Any short girls ?



  • brenda_men
    brenda_men Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5'3 and currently 125 lbs. I'm working on building muscle but get full with food really fast. My problem is undereating. I'm at 23% body fat but will like to bring it down. What are some high protein snacks other than protein shake and cottage cheese that you use?I do weightlifting three times a week for 1 hr. 30 min. And cardio two times a week for 30 min. Had to cut back on cardio due to loss of muscle mass.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Short people!
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    5'1 and currently weigh between 135-136lbs. My goal is 125-128lbs. I pole, do cardio, and weights. I'm just taking my time and letting it happen. Staying in my calorie goal is the most important thing for me.
  • kmuir3128
    kmuir3128 Posts: 4 Member
    i am 5'2". CW 132 SW 138 GW 120. 24% BF
  • princessmermaid42
    princessmermaid42 Posts: 1 Member
    4'11 and 124 lbs. Please add me! Looking for friends.
  • BreonnaQueen
    BreonnaQueen Posts: 58 Member
    I'm 5'2, 140lbs and would like to get back down to 115-120. I'm pretty busty with a few curves so I would like to keep them lol. I need to get rid of my muffin top and would like to tone up more
  • rkk9876
    rkk9876 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been off of My Fitness Pal for a few years now and really want to get back into the healthy lifestyle. Not looking to lose a lot of weight, but to be more mindful and make better choices. I'm 5'2, 115 lbs. My ideal weight is 105 lbs and I'd like to tone muscle. Please add me, thanks!
  • shortgirlslim1
    shortgirlslim1 Posts: 22 Member
    Girls I'm 5" and hoping to drop 10lbs in 5 weeks. Could do with all the friends/support as possible so please add me :):)
  • 19feg96
    19feg96 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello! I am 5"3 and 131 lbs. I'd like to get closer to 125 lbs. I'm trying to find good resources for workouts and motivation before the added distraction of university lol
  • Quinn_erin
    Quinn_erin Posts: 6 Member
    Hi guys! I'm just getting back into this after a stressful senior year of college and some terrible eating habits. I'm 5'2 and 129lbs. Hoping to lose 10lbs. Struggling with emotional eating and it all goes straight to my stomach/thighs. I exercise about six days a week, but my diet needs an overhaul and support/friends would be appreciated!!
  • tayo_k
    tayo_k Posts: 7 Member
    Heyyy shorties :smiley: I'm 5'3" and 113lbs. I don't weigh much but my body fat is quite high at 25%. Current fitness goal is to gain more muscle!!
  • sallen826
    sallen826 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone :smile: I am just under 5'4 and 145 lbs. Im sitting at my highest weight, but am also the strongest Ive been my entire life (I can thank BBG for that :wink: ) Current goal is to cut the fat while keeping the muscle I have!

    Also looking for more friends for motivation - feel free to add! :smiley:
  • kce614
    kce614 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'2, 22 yo and currently 147lbs, my sort-term goal weight is around 135lbs, long term being somewhere in the 120's. I find my biggest struggle is trying to find a program that works to cut fat and get toned. I've been doing a lot of weight lifting and watching my diet lately, when I get bored of that routine I take a week and do cardio daily. I'm worried I'm not doing the right things to get the results I'm looking for, I carry most of my weight in my hips and thighs but I have bad knees so lower body lifting can get fussy. A few years ago I went from 165lbs to 135lbs from running and being in competitive cheerleading (the cause of the bad knees) but since those aren't great options anymore I'm trying to work on something new and see what happens!
  • ZB1110
    ZB1110 Posts: 70 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hey another shorty here: 5'1" 130, 40 yrs old and trying to hit 120 by end of summer & 113 by November. I lift heavy *kitten* and run. Got a half marathon this weekend
  • QuirkySinner
    QuirkySinner Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'0 and currently weigh 127 and would love to get to 120 and keep it there! I have a dog that I walk a lot and I'm also a nanny but I don't always eat the healthiest, I'll admit!
  • sbl1881
    sbl1881 Posts: 213 Member
    Hi, I could use some friends, so please add me!! 5'3, 36 y/o female, CW: 148; GW: 120. I'm signed up for a half marathon in October that I've started training for, I'm just beginning a strength training program, and also play soccer. My diary is open to friends and I'm always interested in what others are doing so I don't get into a rut with the same foods, etc.
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    I'm 5'1" and 118 pounds. I want to get down to at least 105 pounds by September 21. I also want my super small waist again.
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    I am 5'4 and weigh 150, my goal is 135-138. I quit running due to injury and now I do the elliptical and walk on an incline. Running for years has done a number on my knees so I have to find alternative work outs.
    I wear a size 6 jeans and medium top.
  • hev481
    hev481 Posts: 45 Member
    4'11 and 24 y/o and started MFP and CICO at around 118lbs, though my highest weight was probably around 123. I have been on and off active about logging over the past year but by keeping net calories at/under 1200 I've gotten to 99.6 (scale weight today). I would like to hit 95-98 depending on how it looks on my body, and then build back up some muscle! I have a cruise booked for March 2017 so it is super important to me to have maintenance mode down pat by then and hopefully to have some nice definition to show off the hard work :)