What's your favorite exercise?

dawiese Posts: 3 Member
Mine's yoga.


  • catmcclelland
    catmcclelland Posts: 21 Member
  • julianaarielle1
    julianaarielle1 Posts: 2 Member
    I love running and yoga. Running+podcast=bliss
  • discnjh
    discnjh Posts: 33 Member
    Running. Then when I'm done running I run some more.

    That's actually less true since I pseudo-retired from marathon running. But the answer is still running.
  • kimmiecookie
    kimmiecookie Posts: 5 Member
    tabata (interval training)
  • AngryBecky
    AngryBecky Posts: 24 Member
    I used to be a runner and I still like to do it some. But I have some leg/knee issues & pain that get worse with running. I like biking as well, but I've learned that I need to have a balance and look forward to my exercise. So I've kept the biking in on weekends and I've been walking a lot all week. I did 30 miles this week, which is about what I used to run.

    I've read every book under the sun and have heard a lot that the distance is what matters, not whether you walk or run it (in terms of burning up calories). Walking will just take longer.

    I am wondering: Has anyone use walking as their main exercise and seen results? I hope I'm on the right course.
  • Xrotarebil
    Xrotarebil Posts: 7 Member
    I walk long distances daily, listening to podcasts. Not the hardest or fastest work out ever but it reduces the excuses. It also builds endurance. I can do 10km with no dramas now. I sometimes incorporate short sprints with a lower distance walk to keep my heart rate up.
  • remixthesoul
    remixthesoul Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2016
    I try to walk a lot during winter. I live in Florida and work in retail, so I kind of work around what temperature and my feet will allow. I don't really like running. It feels like too much work to me, whereas walking just feels like... well, walking. It's psychological for me, it's so much more relaxing even if it takes longer. I definitely see results when I stick with it though, especially if I use the treadmill and add incline.

    My favorite exercises are hula hooping, rowing, walking, swimming and yoga. I'm prone to injury and all about low-impact.
  • tanjia
    tanjia Posts: 10 Member

    I haven't heard of mixxedfit before! Googling now!
  • tanjia
    tanjia Posts: 10 Member
    Oh, and mine are yoga and walking. I love walking and hiking with my dog.
  • flaviana82
    flaviana82 Posts: 5 Member
    Zumba is always my go to (I was an instructor for about three years). Now that I don't teach I do running, Pilates, and weights.
  • Owlfan88
    Owlfan88 Posts: 187 Member
    Walking is mostly what exercise I get. About 30 min (2 miles) a day. Sometimes a bit more. Has worked wonders for increasing the calories I can eat and I really enjoy walking through the neighborhood and listening to podcasts.
  • catmcclelland
    catmcclelland Posts: 21 Member
    tanjia wrote: »

    I haven't heard of mixxedfit before! Googling now!

    It's sorta like Zumba but hip hop :) it's soooo much fun!
  • pierrejbb
    pierrejbb Posts: 4 Member
    I've been learning Olympic weightlifting for the last few months. I'm getting a bit better at the snatch, but I really really love doing Clean and Jerks.

    Before that I was doing powerlifting and really enjoyed seeing the kilos add up on my deadlifts.

    I also play hockey (poorly) with a group of non-competitive folks once per week, which is a great cardio workout and brutal ego killer.
  • KaliyanaFinney
    KaliyanaFinney Posts: 3 Member
    I love yoga, but the one I do the most is run. I enjoy running because it's something I can do on my own and gives me time to introvert
  • a_duche
    a_duche Posts: 3 Member
    I love biking. It's a great way to commute to work and the paths are often really nice :smile:
  • gfelsher
    gfelsher Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a big fan of rowing machines.
  • MelodyBri
    MelodyBri Posts: 24 Member
    Swimming or Running
  • deannajf
    deannajf Posts: 3 Member
    Yoga and rock climbing! Yoga helps you get all stretched out and align your body and climbing is VERY good cardio and very good for strength. I do circuit training to build additional strength for climbing.
  • erinerobb78
    erinerobb78 Posts: 4 Member
    tabata (interval training)

    I am really curious about tabata! What kind of training do you do?

  • erinerobb78
    erinerobb78 Posts: 4 Member
    My absolute favorite exercise is strength training...specifically, the big 3: bench, squat, and deadlift! Makes me feel like a bada**! :smiley: