gfelsher
    gfelsher Posts: 11 Member
    I'm motivated by a few things. One, family history. Diabetes, cancer, back & knee problems, etc. run in the family. My fatness is an aggravating factor in each of these. Also, I'm 29 and relatively newly single. I want to get in shape to convince someone to marry me :-). I eventually want kids, and to play with said kids. It's pretty difficult to run around at 35 years old and 300 pounds.
  • Lndarden50
    Lndarden50 Posts: 30 Member
    Family history is a huge motivator for me. My mom is a diabetic, and my dad has high blood pressure. I wouldn't really be worried about my dad's history (he has his own diet problems that are probably more at fault than his family history), but his mother died after experiencing complications a few days after having a stroke. So, yeah, it worries me! :# I've also noticed that since I'm not active, I feel (for lack of a better word) kind of gross. I was never super athletic when I was younger, but I definitely was involved in dance and different sports growing up. I've started going to a zumba class and lifting a little here and there, so I'm excited to see if that works!

    I'm not going to lie, looking in the mirror (especially after a tough workout) is also a small motivation for me. I like looking and feeling strong! B)
  • CRWade84
    CRWade84 Posts: 2 Member
    It's the idea of what would happen if I actually cared and actually took care of myself. I lost 40 lbs thinking that way before but this time around I would like to look normal for my height.
  • tgabycan
    tgabycan Posts: 7 Member
    I want to really feel comfortable in my skin again. This is the heaviest I have ever been, and from my clothes fitting differently to my energy level to my overall fitness, everything has changed. I want to get back to the point in my life where I could walk up stairs and not feel exhausted and where really cared about the food going into my body. Back when I adopted a very healthy lifestyle, I felt amazing and motivated by that feeling. I want that back.
  • jleeporter
    jleeporter Posts: 6 Member
    In 2015 I started getting into shape. I got to the point where I lost the weight, built muscle/toned, and then I realized I want to go even farther than that. Now - I'm going full Xena. I want to look like She-Hulk had a baby with Conan the Barbarian.
  • Lndarden50
    Lndarden50 Posts: 30 Member
    jleeporter wrote: »
    I'm going full Xena.

    Yes! Love it! :smiley:

  • brandanmajeske
    brandanmajeske Posts: 9 Member
    My motivations to pursue fitness include: improved energy levels, better mood (thanks endorphins!), increased self-confidence, better-fitting clothes, and a desire to have more self-control. I've changed how I approach food, and what I allow myself to consume on a daily basis, and it has made a huge difference. Remember: you can't out-train a bad diet. I've really tried, and it was not a successful endeavor.

    I've been exercising regularly for about 2 years, along with watching my diet. I am making progress towards my goals every day. I set short term goals and long term goals, and I feel great when I am able to hit those. When I miss a goal, I feel more motivated to keep trying. My long term goal is to be in the best shape of my life by my 40th birthday. It's been a big lifestyle change for me, but I can honestly say I don't regret making the decision. Fit and healthy is the way to be!
  • PudgyFellow123
    PudgyFellow123 Posts: 40 Member
    edited May 2016
    My motivation yo-yos all the time. My main motivators is being able to play with my young son, not die from heart disease. But my motivation to go to the gym on a daily basis, that's always been a struggle. Sometimes I need to find the right song, watch a motivational video on youtube or just look myself in the mirror and talking myself into going.