Why /when did you go keto?

marimba2013 Posts: 4 Member
I was a low carber for 10 years I lost 80 pounds kept it off, and felt great. I took some medicine that turned me into the walking mouth and I gradually fell off the carb wagon.:-( It is like I have no off switch... so I read that one of the health benefits of ketogenic diet is resetting that appetite. Plus it is good for the brain aside from the weight loss. I have 35-40 to go.


  • CarCar0207
    CarCar0207 Posts: 59 Member
    Gaining weight back after a big loss is devastating (and I know that from personal experience) but it feels that much better to get yourself back on track and know u are doing something great for your body!
  • mariarumble
    mariarumble Posts: 4 Member
    I recently started Keto (5/23). I got tired of hating the way I looked. I decided it was time to make a change and exercising alone wasnt cutting it.
  • marimba2013
    marimba2013 Posts: 4 Member
    I am a total suga-carbo-choco-holic! I take one bite of a brownie and then there I am doing the backstroke in the pan! I'll even eat too much of something I don't like all that much... LOL I am back on the low carb wagon! Ready to take care of things!
  • CarCar0207
    CarCar0207 Posts: 59 Member
    @marimba2013 I hear ya girl! I have never been very good at the idea of "moderation" that's why I hoping the keto diet will be a good solution for my poor carb control.
  • kmccullough88
    kmccullough88 Posts: 3 Member
    @samanthaluangphixay and @marimba2013, I am RIGHT THERE with you....addicted to sugar, I can stay off carbs for a week or so at a time but once I get one whiff of pizza I'm down for the count.
  • McShorty7
    McShorty7 Posts: 69 Member
    I started about 4/5 weeks ago with the hopes of helping with my adrenal fatigue. I have seen an improvement with my rosacea. I have followed the paleo diet for over a year with the intent to detox and possibly loose weight but I did not. Now that I've started Keto it is clear why I was not losing weight on paleo. The transition was pretty easy with the only challenge being decreasing my protein enough.
  • CarCar0207
    CarCar0207 Posts: 59 Member
    @mcshorty7 Congrats on finding what works for you! The weight loss is great but the other health benefits are what makes giving up the sugar all worth it. I'm only 2 weeks deep but I already have seen my skin clear up, my cravings and hunger decrease and my body's energy increase!!!
  • bjm8898
    bjm8898 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello all. I'm 54 yo married woman who's husband hasn't seen a carb/calorie/etc that he doesn't like (yet the bugger doesn't gain lots of weight). I on the other hand am a roller coaster ride with sugar & carbs. Moderation doesn't work for me either. I just started keto...well, almost a week in. I say almost bcs I was easing into it bcs I didn't want to see all my veggies/fruit go to waste. It was an eyeopener how many carbs all that has. I'm a couple days of staying under 20 NC/day. I've had no detox symptoms, which astounded me. Have seriously upped water and salt.
    I'm in it bcs my doc told me to do this. I need adrenal support and am dealing with a chronic inflammation issue that hasn't gone away with Whole 30/Paleo (although the best I've ever felt was after 3 months of "W30"). I also have Osteoporosis so it's also time for this chica to get back to the gym. Not overly overweight but do have those 20# put on after deciding last year at my birthday I could eat/drink whatever the heck I wanted.
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    @bjm8898 good job on keeping up with the sodium. It really helps keep headaches and fatigue at bay.

    It is a common mistake new people make in not getting enough and they get headaches and then think low carb is wrong for them.
  • ElTecolote
    ElTecolote Posts: 5 Member
    I started after putting on a lot of weight after stopping running d/t a hip injury that took a while to heal. I am currently on day 10 and feel great! 3 lbs lost so far, and I don't miss the carbs and sugar at all. I am finding a ton of great recipes on Pinterest.
  • ThinVee
    ThinVee Posts: 77 Member
    I went lo-carb years ago, lost 35 lbs and kept it off for a couple of years. At the time I didn't work and went to the gym everyday too which helped. Went back to a desk job, neglected the gym, my self and many other things. Fast forward and I weigh more than when I gave birth. Restarted but with a keto plan and haven't felt this good mentally in years. Pounds are sliding off but I'm even more excited about how darn GOOD I feel!

    Love all the support here and welcome new MFP friends who are positive and like to share their journeys, challenges and all!
  • PeeshaPi
    PeeshaPi Posts: 30 Member
    I'm type 1 diabetic and think keto/low carb would help me to keep my blood sugars more steady, keep me from gaining weight, and bring my insulin resistance down/sensitivity up. I've just started on this adventure and I'm pregnant now with my 3rd child.

