Paleo diet

heartsaver81 Posts: 71 Member
I have just started the paleo diet and was wondering if anybody else has done it or is currently on it. Would love to hear your thoughts. Also feel free to add me, I can definitely use some motivation with this new lifestyle change.


  • Joyce7088
    Joyce7088 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm doing paleo as well...would love to connect for support and motivation!
  • tinywonder25
    tinywonder25 Posts: 148 Member
    Not strict paleo ... I eat some dairy . Was very strict paleo from 2010-2013 then fell off when I got pregnant. Now I'm back! ill add you! Id be more than happy to help if you feel you need it!
  • trishsowatzke
    trishsowatzke Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I just recently started a Paleo lifestyle because I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and was told that the Paleo diet excludes foods that typically cause inflammation. For the first month I also have to exclude eggs and night shades. Currently, I am at week 2 and my energy has tanked! Not sure if it is the lack of sugar, lower carb foods or what? I am tracking my food and am eating enough calories and carbs for my weight. Anyone else experience this?
  • dbrandi0207
    dbrandi0207 Posts: 5 Member
    hi everyone! I do paleo and I am training for a fitness comp in July.. if you need help im here too!
  • dbrandi0207
    dbrandi0207 Posts: 5 Member
    trish.. if you want post your day here.. ill see what the problem is if you want
  • msanc095
    msanc095 Posts: 20 Member
    Can someone please explain the paleo diet?
  • paul_smith83
    paul_smith83 Posts: 21 Member
    Just about to get back into this sort of diet, i used to follow the 'Primal Blueprint' fairly strictly and it worked a treat, since that was over 2 years ago and I'm not wokring at a desk with office snacks etc etc. Getting back into it though!
  • kellebelle99
    kellebelle99 Posts: 3 Member
    I did a paleo challenge in Jan-Feb and really enjoyed it. Lost a bunch of weight, but gained it all back after falling off the wagon. I plan to follow a "modified paleo" diet - I like cheese/ Greek yogurt too much and feel that the calcium, good bacteria, and protein are worth modifying for. I'm not an expert, but am definitely interested in following along with you and others in this thread for paleo support!