What do you eat everyday?

ColtonrDaniels Posts: 125 Member
edited June 2016 in Social Groups
Hey folks, I got an idea on one way to help shave a few pounds. Send a picture or write out what you take everyday to work or what is your lunch game like. This is pretty much what I take everyday, I might sub a yogurt or some other diet drink. I will also change what the one big meal is for me. I snack on this for 8 hours at work.


  • ColtonrDaniels
    ColtonrDaniels Posts: 125 Member
  • Variant3
    Variant3 Posts: 44 Member
    My calorie goal is around 3200 a day because of my job so this may not be for everyone. I usually bring hot pockets to work which amount to about 640 calories. They aren't very nutritious which is my main issue overall. Falling below a calorie budget that high isn't that hard but getting proper nutrition in that is difficult for me.
    I will also change what the one big meal is for me.

    What does your big meal tend to be? I have a hard time balancing healthy and convenient food for lunches and usually opt for easy trash.
  • ColtonrDaniels
    ColtonrDaniels Posts: 125 Member
    edited June 2016
    I work outside and walk about 5 miles every day. So I will get something heavy in carbs and such and that one big thing could be just one Microwavable cheeseburger, or in that picture, it was a caesar salad. For the price of a pack of hot pockets you can get you 1-2 bags of mixed lettuce which is about 4-5 salads so take 2 salads a week. Switch to the lean pockets if you have to.

    My dinner meals will pretty much
    PBJ Sandwich
    Chicken Sandwich
    Leftovers ( usually baked chicken )
    Chicken and cheese sandwich
    or I might eat like 3 oranges for dinner. Smaller portions are key.
  • ColtonrDaniels
    ColtonrDaniels Posts: 125 Member
    Can't seem to edit that post anymore, but I wanted to say that the biggest thing people mess up on is eating a hot pocket or two and in take a ton of sodium, like its great you have a breakfast bowl but your also eating I want to say 1000g of sodium? Bloody Mary's are great but all it is is sodium, cut out the all the salt, you will drop some weight and lose the high risk of high blood pressure. If you have a hot pocket, I suggest balancing it out, your stomach is like ohhh food( not caring what it is and digests it) and this way you can trick your stomach into digesting some healthy stuff which in turn helps you.
  • vyabsley
    vyabsley Posts: 8 Member
    I used to have the absolute worst habit of putting a ton of salt on all my dinner just as a matter of course. During my first health kick, I started only putting salt on food that actually needed it (basically, fries and nothing else) and that made a dramatic difference. Couldn't even really taste the difference on most other foods.

    Work lunch:
    Pack of Belvita breakfast biscuits (210kcal)
    Chicken sandwich (358kcal)
    500ml orange juice (236kcal) (I tried the low-calorie orange juice but it's just too watered down and the consistency feels weird)

    Sometimes I'll have a mini fry-up for breakfast (1 slice of bread/toast, one fried egg and one slice of bacon) to get me up in the morning - that totals around 260kcal when I do that.

    Dinner tends to be some kind of meat along with mashed spuds, plus half a pint of milk.
    Supper, usually a sugary cereal because I'm a giant manchild.

    My biggest problem is on weekends when I'm out and about in town on the weekend, I'll almost always grab a 500ml can of Monster. Even the low-calorie ones are probably awful for me health-wise. Shame that only one shop in all of Belfast seems to sell the resealable ones, so I just end up drinking it quickly rather than closing the can and sipping it over time.
  • originaljason
    originaljason Posts: 3 Member
    Breakfast is the trickiest part for me. I'm usually not very hungry when i wake up. Anyone have suggestions for a light breakfast that is low on carbs? inside office job. I still walk a lot in the office, but not enough for something carb heavy.

    lunch is usually a light salad of some sort. Try to add grilled chicken or salmon to it.

    dinner ranges from another salad, to a more complete meal. like grilled shrimp and veggies or a rotisserie chicken, which will lead to lunch leftovers.
  • ColtonrDaniels
    ColtonrDaniels Posts: 125 Member
    Breakfast is the trickiest part for me. I'm usually not very hungry when i wake up. Anyone have suggestions for a light breakfast that is low on carbs?

    Well what I have done that pretty filling without overdoing it is take one pack of instant oatmeal (just one) and one scoop of smart choice peanut butter, microwave the oatmeal with a dash of milk and put in the peanut butter and let it melt, swirl it around and your good to go, one package because of portion control. It's small and sticks to your stomach.
  • pacman110011
    pacman110011 Posts: 1 Member
    I keep a nightmarish blog of everything that I eat. It started out as a joke, but I've found that my commitment to the gag keeps me eating well. http://fancyeater.tumblr.com
  • sixtycakes
    sixtycakes Posts: 15 Member
    Breakfast is the trickiest part for me. I'm usually not very hungry when i wake up. Anyone have suggestions for a light breakfast that is low on carbs? inside office job. I still walk a lot in the office, but not enough for something carb heavy.

    Are you trying to lose or gain weight? If you're trying to lose some pounds then you really don't need to eat breakfast. Check out intermittent fasting if you want to learn more. I almost never eat before noon because I find eating 2 meals a day keeps my cortisol levels in check and I'm way less hungry throughout the day.
  • originaljason
    originaljason Posts: 3 Member
    sixtycakes wrote: »
    Breakfast is the trickiest part for me. I'm usually not very hungry when i wake up. Anyone have suggestions for a light breakfast that is low on carbs? inside office job. I still walk a lot in the office, but not enough for something carb heavy.