    I gained 60(!!) lbs with my last pregnancy due to higher carb intake and large insulin doses - not just from the carbs.. but because throughout pregnancy, your insulin resistance goes up! I lost a lot of weight last year in the peak of my breastfeeding days and now that I'm only nursing once a day and really keeping on top of my blood sugars, I've gained it all back. Trying to avoid gaining more.. and all those fun complications you hear about with diabetic pregnancies (pre-eclampsia, preterm labor, labor induction, placental abruption, etc). Plus.. I think this is probably the closest to the way people are MEANT to eat.
  • nikesandglitter
    nikesandglitter Posts: 18 Member
    I'm going on only my 3rd week of Keto. And I feel like I could do this for life. I have lost 13.8 pounds as of this morning.

    I could never follow any other "way of eating" (I hate the word diet) and I needed something that would keep me full and satisfied. I searched low carb and was introduced to Keto,
  • MsND
    MsND Posts: 10 Member
    I've done low carb before, but I started Keto 2 weeks ago. I want to make it a way of life. My body feels better ( after the initial change over) on this WOE.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    I started my journey on a Ketogenic lifestyle back on 09/01/2014 so I've been following this way of eating (WOE) now for 21.5 months. I love it because it's the only thing I've ever really found that works easily and well for me. I decided to try LCHF for various medical and health reasons (read my profile for the full story). I am now within 5-10 pounds of my weight-loss goal so getting veeeeeeery close!!
  • jennbrook180
    jennbrook180 Posts: 7 Member
    I just started Keto on Monday! So I am in day 3 of the induction phase and I feel like I am dying!!! I know if I can just make it 1 or 2 more days I'll be golden, but it sure is rough!
  • CarCar0207
    CarCar0207 Posts: 59 Member
    @jennbrook180 did u stick with it? How's it going?
  • CarCar0207
    CarCar0207 Posts: 59 Member
    You guys are all wonderful! This whole community is! I have found huge support, recipes and amazing LCHF foodporn on Instagram! Def worth looking into and starting your own Keto journey journal! Mine is @keto_me_healthy
  • jessiethe3rd
    jessiethe3rd Posts: 239 Member
    It's genetics really for me. I know what my genetic code can and cannot take. Sugar is not one of them. Having a family full of diabetics you simply know. I'm down 80 pounds and will be down another 30.
  • lotusinak
    lotusinak Posts: 4 Member
    I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer last year. After a crazy year of surgeries, chemo & radiation I decided to go to a Naturalpath who started me on a keto lifestyle with vitamin C infusions. The keto diet was/is not an easy transition for me. I have always led a balanced diet of organic fruits, veggies & lean meat.
    I am researching and learning tons. My brain is slowly making the transition!
    I am not doing the Ketogenic life style for weight loss (although it's nice), I am on it for health benefits. I have noticed I am not as hungry, I have more energy, my face has cleared up!
    This may be total TMI....but how often do yah all go to the bathroom?
  • HeartIcare
    HeartIcare Posts: 52 Member
    When I first had my Fitbit connected with MFP I lost 5 kg and since then I've been stranded around 78kg. Recently because diabetes is hovering to get me on meds, I am fighting back to give the diagnose a run to the other side of being healthy and free. By coincidence, I stumbled across the ketogenic diet after reading and research in order to change lifestyle and make it happen. I honestly thought it would take some time but I surprised myself (or better my body and brain did), lost 2.6kg within 3-4 weeks weighing 75.4kg. So my next target for July is 70kg but foremost lowering BMR and cholesterol to turn away from diabetes.
  • RealRelicVa
    RealRelicVa Posts: 34 Member
    Ive been doing the calorie counting and carb cycling thing for the past 5 years, and my weight keeps doing the elevator thing. Just getting into ketosis over this July 4 weekend., I tried low carb before with some success.....im enjoying keto, but need to get my body to adjust to the butter coffee....ahem
  • Jenn81
    Jenn81 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm starting keto this week. We are getting back from vacation and I need to reset and put my life into order. I hate the way I look and feel. Make this momma belly go away please keto!!!! I'm a sugar addict and carbs as well. I started stepping into the keto zone before the trip and was doing good but the bread has got me. And veggies, I guess I like high carb veggies
  • neweuquol
    neweuquol Posts: 62 Member
    I am starting tomorrow. I am doing keto for cancer treatment/recovery.
  • CarCar0207
    CarCar0207 Posts: 59 Member
    neweuquol wrote: »
    I am starting tomorrow. I am doing keto for cancer treatment/recovery.

    Been a few weeks... How's Keto going for you?
  • HeartIcare
    HeartIcare Posts: 52 Member
    Started off with 3-months Keto and most probably had Keto flu feeling tired and fuzzy in the first month. This last weekend in July, I am down to 73 kg. Upped my gym visits am slowly adding more weights and trying to add fitness classes as Bodypump. Not only for muscle exercises but also to help tighten the skin (hoping it helps..).