Looking good?

mick102760 Posts: 13 Member
edited May 2016 in Social Groups
I just thought i'd ask.....
When I'm thin ..or when i was...I thought I looked fat, i could see every imperfection.
Now I'm heavy and most times I've felt thin. It usually takes me having to go some where special to realize I need to lose weight and I'm sad i can't fit into anything i want to wear. Having had many people say my eyes were broke when i was thin and could not see that i was.....i find it quite possible that thinking I'm thin when I'm not is the same broken. Just wonder if this might be common.


  • 3lilkids
    3lilkids Posts: 90 Member
    Maybe you're just finally comfortable in your own skin? I know when I was at my thinnest, I was still not happy. When I later gained and it took looking at pictures of myself to see how bad it was. I've lost 20 since then, but am nowhere near my thinnest. Fact is, I don't want to be. It was too thin, I can see that now. I'd like to lose another 10, but even more importantly, I want to feel healthy. I think healthy at 50+ is not the same as healthy at 30 or 40+. My body changed and I hang onto weight in different places. I've learned to shop for clothes that fit and are flattering, and got rid of anything that was not. I exercise, and try to eat right (on most days) but don't beat myself up with it when I don't.
  • mick102760
    mick102760 Posts: 13 Member
    I use photo's now to ...thats the only way i caan tell anything about my weight....i was all of 102 pounds through Til I was in my 30's so ...oh no i don't expect that would look good on me now :) feeling comfortable...sometime i am to a fault! Til i see a photo or pass a mirror. My family has stopped asking at holidays to be in pictures cause they say i wont let them keep any. I'm to the point were i just say "don't show me the picture" problem solved.....not in the least...its time to make a change :)
    Did i just forget were this was going? :) work is calling!
  • sun_cat
    sun_cat Posts: 114 Member
    I have thought this myself. Sometimes I honestly don't recognize myself right away when I pass a mirror.