    Are you trying to lose or gain weight? If you're trying to lose some pounds then you really don't need to eat breakfast. Check out intermittent fasting if you want to learn more. I almost never eat before noon because I find eating 2 meals a day keeps my cortisol levels in check and I'm way less hungry throughout the day.

    Yeah, trying to lose. I like oatmeal, but in the morning its a bit heavy for me.
  • ColtonrDaniels
    ColtonrDaniels Posts: 125 Member
    sixtycakes wrote: »
    Breakfast is the trickiest part for me. I'm usually not very hungry when i wake up. Anyone have suggestions for a light breakfast that is low on carbs? inside office job. I still walk a lot in the office, but not enough for something carb heavy.

    Are you trying to lose or gain weight? If you're trying to lose some pounds then you really don't need to eat breakfast. Check out intermittent fasting if you want to learn more. I almost never eat before noon because I find eating 2 meals a day keeps my cortisol levels in check and I'm way less hungry throughout the day.

    There are kinda two camps to when to eat/losing weight. I used to be the one who would skip breakfast, have a light lunch and then dinner, but I found out I felt fuller throughout the day if I had something small when I woke up. I understand oatmeal might be heavy, just one instant package will do, seriously. You want to trick your metabolism into not retaining the food you put in you if you skip a meal or just double up later on then your body is going to hold onto whatever it can. By eating the right portions and foods your body will digest it and just take what it needs cause it knows it's going to get something else in a few hours. You can starve yourself sure, but that's unhealthy. Not that any one person is wrong or right and I hope no one takes it the wrong way.
  • Variant3
    Variant3 Posts: 44 Member
    the biggest thing people mess up on is eating a hot pocket or two and in take a ton sodium

    Yeah i noticed that the other day thanks to MFP's nutrition info. Hadn't really realized how much sodium i was eating until then. It was to the point i was meeting every other goal expect sodium which was through the roof. It can really sneak up on you...

  • Dexboost
    Dexboost Posts: 1 Member
    This is the worse part for me. I can hunker down and hit the gym but when it comes to eating I fail miserably.
  • ColtonrDaniels
    ColtonrDaniels Posts: 125 Member
    Eating right is just as important as going to the gym ( to me even more important). How about we go at it a different angle? What meals do you eat? What is your work schedule? What do you like to eat? How much water are you intaking? Be glad to help you out.
  • Paskill
    Paskill Posts: 19 Member
    For breakfast I tend to have a bowl of cereal like Weetabix (Like a tastier version of porridge), Rice Krispies or Corn Flakes with a cup of tea (No sugar, drop of whole milk).

    Lunch will be vegetable soup with 2-3 slices of brown soda bread (Can't recommend enough to help cut out white bread) or possibly a banana sandwich with two slices of yet again soda bread. Lunches I tend to keep light as I eat dinner at around 5PM to keep me going until the evening.

    A minor change I made to my diet that made a big difference was swapping out things like roast potatoes (Which I had with almost every dinner to pad out my meals) with roast broccoli.

    Broccoli with a bit of olive oil, salt + pepper and mixed with chopped garlic in the oven for 15-20 minutes @ 180 degrees is amazing. Can't recommend it enough. If you want to keep them juicy and cruncy, put a tinfoil sheet over the pan covering the broccoli, it's a good way to shake up the taste a little.
  • Variant3
    Variant3 Posts: 44 Member
    So I've stopped eating hot pockets and found another lunch I quite enjoy.


    • White Bread (Probably should be wheat...)
    • Sliced Tomato
    • Kraft reduced fat mayo with olive oil
    • Chopped romaine lettuce
    • Three Hard-boiled eggs

    The whole thing comes to about 550 calories and is delicious. Definitely an improvement over Hot Pockets both in taste and nutrition. My only concern is the cholesterol in the eggs. There are some conflicting studies I'm not quite sure what to think. I'll probably try to phase them out and find a different source of protein in the long run. I should also note I'm playing around with the idea of going vegetarian. Getting enough protein is probably the main thing holding me back and also meat tastes good B)

  • ColtonrDaniels
    ColtonrDaniels Posts: 125 Member
    Wow! That is a big change for you and a way better one. The whole egg thing is either good for you or bad for you ti seems. I would just keep on it if you like it. Plus I'm sure your wallet is liking it way better considering for a week's worth of hot pockets you can get a few tomatoes, cheese, a jar of mayo and a slab of bread for like 2-3 weeks.
  • PatrickMcCarron
    PatrickMcCarron Posts: 16 Member
    I do low carb, keep carbs below 80g a day if possible, right now it's not counting everything I eat I just guesstimate.

    Breakfast is either eggs, cottage cheese or a few slices of bacon. Sometimes also a banana from the coffee shop if I'm rushing.

    Lunches are typically either sliced rotisserie chicken or a chicken salad from a local place. With a piece of cheese and some avocado.

    Dinner is either more similar to lunch or something like a pork chop or steak on days I can't stand to see more chicken.
  • ColtonrDaniels
    ColtonrDaniels Posts: 125 Member
    The biggest issue I see with this app is the fact I make homemade dishes or such and I can't seem to get the hang of it so like I'll have a homemade caesar salad, but picked a generic one. I'm in the same guesstimate boat as you. A decent trade off for me is to have more chicken during a week, and since you can do so much with chicken I always have something new. 4 days of chicken meals and the other 3 can be something else but I still keep those 3 other days somewhat healthy or at least portioned controlled.