Looking for Phentermine friends and motivation!

wingsteach Posts: 7 Member
Hi! I just started taking Phentermine with B12 shots last week. I have been staying under my calorie goals in MFP every day (around 1200), and exercising either on the elliptical or with Firm fitness videos for an hour daily. I also have been drinking about 80oz. of water a day.

That being said, I stepped on the scale today, and I have only lost 1 POUND! What am I doing wrong?? It does not give me the energy that everyone talks about...in fact it seems to make me really sleepy and irritable. Also, around dinnertime and after...I am really hungry. In the past, I was diagnosed with ADD, and was prescribed Adderall (I don't take it now). I think Adderall and Phentermine are similar drugs. Could that be why it isn't giving me an energy boost...because of my brain chemistry?

The only thing I can think of is that I need to get rid of my nightly glass or two of wine (which I always log in MFP, and I still stay within my calories), which I will start doing this week.

I guess it's just frustrating after reading so many success stories on Phen, I thought for sure the weight would be coming off more quickly. I'm 5'6 and 159, with a goal of 135.

Anyone else going through the same things? Any suggestions or encouragement would be greatly appreciated!


  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Hi there--

    The ADD issue--YES. These kinds of stimulants definitely have the polar opposite effect. This is something you should speak to your doctor about.

    How much do you have to lose? By your photo it doesn't look like a lot. You can expect probably .5 to 1lb per week keeping within your calorie deficit. The Phen doesn't burn fat, you still have to work with calories in/out. You can have your wine if it fits in with your caloric goal. It's not what you consume, just how much.

    Like you'll see suggested around the forums, if you aren't already, WEIGH YOUR FOOD WITH A FOOD SCALE. Even packaged foods. I have yet to find a slice of bread or serving of anything at all that matches the label. It has kept me losing.

    Remember too when you're looking at other people losing here, some of us have A LOT of weight to lose (Like myself). Because I weigh more right now I lose faster.
  • wingsteach
    wingsteach Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks...yes I've been meaning to update my picture - it's from a few years ago. I'm 159 at 5'6", which still puts me in the "overweight" category, and would "like" to get down to 135 (about 25 lbs.) I have just tried so many diets, but nothing seems to get me out of the high 150's/160's, which is why I turned to Phen. I have been dieting, exercising, logging food, weighing food...all of that, ever since I can remember!! I was hoping for faster results, and am feeling frustrated, but I do know the more you have to lose, the faster it comes off.

    I'm also under a lot of stress right now - divorce and moving. So maybe that is playing a part as well. I know stress hormones can impede weight loss. I guess I just need to buckle down, really try to clean up my diet (eat more clean foods)...and be patient!!!

    I appreciate your response! :smile:
  • Boise_Mom
    Boise_Mom Posts: 26 Member
    I know it can be frustrating, but stick with it. I lose more weight at different time in my cycle. Then I went 10 days with nothing. It will catch up. I agree on talking to your doctor about the mess. Also, stress can have an effect. Sounds like you are going through a ton! :( Try eating a lot of protein, especially for breakfast.
  • wingsteach
    wingsteach Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks! I think I definitely need to tweak my diet..incorporate more protein and fruits/veggies. Really need to change my habits before my 3 months is up. I think back on what I've been doing for years-and it's the same inconsistencies! This is my chance to update my bad habits and make a new start!!
  • Fit4LifeAR
    Fit4LifeAR Posts: 233 Member
    I had to stop taking it for that same reason. I had great success with it in the past, but it makes me soooooo sleepy now. I get grumpy because of the sheer exhaustion. I do not have ADD, in fact I am one of the calmest people I know, so I can't explain it. The exhaustion puts me in to such a funk that I really pay for it mentally. I have a new found respect for those who suffer from fatigue on a daily basis.

    I stopped taking the pills for good, and I feel 100% better. Like I said though, it wasn't always this way for me, I really did well when I started taking them. Perhaps you should ask your doctor? I know the exhaustion is a rare side effect, so perhaps that is what is happening for you.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    When someone gets exhausted like this does taking the phen at night make a difference? I won't be starting until around 6/23 but wondering about it.
  • wingsteach
    wingsteach Posts: 7 Member
    I haven't tried that, mainly bc it does suppress my appetite, and I don't want to "waste" that while I'm sleeping. I know I shouldn't but I've actually started drinking caffeine (Skinny Stix powder in water) around 3:00. That seems to help keep me awake and alert until bedtime.
  • MrsRichmond060212
    MrsRichmond060212 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm also not losing like I thought I would. It definitely is frustrating to see how much other people have lost so quickly on Phentermine. I've been taking it for two weeks (and logging my food) and have only lost a few pounds.
  • wingsteach
    wingsteach Posts: 7 Member
    I'm almost at the end of my third week. I've lost 5lbs...and I've been staying under 1200 calories daily (with a couple exceptions) and working out almost every day for an hour at least. I agree it's incredibly frustrating. I know Phen isn't a "fat burner", but I'm really just tired most of the time. Not sure if it's worth taking.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Feel free to add me. I start my Phen tomorrow. I plan to keep my calories around 1200 and get in at least 3 workouts a week.