Best grip for brass pole

Amethystpink Posts: 7 Member
Hi I am new to pole dancing started 2 months ago
I have brass spin pussycat pole and I wanted to ask advice please on what the best grip product to use is please.


  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    @Amethystpink grip is really dependent on the person. I know a lot of people LOVE Mighty Grip, for me personally, I hate it and it does absolutely nothing for me. I, personally, love Prince grip.

    You might even end up having to mix grip aids to get the right aid for you. I have a friend who has to mix Prince and Dry Hands to get a good enough grip.

    You'll want to think about your hands. Do you have naturally sweaty palms? Or do they only sweat when you get nervous? Here's a blog that might help you on your search:

    Unfortunately, no one is going to be able to tell you which grip will be best for you. It all comes down to trial and error.
  • Amethystpink
    Amethystpink Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks so much for the advice I will look into it
    I really an very much a beginner
    I am desperately trying to do the snake I have been trying for 2 weeks now by still
    No joy

    Maybe the grip
    Will help