Difference between keto diet and lc diet?

dennisj23 Posts: 3 Member
Is it just the lower amount of carbs? I'm keeping my net carbs to under 20. Based on some reading and past Atkins experience, my goals are to eat about 1550 calories; 97g Protein, <20 net carbs and 121g fat. I'm not sure if that is keto or just LC. I want to make sure that I'm reading the correct information.



  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Less than 20g of carbs is keto. Ketosis is usually thought of when most of your energy is coming from fats. For some people that is 50g, for others it is 20g. For very active people who time their carbs around exercise, they could be eating 100g or more carbs per day.

    Low carb is often thought to be less than 100-150g of carbs per day. Keto is under 50g or lower.... There's a lot of variation.
  • dennisj23
    dennisj23 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you. I was curious if the difference was more than just a reduction in carbs to cause Ketosis.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I think it is just a reduction of carbs inless it is a medically needed diet like for cancer or epilepsy treatments.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Keto is reducing carbs low enough to maintain the metabolic state of ketosis. For some people that can happen at 100g or 50g or less, like nvmomketo was saying.