Weekly Weigh-in: 6-20-16

Variant3 Posts: 44 Member
Hey everyone. I figured I would make this weeks weigh-in thread since there wasn't one yet and so we can all calibrate for the task at hand. This is the first week of TeamGFB fitness so let's get off to a strong start!


  • PTBountyhunter
    PTBountyhunter Posts: 2 Member
    Currently at 245. Fell of my diet for a long time, and I figured I'd start anew with some CCGs on here.
  • EliteFatso
    EliteFatso Posts: 1 Member
    I am 211 fatty right now. Let's see where I can take this
  • KirbyMLG
    KirbyMLG Posts: 4 Member
    I weighed myself and I'm currently 200lbs. I want to get back to about 180-175, I seemed to be happy around their. Maybe get some muscle too, who knows!
  • 6thkind
    6thkind Posts: 4 Member
    I weighed in at 292.8 this morning. Down from 303 on the 14th (the day I joined this group). I'm on a low carb diet, so I flushed a lot of water weight.
  • ColtonrDaniels
    ColtonrDaniels Posts: 125 Member
    While exercising try to fit in protein, chicken clubs, chicken breast, try to keep away from fried. A good idea while exercising is to do all the machines.
  • sixtycakes
    sixtycakes Posts: 15 Member
    Was 204.6 lbs yesterday morning. Goal is 190 for now and will go from there. Good luck all!
  • PTBountyhunter
    PTBountyhunter Posts: 2 Member
    6thkind wrote: »
    I weighed in at 292.8 this morning. Down from 303 on the 14th (the day I joined this group). I'm on a low carb diet, so I flushed a lot of water weight.

    Are you going the keto route? I actually was on it from June last year to about February this year and went from 340 to 240. Been inconsistent since then, and really only maintaining.
  • 6thkind
    6thkind Posts: 4 Member
    edited June 2016
    Are you going the keto route? I actually was on it from June last year to about February this year and went from 340 to 240. Been inconsistent since then, and really only maintaining.

    Yeah. I have been successful with it in the past. Went from 320 down to about 245, then stopped and slowly gained that back over 2-3 years. My carb limit nowadays is 75g. I have found that I don't lose any faster or feel any worse than I do with a 20g limit. It also helps me to include a little bit of foods that I would crave and miss otherwise.
  • Vtgamer
    Vtgamer Posts: 6 Member
    A couple days late but weigh in was 208 this am.
  • JosephJBroni
    JosephJBroni Posts: 7 Member
    282.3 Monday goal is 260
  • somekindarobot
    somekindarobot Posts: 2 Member
    227lbs. I have lost 8 pound in the last 3 weeks and a total of 28lbs since January. I
  • PatrickMcCarron
    PatrickMcCarron Posts: 16 Member
    345 on Monday. Been yo-yoing between 350 and 330 the past few months.

    Just sprained my ankle so exercise is going to be greatly reduced, sadly.
  • sixtycakes
    sixtycakes Posts: 15 Member
    282.3 Monday goal is 260

    You're trying to lose 22 lbs in a week? Dave goes hard.
  • ColtonrDaniels
    ColtonrDaniels Posts: 125 Member
    I could see Dave drop that with just water weight, though I doubt he meant 260 in one week. Pretty unhealthy cause it will mess up your body.
  • sixtycakes
    sixtycakes Posts: 15 Member
    Ah I think I totally misread what he wrote and he was just saying he was 282 on Monday and his goal is 260. I thought he meant his goal for next Monday was 260.
  • originaljason
    originaljason Posts: 3 Member
    214. 3lbs down so far. Mostly cutting back on junk food and increased cardio Running and cycling.
  • Digitalistic
    Digitalistic Posts: 1 Member
    Just got a new scale and logged 171.8 with 27.2% body fat. When I created my profile, i guessed and said 175. It thinks I lost 4 pounds, but it's lying.

    I also now own an exercise bike, so I hope to see those numbers start to go down a little soonish.
  • Ecotope
    Ecotope Posts: 8 Member
    265 ... Been going for a month already (in the gym every day for 90 minutes of 3.5-4.5mph treadmill with a small assortment of lifting). Started at 275 and looking to slowly work back down to sub 200
  • Variant3
    Variant3 Posts: 44 Member
    edited June 2016
    279 today which is about what I've floated around for years. I'm a little disappointed since i feel a lot slimmer and stronger than I've ever been. Goal is 250 before the end of the year.

    EDIT: Apparently the scale i used is cheap and was off a bit. Used a better one and updated weight.
  • ColtonrDaniels
    ColtonrDaniels Posts: 125 Member
    Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, i dont look 200 but its because of the muscle puts me there.