Introduce Yourself!



  • rebeccalynn915
    rebeccalynn915 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all. I'm a 39 year old mum of 2 boys (age 4 years and 18 months). I'm determined to be in the best shape of my adult life when I turn 40 in February

    SW:266lbs April 7th
    CW: 246lbs

    I am also 39 and a mother of two. Trying to get healthier as I go into my forties. Good luck!
  • vanaukendl
    vanaukendl Posts: 12 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Deanna from Kansas. I have struggled with my weight since I was pregnant the first time 13 years ago. Then my second baby out me at 220 my highest ever. Well in January I had a scare of heart issues and while my dad does at 42 years old I am 34 I freaked out. I was then at 237 aaaagggghhh.
    CW 221
    GW 170
    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT 154 But I don't cry if I don't get there as it's pre-pregnancy weight.
    Good luck to us all!
  • RandiNoelle
    RandiNoelle Posts: 374 Member
    Hello! My name is Randi. I'm 28 and work as an administrative assistant for a nonprofit (hello desk job). I live in rural Oklahoma and have very little support where I live, but have found some AMAZING supportors on MFP!

    SW: 250 lbs, size 24W (US)
    CW: 197 lbs, size 12-14 (US)
    GW: 140 lbs, size 8 (US)
  • northcoastbeauty
    northcoastbeauty Posts: 34 Member
    I am Rosemarie from Ohio. I am 61. Happily Married for 32 years. I experience God's unconditional love through my hubby. I am dealing with a number of health issues some of them more on the serious side. I make it through or adjust to one health issue that arises and then just as I'm adjusting to it another one comes along. I like the booty in the ocean.

    sw: 370
    cw: 326
    gw: 150

  • Moroset905
    Moroset905 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, i'm am Morose, i am a sailor and an engaged mother of one outgoing little four year old. I am getting married in September and i would like to be at a healthy weight if not my goal weight. i just want to look good. i want to look back at photos and say wow i look good. M-F i do pretty well. I Kick-box and i have my fit bit but come the weekend its a different story. i don't know what i need but i am willing to try anything.

    sw 250
    cw 230
  • NoSHaMe0610
    NoSHaMe0610 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I'm Shay. I live in Nevada. I'm currently engaged, not sure when the wedding date is because life just keeps throwing us curve balls. I just started a new job as a distribution associate. I'm on my feet ten hours a day. Its great because I'm on the move and sweating but this extra weight is causing havoc on my feet and knees. I'm trying be lose weight because that is something I can control in my life and I'm afraid I'm on the verge of a lot of serious health problems if I keep going this way.

    SW: 260
    CW: 253.6
    GW: 170
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,411 Member
    Hi I'm 49 I started this journey last year when I saw myself in my daughter's graduation pictures and I was amazed at how large I was. As my daughter has moved off to graduate school and I have entered a new phase of life empty nester and menopause. Time to get my life in order.
    SW :170
    CW: 145
    GW: 125
  • smithalysonm120
    smithalysonm120 Posts: 8 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hi, my name is Alyson (or Aly) and I'm 37 years old from Washington DC. I've always struggled with my weight, but not in any significant sense. I would mostly just fluctuate from about 115 pounds to 135 (I'm 5'2").

    I got out of a 10-year, semi-abusive, same-sex relationship about two years ago. In those two years, I've gained a quite a lot of weight and I'm currently 170 pounds. I lost a lot of close friends in the "divorce," and have escaped with food and alcohol. (I would say 80% of my weight gain was in beer alone!) I've decided to majorly cut back on the drinking and snacking, and get back into good health. My self-esteem has been so low, I hate catching myself in the mirror, and I have like the same five outfits I wear over and over (gosh this is getting really personal!).

    At any rate, I just want to feel good about myself again. It would be great to have the confidence to go out and enjoy life, to make new friends, and to do all the things I've been on the "outside looking in" on for so long now. I keep starting and failing, and am waiting for the things to just click with a good bit of momentum. I am glad to have found this group, and I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you. Feel free to add me if you'd like. Cheers!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,411 Member
    @smithalysonm120 I have the same 5 outfits that I wear all the time too!!!! I have lost weight and that's all I own i refuse to invest when I have a ways to go. I literally have it all in one tote I gave my husband my closet and I find it very liberating. I always know what I'm going to wear it's one of 5 things not much thought but I do like all 5 things. Granted I had to scrounge for an appropriate funeral outfit thank goodness I could borrow from a neighbor who thought it was hilarious. Truly I thought yoga pants and t-shirt wouldn't cut it. I looked appropriate but I wouldn't give it house room. Granted I am going to get a 6th outfit just in case another funeral comes up I have a suitable outfit. Not sure what but something.

    Anyway you're not alone. Just take it slow and steady. :)
  • littleindo
    littleindo Posts: 42 Member
    Hi! My name is Sandra and I'm 50. I have 2 grown kids with families of their own and am enjoying my 4 grands. Loss of two family members last year and the added weight of a father with dementia has taken a toll on me. I am at my heaviest weight. I am thankful that I found this group.

