Weigh In: December 2017
Well, with less than 5 views all month and the last few months barely hitting 7-10 views I'm pretty sure this is gonna be it for the Weigh In portion of the group. I'm very happy of what people have done. You all have made an impact on me to eat better. So unless I get a few people to speak up I'd say it's safe to say we…
Weigh In: November 2017
Hey Friends! Same drill as always. Post if you want or just update us on things. I just moved to Orlando so it's been a crazy few weeks. I hope everyone is taking care of themselves.
Weigh In: October 2017
Fall is in the air! Means literally two holidays full of food and family. Our Canadian friends are celebrating, lucky. Post your weigh in if you would like. The 19th I’m moving down to Orlando, would be a liar if I wasn’t scared. Still need a job so here is to hopefully landing something.
Weigh In: September 2017
September is here! Wow has this year flown by it seems like all of a sudden. Thanks to everyone for making a stop here to check it out. Remember to post a comment, even if it is just a minor loss or gain! I have gone to Orlando twice, looks like I got the place and a job should be there. Hoping to work at a game studio. I…
Weigh In: August 2017
As August rolls in it's a great reminder that this heat is hopefully over with. Want to thank everyone for doing this. With only a few months left in the year, what do you plan on goal wise? I saw this article about cheat days and such and it really makes sense. Maybe check it out?…
Weigh In: July 2017
And officially halfway done with the year! Love the small group that I call friends here. Looking statistically we are getting about 27 views on the Weigh Ins which really is great. Just keep on keeping on. Any plans for this month for anyone? We have the 4th of July and I'm sure the burgers and hotdogs will be flying. I…
Weigh In: June 2017
New month, new season, new goals! Hope everyone had a good May and with Summer showing it's face I really miss winter. Any goals for any vacations? Don't forget to check in and weigh in throughout the month!
E3 2017
What do people think so far?
Where is the nearest Five Guys?!
Just finished updating my profile for a more up to date level of activity and my calories (recommended) just jumped up 750 a day!
Weigh In: May 2017
I did my weekly weigh in yesterday, and while I had a pretty big backslide in the middle of the month I at least came out ahead. Current Weight: 291.8 Start April Weight: 294.2 Total Lost: 123.2 My birthday was in April so I also bought new clothes for the first times since starting to lose weight at the beginning of last…
Live in Chicago? Come run a 5k with Dave and Iron Galaxy! June 4th
As some people have heard on the podcast there is a 5k that Dave and other will be going to. If you are going let's do a meetup! More info below. United Run for the Zoo SUNDAY, JUNE 4 REGISTER TODAY (Please note: The Safari Stampede kids obstacle course is sold out.) United Run for Zoo is an annual highlight on the Chicago…