    SW: 197.5
    CW: 197.5
    GW: 125
  • rnurse82
    rnurse82 Posts: 94 Member
    Ha! I have the same 3-4 outifts I wear too! I am able to fit in a pair I jeans now that I haven't worn since before I had my little girl a year ago! Woohoo!
  • _Sarah_26
    _Sarah_26 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! My name is Sarah. I am a 36 year old married mother of two boys. I have struggled with weight since my mid twenties. It really started to be more of an issue after the birth of my second son. I am tall so my goal weight my seem high, but it is a healthy weight. Good luck to you all :)

    SW & CW: 245
    GW: 170
  • Bix247
    Bix247 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I am Sara, I am 54, started dieting at 10 stone wanting to lose 1 stone. Am now 20 stone. That took me 30 years. Trying to get a grip and lose some weight, gain some health and generally sort my act out :)

    I am aiming for small chunks in weight loss so I am can be motivated.

    SW & CW 284
    GW (1) 238

    I'm UK based.
  • mulligrumph
    mulligrumph Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Helen and I am 53 years old. I moved to the USA from Scotland 8 years ago to marry a Nebraskan. I am at my heaviest ever weight of 253lbs. I need to get a grip and have heard great things about MFP. So, here I am on day 2. I am flying back to Scotland in September for a holiday and so I have motivation.....but I might need more :)
  • IndigoB
    IndigoB Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm Cheryl and I am 52 years old. I am married and have three children (two of whom are adults) who live at home. I'm new to MFP. I've struggled with weight most of my life and am looking to make consistent, permanent changes to be the healthiest I've ever been. My bad habits are taking their toll -- my blood sugar is creeping into danger zones and my blood pressure (which has always been low) is getting higher.

    SW 227
    CW 205
    GW 145
  • pes2000us
    pes2000us Posts: 5 Member
    Hi guys! I am Pat from KY living in AZ. Looking for friends and support from wherever!
    SW: 247.5
    CW: 244.8
    GW: 120 (I'm really short!)

    My challenges: Short, I work 12 hour nights / hypothyroid / over 55. Don't like to eat (I was averaging a meal every 16-17 hours).

    My suggestions for things that have really worked for me / encouraged me:

    Airdyne biking (the one where the arms and legs move). Works up a sweat, burns off inches, can do at home, can find one relatively cheap, easy on the knees.

    Look forward to talking with everyone!

    My favorite motivational video:
  • hmfishy
    hmfishy Posts: 22 Member
    Hi there, Heather in Canada. Turning 40 this year and it was going to be the year. I wanted 1 lb per week gone, 50 by the end of the year. ... it's June and I've gained since January! CRAP! RESTART! :) I have renewed vigour: tracking diligently, pushing it on the elliptical. I will do this! Please feel free to friend me. SAHM, plant lover (with a master's), 3 kids aged 3-7, 5'4"

    Cw 271
    Goal 200
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Hello! My name is Laura, I'm 43 and living near Chicago, Illinois. I am divorced, with one 11-year-old son who does not live with me (LONG story there). My weight has been an issue ever since college, mostly due to the medications I've been on causing me to have an insatiable appetite (I have bipolar disorder, and the meds for that are notorious for causing weight gain). I hit my highest weight at 255 pounds and kind of hung there for a couple years. Then my doctor changed my medication, and that was the turning point for me. I finally felt well enough to try to take control of my health. I started MFP and joined a gym in January of this year and haven't looked back. So far I have lost just over 40 pounds and have made huge gains in my mental health.

    SW 255
    CW 214
    GW 150-170 (haven't decided yet)
  • Rebeck82
    Rebeck82 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm Becky from Texas. I'm in my mid-30s and have three kids, 3-12. Since about junior high, I've always been the fat girl. I'm tired of it. All of my family has weight related diabetes, heart problems, cholesterol problems, etc, and I don't want that. I also want to be able to go on riders at Six Flags with my kiddos without worrying about weight limits. I have motivation, I just need support to keep going. I fall off the wagon routinely.

    I'm at my highest weight ever, including when I was pregnant. I'm actually on a significant logging steak with MFP, but it hasn't done me any good, it feels like. I drink too much beer, I know. I desperately want to lose this extra weight, though. I'm setting a horrible example for my daughters.

    SW/CW: 283
    MG: 270
    GW: 170 (I'm 5'10")
  • MadQue
    MadQue Posts: 2 Member
    Hey guys, I'm Maddy from Melbourne, Australia. I'm 31 and a graphic designer. I cycle quite a bit but several uterus surgeries last year has seen me tip the scales at the highest I've ever been. Have still had niggling health issues since the surgeries and feel that my weight has definitely been a factor.
    Finally doing something about it with a month gym challenge and calorie counting.

    SW: 220 (100KG)
    CW: 213 (96.5)
    GW: 165 (75KG)
    Height: 5'9 (174.5)

    My Achilles heel is definitely beer! No beer for the month and I'll see what difference it really makes. I'm one week in and going pretty strong so far.